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Everything posted by Filed.Teeth

  1. I had reported this previously, just updated it to show it still exists in P2. Turn off temp gauges in settings and reloading is only way I've found to turn them off. Hope they have it fixed by the time they re-enable atmo effects, that's when we'll need them.
  2. KSP version Win 11 22H2 Processor 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF Installed RAM 32.0 GB NVIDIA RTX 3080 Ti After patch 2, (} toggling temp gauges on in settings still causes the following behavior. 1st noticed and reported after patch 1.
  3. Just curious, did Patch 2 fix this for you? Fixed deletion of vessels without control during game save
  4. It was fixed. Original problem was putting symmetry on symmetry, i.e. putting 4 chutes on a tank that had been attached with a sym of 4. In the patch notes they mention fixing both the "sym on sym" bug and the "VAB floor bug" maybe just to clear it up for folks who knew it as either. Anyway, no more floor, I had several craft it had affected, they're all good now.
  5. It's been pointed out to me that this bug is already known. KSP version Win 11 22H2 Processor 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF 3.61 GHz Installed RAM 32.0 GB (31.9 GB usable) NVIDIA RTX 3080 Ti The outer assemblies are attached with symmetry set to 4. They seem to be okay with the Mk-16xl's, solar panels, struts and fins, but if I try to put any radial chutes on them the whole craft goes under the floor and disconnects. By only attaching them to the central core, I've gotten a much higher part count without losing the craft to the Indoor Kraken. I've got other craft with 8 outer's- some attached as 4 and 4 and some attached as 8, they all exhibit the same behavior, don't like radials chutes.
  6. Related- Holding one and hitting the delete key doesn't take the group out, even if they were attached as a multi, only the you're holding. Unhooking a strutted part also breaks the struts, but leaves the root parts on both ends. So even if you select one set and rejoin it, you still have the second set of nubs there, and then have the same problem of having to delete them one at a time.
  7. Yes. Something as simple as putting a recoverable launcher and payload rocket into orbit will do it for me. After separation, I will bring the launcher around one orbit to land it back near KSC, and the payload rocket (which is not being controlled at the time) will jump it's orbit, from something in the 70-75km range to having an AP of ~250km and impacting Kerbin about 90 degrees further along in the orbit.
  8. Windows in VAB are not optimized at all. It only makes sense that if you click a window, it should become the focus and appear on top of the others. But they seem to have a static priority assigned to them.
  9. What language do you have selected when it won't open? (might help the dev's find it.)
  10. your craft name had an "m" in it, right? Patch one notes said they fixed that, but I've had it happen since also. It seems to be connected to something else happening during game play, but I haven't been able to figure out what. After I reloaded, I was able to change the name without interference. Were you?
  11. It is a pain to have to find the PE marker between the Enter and Exit SOI markers. Even more so when I want to make an adjustment burn after already having a PE inside the SOI. The original is still there, so now you have to zoom out and try and select the new PE in a very small area. Later edit: Until just now, I had never had a PE marker inside the SOI. It was always out in the orbital path. But I just had one show up inside the SOI bubble. And since it's my first, I never knew that there was a dotted line from the orbital PE to the PE inside the SOI bubble. You went the other way around, from what I'm reading. Either way, it's obviously inconsistent...
  12. Update: Definitely are temp gauges. Re-enabled in Settings, reappeared in map. Even after exiting game and disabling setting, they still showed up, even through loads of quicksaves that had been prior to changing setting- but switching to another craft and back cleared them.
  13. There is an event location in that altitude zone even with properly configured craft.
