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Everything posted by Conquerer

  1. Is this mod competible with the Realism Overhaul? In fact, it confuses me that I have nothing enabling me to produce fuel on Mars or other exoplanets, due to the installation of RO. So I wonder if KSPI is helpful? (I'm a Chinese and couldn't use English excellently. Please excuse me for any inconvenience caused.)
  2. I can't go EVA when there're any parts of this mod near by, or the game will crash. Game version is
  3. 哦不不不我刚刚看错了,因为你们都有画画儿...你一定是 爱的教育didi 对吧! 怪我看帖不看人
  4. 你就是贴吧里的“太长无法显示2”?
  5. 哦天呐,我之前居然没发现这里还有个答疑帖!
  6. 诶呀咱还不太熟悉这个,没注意到还有置顶,这就去看
  7. How can I get the edition supported by ksp1.2.2?
  8. 哈哈楼主你好啊,咱在贴吧认识你的
  9. 咱能问下,forum怎么发图片吗 补个贴吧ID:lzy2268104225,贴吧那边的新人越来越不好讲话了,要是能发图咱就转这边来
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