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Everything posted by Next_Star_Industries

  1. @dundun92 I'm going to be running a version for RBDA as well. I have a couple more things to change then I'll release it. If you want to host a current version for KSP 1.2.2 I would have no problem with that. I have no plan to change the source for awhile but there will be quite a few weapons.
  2. LOL yeah that part sucks but it's all in the dictionary file top section. so you know in the config under the author section my cat filter is using it like a tag system if you plan to recompile it it will need them you can also add to it.
  3. Work around to make this mod compatible with KSP 1.2.2 is to go into config files of weapons you are wanting and copy the explGroundPath and explSoundPath in the NSI module and paste them into the MissileLauncher module, Then change the explGroundPath to explModelPath leave explSoundPath as is. Now you won't have the extra effects but you will get the mushroom cloud fx of the nukes. The source code is in the download now and it just needs compiled for KSP1.2.2 for the category filter stuff or a couple parts are missing and BDArmory for it as well for the extra explosionfx stuff of mine. Now I believe the only thing that needs changed for the BDA part is Time.time needs reverted back to time.time. Feel free to do what you like with it.
  4. I was simply demonstrating that it wasn't a bug in BDA. @harpwner continually tells people things are wrong with other mods that aren't and I correct them. I fixed no bug at all, because there is no bug that caused vessels to be destroyed outside of the blastRadius and I told him about it once in a polite way thank you. I don't continuously bash anyone at all. I state my opinion and that's all, no different then anyone else. I like this mod and use it as well is why I even follow this thread. I have no reason to pat myself on the back, because I haven't really done anything different from anyone else, my mod is nothing amazing at all it just adds more weapons. And no offense taken, everyone has their opinions of things, but so we are clear I have not once mentioned my mod in this thread. I have continuously helped others get this mod working, even going as far as giving detailed instructions on how to do it and I made it work in KSP 1.2.2. Have a good one
  5. Released v1.8 here is the change log. version 1.8 - Added MK81 GPS, Laser, and Unguided Added MK82 GPS, Laser, and Unguided Added MK83 GPS, Laser, and Unguided Added MK84 Laser, and Unguided Added B61 Unguided and Laser Added MK24 Nuclear Bomb Added Pumpkin Bomb Added new model for the W87. Added new model for the NSI LV-1 engine. Added Honest John Nuclear and Conventional variants (testing stage) Minor tweeks to config files of some weapons. Adjusted Camera over exposure effect to only appear when blastRadius is greater then 1000m and reduced the time of exposure to 2 seconds instead of 3. Added more explosionFX for aerial nuclear explosions for all weapon yields. Adjusted check of detonation altitude. Weapons now know if they explode on the ground, in the air, or in space producing different explosionFX for each. Added a smoke.png texture for those that want to change the smoke texture of explosions. Do not change the name or location of smoke.png. Added a new Category Filter in the advanced tab of the editor for NSI parts only. Made more config file and code adjustments/cleanup, adding comments to things to make things easier. Updated and changed some discriptions and updated loacalization dictionary to match. Added a craft folder to download. Copy the .craft files to your saves/"your save file"/Ships/ and place them into the VAB and SPH folders to have in your saved game or into the Ships/VAB and SPH folders for all games.
  6. This is NOT a glitch in the BDA code it's wrong coding in NKD the blastRadius of NKD is being multiplied against the BDA blastRadius so no matter what you do nukes are going to destroy your craft even 60km away from the blast. I tried telling this to @harpwner but to no avail, it's kinda strange that my nukes don't do that, so NO it's not a BDA glitch.
