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Everything posted by Filed.Teeth

  1. Is this what you're referring to? Seems like they're just an extra set, the one's in your panel will still work.
  2. Can +1 this, they're the only mono jets I've tried in 2. So far just giving up on precision in mono. Win 11 22H2 i7-12700KF RAM 32.0 GB RTX 3080 Ti
  3. Agreed. Also, trying to focus with center button will duplicate a part quite often, unless you're very, very quick with the middle click.
  4. Have your tried putting radial decouplers on both sides of the docking ports, mounting the struts to them and then staging the decouplers to blow before you try to undock? I've only had to do this for docking ports, haven't had any trouble with struts otherwise. If I'm on the wrong track, apologies.
  5. Great research, hope they take it and figure it out for a future patch.
  6. Just saw this, glad you're up again. Yes I'm running on Steam, here's some shots to show where I'm getting my number from, I went and double-checked since you asked, to make sure I hadn't typo'd it.
  7. Win 11 22H2 i7-12700KF RAM 32.0 GB RTX 3080 Ti Can verify intermittent. Not sure what makes it work or not, usually restart game to bring it back.
  8. Ok maybe it was my fault, my original fix worked, but then I tried to get fancy and left a corrupted file behind, the player.log showed that it couldn't read it, which is why it just blanked. I have the original campaign back now, by deleting the newest set of files. Try deleting the last set of files saved in the <whatever your campaign that is now blank was named>
  9. Win 11 22H2 i9-13900KF RAM 32.0 GB RTX 3080 Ti Have confirmed this hard limit still exists on Mun in 1.3 Any time warp across the boundary, started after dropping below the boundary or reloading a quick-save created below the boundary results in immediate ship destruction.
  10. Win 11 22H2 i7-12700KF RAM 32.0 GB RTX 3080 Ti At 23317m (Mun) and 27097m (Minmus) there is a noticeable camera shift, orbit starts it's well know decay, and ships start blowing up (Mun) or Orbit changes drastically (Minmus) if they warp into, or below this point. Spent some time testing, so the numbers are solid and very repeatable. Both of these limits may have already been identified, There's many, many threads on decaying orbit and crashing out of warp, but I haven't seen the actual numbers called out yet.
  11. Win 11 22H2 i7-12700KF RAM 32.0 GB RTX 3080 Ti I also had a campaign blank out, but thought it might have caused it, I was working on file cleaner in PowerShell. I'm a scripter at work, so I don't really think it was my fault, but timing means I didn't submit it. Regardless, after making a new campaign, I was able to transfer all my stuff to the new one. Took my latest good Autosave files (the .json, .meta, and .png) from C:\Users\<your user name.\AppData\LocalLow\Intercept Games\Kerbal Space Program 2\Saves\SinglePlayer\<old campaign name> and all my ship builds (same set of extensions( from C:\Users\<your user name.\AppData\LocalLow\Intercept Games\Kerbal Space Program 2\Saves\SinglePlayer\<old campaign name>\workspaces The directories were still there even though the game wouldn't see the campaign, (same blank square) so you might check and get anything you had going back. Apologies if you already know this or have already checked it out. Trying to help.
  12. Win 11 22H2 i7-12700KF RAM 32.0 GB RTX 3080 Ti Here's pics of same.
  13. Same on Dres, just trying to right-click the camera around was almost impossible. Didn't have a rover, but was using aircraft landing gear, you can see the wheels sunk. And poor Lodfield Kerman is stuck. Can't walk or jump. The only way to move him is to enable the jetpack. Lol, wish I'd thought of ski jumping him at the time. Win 11 22H2 i7-12700KF RAM 32.0 GB RTX 3080 Ti
  14. Same, minor details diff. Don't remember what planet (maybe Mun). Had a ship landed, no rover. Jeb shot through the planet and came up above ground 160km away. Win 11 22H2 i7-12700KF RAM 32.0 GB RTX 3080 Ti
  15. Now that I'm looking at it, I've noticed something else. No allowance for years. The "Start Burn In" counter just rolls over to 0 after 424:05:59:59. Does the same in reverse, so if you set a node 435 days out, it will count down from 10 days, then switch to 424:05:59:59 when the 10 hits zero. (and on two lines as long as there's 3 digits in the days.)
  16. Looks like it switches to two lines from being full when it adds the extra digit, and the text is right-justified so the "T-" is pushed back to line 1? I don't remember was it diff in Patch 0 and 1?
  17. Sound like they need to implement whatever fix they did here for the M key. Though come to think of it, I don't remember the middle of the ship problem until Patch 2. Wonder if the above and that are connected?
  18. Lol, "spy photos of a secret project during the night..." Thanks, gave me a giggle.
  19. I've never had them not totally work, but I have noticed that if you're using them on a part placed with symmetry you need to put only one part of the group in the action group, which will affect them all. For instance, I've got 4 fins on a rocket, placed with 4x symmetry. and want to disable the pitch roll and yaw prior to re-entry. if I put all four in, no workee, if I only put on in the action group, all four toggle.
  20. I believe @Poppa Wheelie is correct, the below quote was in the Launch Day Notes as something they were working on. "All delta-v numbers in the VAB use vacuum specific impulse numbers, which affects their accuracy. This will be adjusted in a future update. Delta-v numbers shown in the staging stack during flight dynamically reflect the current flight state."
  21. Wasn't your search, my original posting was a mess. I didn't realize they were temp bars until a moderator mentioned that's what they looked like, I put it in suggestions when I thought I was in bug reports etc..
  22. Reported Version: v0.1.3 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Win 11 22H2 | CPU: i9-13700KF | GPU: RTX 3080 Ti | RAM: 32.0 GB Can confirm the "chute dab" just above 21k still exists in 1.3 Win 11 22H2 i9-13900KF RAM 32.0 GB RTX 3080 Ti Still there in 1.4. Low pri, zero effect on anything, just visuals. Tested with both a 1.3 campaign upgraded to 1.4 and a new 1.4 campaign.
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