  14. KSP version Win 11 22H2 Processor 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF Installed RAM 32.0 GB NVIDIA RTX 3080 Ti Verifying still occurs: Original report March 23: KSP version Win 11 22H2 Processor 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF Installed RAM 32.0 GB NVIDIA RTX 3080 Ti I've seen this on multiple craft, finally documenting. Shot 1- Normal chute deployment. Trailing as expected. Shot 2- 2 meters later, chute has snap-changed location, rotating ~120 degrees. Shot 3- then swings back to... Shot 4- normal again. This ascent\descent was straight up and down, for clarity. For a regular descent, no matter the craft angle, the snap-change is always the same relative amount.
  15. Sure do, I'll check that. Disabling didn't take them out of the current instance, but I meant this to be in bug reports, so I'll mention where I linked it, cuz you're right, they do.
  16. Accidentally posted in suggestions. Tazooka noted that they look like temperature bars, which I do have enabled. Disabling them did not take them out of current instance
  17. KSP version Win 11 22H2 Processor 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF 3.61 GHz Installed RAM 32.0 GB (31.9 GB usable) NVIDIA RTX 3080 Ti filed.teeth: Every so often these show up. Look like connection points, possibly also center of mass. Once they have show up on the craft, they persist in map view, and will follow the craft's orientation. They are saved as part of a save and will reload. During subsequent maneuvers they will pass by, apparently on a different scale than the map, but still affected by craft movement. Shot 1 is initial appearance showing locations on craft. Shot 2 is map view.
  18. KSP version Win 11 22H2 Processor 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF 3.61 GHz Installed RAM 32.0 GB (31.9 GB usable) NVIDIA RTX 3080 Ti filed.teeth: Even when set "prograde out" the shroud slides directly through the rear craft the forward section is separating from. Shot 1 is prior to stage separation. Shot 2 shows shroud sliding over nose of rear stage. Shot 3 shows shroud sliding out behind rear of ship. Not a game breaker, just something to look at after the important stuff is done...
  19. Mismatch between "Vehicle Actions" control panel and Parts Manager in controlling items KSP version Win 11 22H2 Processor 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF 3.61 GHz Installed RAM 32.0 GB (31.9 GB usable) NVIDIA RTX 3080 Ti [11:03 PM] OP filed.teeth: Craft outside of comm range (landed on Duna) with no antenna. 1st screen shot shows that with no crew inside, control panel will not function- this is expected and proper action. 2nd shows that Parts Manager CAN control accessories, in this case retracting solar panels. Might be deliberate, equivalent to the old F12 over-ride, but letting devs know in case they are supposed to match.
  20. Performing a shroud jettison via the staging stack disables the maneuver node editor. Doing a manual jettison via Parts Manager does not cause this, but even if the shroud is already gone, activating the shroud jettison icon in the stack will cause the same problem.
  21. Know this is old post but it IS the one that helped me.... Noticed a scientist who wasn't leveling up, though I didn't notice until he'd orbited Eve and Gilly, then planted flags on both Ike and Duna. He was stuck at Level 3 only showing flag plantings on Mun and Minmus. Deleted, the Die and subsequent Spawn that apparently happened on the Minmus launch (years ago, don't even remember it) and it fixed it. P.S. Doesn't have the be the quick save file. I made one called Die Test (rather literal, I know). Edited that and reloaded. All was fine.
  22. Realize this thread is old but wanted to say thanks! Had already been to all planets, mapped all the anomalies, so took a while before I went to look for the new rocks... I'd seen one method that was just WAY too complicated, this was simple and quick! For safety, I used a quicksave from the backup folder, then copied it in to the regular save folder. I'd spent an hour driving around, finding nothing. Soon as I applied this there was a new feature not 30 meters away! (so no explosion lol)
  23. I know this is old, but wanted to say THANK YOU THANK THANK YOU for "vee or not" 1.60. Addressed this problem and so much more. You guys are awesome! Guess next item on wish list would be the memory creep...
  24. I use Atomics almost exclusively in space and this is killing me. The amount of time in red in different for different ships (have from 8-48 motors and sometimes dock multiples) but doesn't change whatever I do. Getting by with a lot of remembering, and flying by seat of pants again, lol. Burn times set before the update are still okay, just new nodes. Seems to be some inconsistency when it hits too.
  25. thanks for the asteroid seed workaround!

    1. Tyko


      Sure thing  :)  

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