  7. Well FE doesn't do what I was expecting after all, but I was able to fix the code here is what I came up with. It uses the author field as a tagging system. Feel free to copy and paste the code to create your own categories while it's licence is for CC BY-SA 4.0 I give everyone permission to do what ever you want with it. using RUI.Icons.Selectable; using System.Collections.Generic; using static KSP.UI.Screens.PartCategorizer; using UnityEngine; namespace NextStarIndustries { [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.MainMenu, true)] public class NISCategoryModule : MonoBehaviour { readonly List<AvailablePart> availableParts = new List<AvailablePart>(); readonly List<AvailablePart> nwParts = new List<AvailablePart>(); readonly List<AvailablePart> cwParts = new List<AvailablePart>(); readonly List<AvailablePart> rdParts = new List<AvailablePart>(); readonly List<AvailablePart> probeParts = new List<AvailablePart>(); readonly List<AvailablePart> engineParts = new List<AvailablePart>(); void Awake() { availableParts.Clear(); var countap = PartLoader.LoadedPartsList.Count; for (int a = 0; a < countap; ++a) { var avPart = PartLoader.LoadedPartsList[a]; if (!avPart.partPrefab) continue; if (avPart.author.Contains("NSI")) { availableParts.Add(avPart); } } nwParts.Clear(); var countnp = PartLoader.LoadedPartsList.Count; for (int n = 0; n < countnp; ++n) { var nPart = PartLoader.LoadedPartsList[n]; if (!nPart.partPrefab) continue; if (nPart.author.Contains("NSINuclear")) { nwParts.Add(nPart); } } cwParts.Clear(); var countcp = PartLoader.LoadedPartsList.Count; for (int c = 0; c < countcp; ++c) { var cPart = PartLoader.LoadedPartsList[c]; if (!cPart.partPrefab) continue; if (cPart.author.Contains("NSIConventional")) { cwParts.Add(cPart); } } rdParts.Clear(); var countrdp = PartLoader.LoadedPartsList.Count; for (int r = 0; r < countcp; ++r) { var rdPart = PartLoader.LoadedPartsList[r]; if (!rdPart.partPrefab) continue; if (rdPart.author.Contains("NSIRD")) { rdParts.Add(rdPart); } } probeParts.Clear(); var countpp = PartLoader.LoadedPartsList.Count; for (int p = 0; p < countcp; ++p) { var prPart = PartLoader.LoadedPartsList[p]; if (!prPart.partPrefab) continue; if (prPart.author.Contains("NSIProbes")) { probeParts.Add(prPart); } } engineParts.Clear(); var countep = PartLoader.LoadedPartsList.Count; for (int e = 0; e < countcp; ++e) { var ePart = PartLoader.LoadedPartsList[e]; if (!ePart.partPrefab) continue; if (ePart.author.Contains("NSIEngines")) { engineParts.Add(ePart); } } GameEvents.onGUIEditorToolbarReady.Add(NSICategory); Debug.Log("NSI Category is Awake"); Debug.Log("NSI aPart Count: " + availableParts.Count); Debug.Log("NSI nPart Count: " + nwParts.Count); Debug.Log("NSI cPart Count: " + cwParts.Count); Debug.Log("NSI rdPart Count: " + rdParts.Count); Debug.Log("NSI pPart Count: " + probeParts.Count); Debug.Log("NSI ePart Count: " + engineParts.Count); } bool ap(AvailablePart avPart) { return availableParts.Contains(avPart); } bool np(AvailablePart nPart) { return nwParts.Contains(nPart); } bool cp(AvailablePart cPart) { return cwParts.Contains(cPart); } bool rdp(AvailablePart rdPart) { return rdParts.Contains(rdPart); } bool pp(AvailablePart prPart) { return probeParts.Contains(prPart); } bool ep(AvailablePart ePart) { return engineParts.Contains(ePart); } void NSICategory() { Debug.Log("NSI Category Added"); //Icon Textures Texture2D NSIIconN = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("BDArmory Weapons Extension/textures/NSIIcon", false); Texture2D NSIIconS = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("BDArmory Weapons Extension/textures/NSIIconActive", false); Texture2D NSIIconNW = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("BDArmory Weapons Extension/textures/NSIIconNW", false); Texture2D NSIIconCW = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("BDArmory Weapons Extension/textures/NSIIconCW", false); Texture2D NSIIconRD = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("BDArmory Weapons Extension/textures/NSIIconRD", false); Texture2D NSIIconProbes = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/R&D_node_icon_largeprobes", false); Texture2D NSIIconEngines = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/R&D_node_icon_advancedmotors", false); //Icon Main Category Icon NSI = new Icon("NSI", NSIIconN, NSIIconS, false); //Icons SubCategories Icon NSINuclear = new Icon("Nuclear Weapons", NSIIconNW, NSIIconNW, false); Icon NSIConventional = new Icon("Conventional Weapons", NSIIconCW, NSIIconCW, false); Icon NSIRD = new Icon("R&D Parts", NSIIconRD, NSIIconRD, false); Icon NSIProbe = new Icon("Probes", NSIIconProbes, NSIIconProbes, false); Icon NSIEngine = new Icon("Engines", NSIIconEngines, NSIIconEngines, false); //Main Category Category filter = AddCustomFilter("NSI", "Next Star Industries", NSI, Color.red); //Sub Categories AddCustomSubcategoryFilter(filter, "NSI", "Next Star Industries", NSI, p => ap(p)); AddCustomSubcategoryFilter(filter, "Nuclear", "Nuclear Weapons", NSINuclear, nwp => np(nwp)); AddCustomSubcategoryFilter(filter, "Conventional", "Conventional Weapons", NSIConventional, cwp => cp(cwp)); AddCustomSubcategoryFilter(filter, "R&D", "Research and Development", NSIRD, radp => rdp(radp)); AddCustomSubcategoryFilter(filter, "NSIProbes", "NSI Probe Cores", NSIProbe, prp => pp(prp)); AddCustomSubcategoryFilter(filter, "NSIEngines", "NSI Engines", NSIEngine, enp => ep(enp)); } } }
  8. @Crzyrndm So after discovering what FE is and what it does and after I woke up from bashing my head against the desk for not finding it earlier. Everything is doing what I'm wanting it to do. Thanks for the help with the coding though, but it's out . I'll send the stuff to see about getting my mod added.
