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Everything posted by Next_Star_Industries

  1. NKD is compatible with KSP 1.3, it isn't compatible with the new BDAc ATM and neither is CAL which is also required by NKD. We will need to wait for @harpwner to release the next NKD update to resolve these issues.
  2. Yes sorry about that, I will change them all in the coming update. To be honest all the weapons need changed for these lower altitudes except the "Honest John" missiles it appears they behave as expected. Please let me know what settings you end up with and I will create a compromise between high and low altitudes that should work across all the weapons at any altitude. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for the pictures it helps a lot and from the picture I see you have 2 BDArmory tabs, this indicates to me there is an error in the install. Be sure you don't have the NextStarIndustries folder yourKSP/GameData folder it can be deleted, this is the source code for my plugin. I believe this is your problem only install the BDArmory Weapons Extension folder into your KSP install.
  3. Thank you for the pics. I can see what is happening now the bombs are slowing way to much it's only at 60 m/s so it's rotating like that to get to the target(I know strange behavior). After further testing at this altitude, I have found that another adjustment needs made in the config files. Scroll down to the Missile Launcher Module and change optimumAirspeed to 350 and change liftArea to 0.001. These will be the numbers to play with for fine tuning flight. The real problem is I have them tuned for higher altitudes because I mostly build bigger high altitude bombers but these numbers are working better at lower altitudes. Please let me know how they work out and I will continue testing as well. As far as the install you have everything looks good and there should be no conflicts going on which is why I am leaning toward some config file adjustments for the lower altitude runs.
  4. I don't use Steam and had no idea there was an issue. Were those the B-61MOD12s? So everything is now functioning correctly for you? What did the check do?
  5. Which weapon have you experienced this with? So I can run some quick tests to see what's happening so I can help you. I have been running tests all morning and I'm not seeing the steering away from target issue you have explained. Could you give me a run down of what you are doing? So I can recreate it on my end. Bombs detonating early has to be the override setting, to get to this setting right click the part in the editor, this is a coded setting from BDAc and not mine. If you could press F1 to get a screen shot of the settings in the editor and post it here, so I can see what you have there.
  6. In the config files scroll down to maximum and minimum drag and change it to be 0.01 not 0.02 on both. I do have them fine tuned for 3500 above at 0.02 below that it needs to be 0.01. I'll be changing them all to be 0.01 this seems to work better.
  7. The override sets the distance from target to detonate I use 0-30 depending on weapon type. This will stop the early detonation you have going on. You are correct it appears with the MK82 of mine I have the drag a little high this can be changed in the config file and I will address it in the coming update.
  8. Ok. Now there are some right click setting that may need adjusting have you done this? Detonation override and things like that. If so then all you do is line up the aiming circle and drop when target/s is/are roughly in the center. Also note that the MK8x series are designed to have an optimal speed of 250 m/s upon release. Also are you using the black NSI MK82 or the green BDAc version? A screenshot or video link will help as well.
  9. Ok that's the problem you need to delete the NextStarIndustries folder that is the source code and it will fix it all. Or remove it from the KSP install.
  10. As far as me, I have no issues with any type of bombs falling short of targets and I do hundreds of bombing tests. So in my opinion it must be something on your doing on your end.
  11. You have 2 mods mixed together here Tsar Bomba is from NKD and the other 2 are from BDArmory Weapons Extension. This isn't the right thread to post issue with BDArmory Weapons Extension you can post those here. @harpwner and NSI would need more info to be able to help you like: what BDAc version you are using, what version of KSP, and do you have all the dependencies that they all require? NKD is broken ATM with the new release of BDAc ASFAIK currently working weapon type mods for BDAc are: all of @SpannerMonkey(smce) mods, @lancefoxcia mods and @Next_Star_Industries there may be more but those are the ones I use along with others that are currently broken.
  12. You can get Vessel Mover released by @gomker and it will solve your problem of moving vessels around. Press the Tab key to change movement speeds hope this helps out.
  13. Please report any issues with BDArmory Weapons Extension here not on this thread, as it has been stated, I'm not a part of the BDA team nor do I plan to be. It does sound to me, like others have stated, that you have multiple installs of BDAc by the double BDA tab in the editor. To be more specific you have 2 of the same .dll files installed. Although this isn't the place for this: BDArmory Weapons Extension will have it's own folder inside the Data folder, do not combine folders as this will create a major conflict. I do have a question for the BDA team. Is there any talk, plan ,or in the works of career mode balancing or is this just for mainly sandbox games? Just curious.
  14. I agree and most mod licenses do allow this. To recompile a .dll you only need the source code which most mods provide just search a little.
  15. Proof of Concept fully built MQ-9 Reaper full size 1:1 scale at 113,000 verts. Testing polygon counts.
  16. I actually will be doing this. In a not to distant future mod that will be called "NSI's Oddities" it will contain things just like this in it.
  17. Unfortunately do to BDAc's recent update, most mods built to use it are currently broken. I do know that @harpwner is working on the next NKD update as I reply to this. The only current options are to wait for updates or revert back to the previous version of BDAc. You always have the option of getting my mod for temporarily working nukes until NKD is updated. The explosionFX are no where near the quality of NKD but they work for now.
  18. Released v1.9 New Russian type AA missile as requested by @dundun92 and @XOC2008 R-77 and R-37 animations aren't cooperating with me. The R-37 is in game now but not animated ATM and I waited to add the R-77 until the next update. I'm rotating something is wrong in Blender and instead of destroying my computer I have taken a break from them. version 1.9 - Started balancing for career mode. Fixed issue with particle effects displaying in the editor. Modified Honest John missiles. There are now 3 versions the original Honest John, the Improved Honest John, and a fictional longer range(100 km is the max distance ATM) GPS guided version of the original. Note: Don't use LR weapons beyond 95 km the physics break and weapons do strange things, until BDAc 1.0 is released I HAVE NO INFO OR ETA ON BDAc's NEXT UPDATE I'm not a part of the BDA team. Added more soundfx for explosions. New models and textures for most weapons. Textures are in .png format. Models are much higher poly count now. Please inform me of any major performance impacts so I can adjust counts to work across as many machines as possible. New formulas for blastPower and blastHeat(explained in the config files) they should be pretty accurate to real life now. Weapons are configured to use the real RDX explosive numbers for NSI's conventional weapons. New MK8x series casings. They are now simulating pre-fragmented casings, which increases their blastRadius by almost double. Added Sonic Boombox it creates a sonic boom sound effect when going in/out of the sound barrier(WIP) Need on/off check in code. If traveling at constant speed the clip keeps playing(very annoying). Doesn't work if acceleration is to high, skips past it. Updating localisation dictionary for new weapons and descriptions. Added R23r, R27r, R33, R37(WIP),R60, and R73 AA missiles.(WIP config files may need adjusting).
  19. Without CAL the NKD stuff that need it break, with CAL BDAc breaks. So either way things are going to be broke with or without CAL for the time being.
  20. I can help with this. CAL is no longer compatible with BDArmory and I believe this is your issue. ATM NKD requires CAL for some ammo.
  21. I have ICBM stuff done, but I pulled it out of the mod(except the Peacekeeper bus) when I seen the first 90+km video from JR and I have seen someone mention there may be another booster stage added to BDA. So I'm waiting to see what all gets added/implemented into the next release of BDA so I can determine what ICBM parts I can add.
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