  9. Thanks for the help. The only reason for Contains is I was trying different things out but I do agree it should be Equals. Trying the coroutine I'll see what happens there.
  10. No v1.7 won't I need to make sure I change that. However I have v1.3 of this mod uploaded on Curse and SpaceDock which is just NKD made to work in KSP1.2.2
  11. I have tried both ways and they both work. The textures are being found, and they load, and I can get it to add the main filter, I just can't get the subcategories working.
  12. Thanks I have switched to Awake() and have now changed all this code. I have it making the main filter now but when I try to add the subcategories it keeps crashing it out not sure what I have wrong. This what I have now and when I add the addcustomsubcategory() it crashes it. Game still loads but no custom category listed: using static KSP.UI.Screens.PartCategorizer; using UnityEngine; using RUI.Icons.Selectable; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace NextStarIndustries { [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.MainMenu, true)] public class NISCategoryModule : MonoBehaviour { private static readonly List<AvailablePart> availableParts = new List<AvailablePart>(); void Awake() { GameEvents.onGUIEditorToolbarReady.Add(NSICategory); Debug.Log("NSI Category is Awake"); } void NSICategory() { Debug.Log("NSI Category Added"); //Icon Textures Texture2D NSIIconN = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("BDArmory Weapons Extension/textures/NSIIcon", false); Texture2D NSIIconS = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("BDArmory Weapons Extension/textures/NSIIconActive", false); Texture2D NSIIconNW = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("BDArmory Weapons Extension/textures/NSIIconNW", false); Texture2D NSIIconCW = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("BDArmory Weapons Extension/textures/NSIIconCW", false); Texture2D NSIIconRD = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("BDArmory Weapons Extension/textures/NSIIconRD", false); Texture2D NSIIconProbes = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("BDArmory Weapons Extension/textures/NSIIconActive", false); Texture2D NSIIconEngines = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("BDArmory Weapons Extension/textures/NSIIconActive", false); //Icon Main Category Icon NSI = new Icon("NSI", NSIIconN, NSIIconS, false); //Icons SubCategories Icon NSINuclear = new Icon("Nuclear Weapons", NSIIconNW, NSIIconNW, false); Icon NSIConventional = new Icon("Conventional Weapons", NSIIconCW, NSIIconCW, false); Icon NSIRD = new Icon("R&D Parts", NSIIconRD, NSIIconRD, false); Icon NSIProbe = new Icon("Probes", NSIIconProbes, NSIIconProbes, false); Icon NSIEngine = new Icon("Engines", NSIIconEngines, NSIIconEngines, false); //Main Category Category filter = AddCustomFilter("NSI", "Next Star Industries", NSI, Color.red); //Sub Categories AddCustomSubcategoryFilter(filter, "NSI", "Next Star Industries", NSI, p => p.author.Contains("Next Star Industries")); } } } I believe it has to be the lambda expression but not sure.
  13. Ok I'm trying to create a custom category module with no success. Could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong here, as it seems to me it should be working but nothing is happening can't even get the Debug.Log("") to show anything in the log. using KSP.IO; using RUI.Icons.Selectable; using UnityEngine; using static KSP.UI.Screens.PartCategorizer; namespace NextStarIndustries { [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.EditorAny, false)] public class NSICategoryModule : MonoBehaviour { public void Start() { GameEvents.onGUIEditorToolbarReady.Add(NSICategory); Debug.Log("Category Started"); } private void NSICategory() { //Loading Textures Texture2D unselected = new Texture2D(32, 32); Texture2D selected = new Texture2D(32, 32); Texture2D nuclear = new Texture2D(32, 32); Texture2D conventional = new Texture2D(32, 32); Texture2D rd = new Texture2D(32, 32); Texture2D probe = new Texture2D(32, 32); Texture2D engine = new Texture2D(32, 32); unselected.LoadImage(File.ReadAllBytes<NSICategoryModule>("GameData/BDArmory Weapons Extension/textures/NSIIcon")); selected.LoadImage(File.ReadAllBytes<NSICategoryModule>("GameData/BDArmory Weapons Extension/textures/NSIIconActive")); nuclear.LoadImage(File.ReadAllBytes<NSICategoryModule>("GameData/BDArmory Weapons Extension/textures/NSIIconNW")); conventional.LoadImage(File.ReadAllBytes<NSICategoryModule>("GameData/BDArmory Weapons Extension/textures/NSIIconCW")); rd.LoadImage(File.ReadAllBytes<NSICategoryModule>("GameData/BDArmory Weapons Extension/textures/NSIIconRD")); probe.LoadImage(File.ReadAllBytes<NSICategoryModule>("GameData/Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/R&D_node_icon_advunmanned")); engine.LoadImage(File.ReadAllBytes<NSICategoryModule>("GameData/Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/R&D_node_icon_advancedmotors")); Debug.Log("Textures Loaded"); Icon NSIIcon = new Icon("NSI", selected, unselected); //Defining NSIIcon Icon NSIIconNW = new Icon("Nuclear Weapons", nuclear, nuclear); //Defining NSIIconNW Icon NSIIconCW = new Icon("Conventional Weapons", conventional, conventional); //Defining NSIIconCW Icon NSIIconRD = new Icon("R&D Parts", rd, rd); //Defining NSIIconRD Icon NSIIconProbe = new Icon("Probes", probe, probe); //Defining NSIIconProbes Icon NSIIconEngine = new Icon("Engines", engine, engine); //Defining NSIIconEngines Category NSI = AddCustomFilter("Next Star Industries", "NSI", NSIIcon, Color.white); //filters for All NSI Parts, Nuclear Weapons, Conventional Weapons, R&D, Probes, and Engines AddCustomSubcategoryFilter(NSI, "All NSI Parts", "All NSI Parts", NSIIcon, All => All.manufacturer == "Next Star Industries"); AddCustomSubcategoryFilter(NSI, "Nuclear", "Nuclear Weapons", NSIIconNW, NW => NW.description.Contains("Nuclear") && NW.manufacturer == "Next Star Industries"); AddCustomSubcategoryFilter(NSI, "Conventional", "Conventional Weapons", NSIIconCW, CW => CW.description.Contains("Conventional") && CW.manufacturer == "Next Star Industries"); AddCustomSubcategoryFilter(NSI, "R&D", "R&D Parts", NSIIconRD, RD => RD.description.Contains("R&D") && RD.manufacturer == "Next Star Industries"); AddCustomSubcategoryFilter(NSI, "Probes", "NSI Probes", NSIIconProbe, Probe => Probe.description.Contains("Probe") && Probe.manufacturer == "Next Star Industries"); AddCustomSubcategoryFilter(NSI, "Engines", "NSI Engines", NSIIconEngine, Engine => Engine.description.Contains("Engine") && Engine.manufacturer == "Next Start Industries"); } } }
  14. Version 1.8 is moving right along and will include several new weapons and a new model for the W87. I have adjusted the camera over exposure effect time and it only occurs with weapons that have a blastRadius of 1000 m or more. There is an issue with explosionFX following aircraft after detonation, this a known BDArmory issue #171 and as far as I know it is being worked on. This update is centering around fine tuning everything and getting it the way I want and expect it to behave. This update will include a number of nuclear and conventional bombs one of which is in the spoiler posted above. I will be adding a png texture to the explosionFX folder as well. It controls the smoke texture for all explosions and can be modified. Do not rename, change the size, or move this texture or it will break the explosionFX.
  15. It contains the code for my module and you don't need to extract it. If you do extract it put it anywhere other then the KSP install folder. You only need to place/extract the BDArmory Weapons Extension folder into your GameData folder.
  16. I get what your saying yes I'm adding that in the next update, it will be a right click option to detonate when clicked. Thanks more coming.
  17. Lasers aren't toys any longer and are in use by our Navy today. I refer to this AN/SEQ-3 Laser Weapon System or XN-1 LaWS and there are stronger ones already in production. I don't want any one to do anything with BDA nothing needs done and I do know the limits of it. jrodrigue had asked what meant by a post I made and I answered him and it seems to me (could be wrong) you have took it as a personal attack or something. There is no need to. If I see something that needs made or done I'll do it myself, but see nothing other then some new turrets needing done. So I'll have that video you have requested soon.
  18. Your thinking as in missile type weapons, I'm not. It would be no more then targeting just like you would for docking, could even use that system or mechjeb, put some laser turrets on a ship and there you go. Have you not ever flown out to an asteroid or space station and done high speed orbital maneuvers around it at close range? Looks to me like a new type of fighter pilot is what will be needed. The other issue would be armor, you wouldn't take thick armored craft up either, do to weight, but you could have a shield system that simply increases your maxTemp value to act like armor. I don't know about you but I see this as being very feasible and it requires a small part module for the shields, that I about have done, and some laser turrets.
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