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Everything posted by NewtSoup

  1. I’m reasonably content for it to do everything except Laythe and Eve and just build a space plane for a those. Unles bewing comes up with a cool tweak.
  2. Oh precisely. I knew it would hate a retrograde landing in an atmosphere but I thought I’d try it anyway. At least it doesn’t explode I’m at work at the moment but I’ll be back later.
  3. @soulsourceIs it as simple as installing Advanced Fly By Wire and then replacing the dll with your one?
  4. Ooh thank you - I did a google search for previous threads but they were all a year or more old and not what I was experiencing ( a different bug where the joystick was recognised but the assignment failed ). I guess I shall have advanced fly by wire
  5. I'd really like to play with space planes but they're much better with a joystick. However at the upgrade to 1.3.1 KSP stopped recognising my joysticks. At that stage simply clicking the button to assign an axis would cause KSP to crash. With 1.4 It stopped crashing but did nothing on clicking the button. I was just trying it today and still nothing in the latest KSP. I have been using a Sidewinder Precision Pro Joystick Sidewinder Force-Feedback II Joystick Thrustmaster T-Flight HOTAS stick Steam Controller X-Box One controller None of these are recognised by the game - they all show up with a name in JS-Test ( ubuntu linux ) and I can test all the axis. I seem to remember a while ago Scott Manley said Joysticks were not working in KSP. Is this an issue for everyone?
  6. I certainly will. You have to do funny stuff with the camera to get to the probe cores. Its a bit of a hassle but I felt hiding them under the fairing was important and besides it looks nice. Also it only has a pair of 16-s on it because it's meant to connect to an orbital ship for kerbnet access. This should work: Mostly-Lander.craft One tip - absolutely do NOT use prograde hold to do an automated gravity turn. She likes to feel your hands on her controls other wise she will throw a tantrum.
  7. it's the aerodynamics that are getting me . It tumbles uncontrollably through laythe's atmosphere. Then when I get it back I can aim for land.. but as soon as I'm going backwards again I lose control.. I tried fitting AIRBRAKES ( x 4 at the top of the nose cones ) but they make it spin along it's axis like a top. I'd love to get it working though because to my eye it looks like something out of a 70's sci-fi novel
  8. I'm thinking the best way to land on Laythe is in fact a space plane Time for a redesign. Even if it's full rocket powered and doesn't use Jets I think a space plan will work better.
  9. It really doesn't like atmospheric landings Time for bed. I will fix it later in the week.
  10. I scanned with the Rovemate first as that has the 100% and then switched to the HECS2. No idea if that's what did it. Either way I guess it's as good as it's ever going to get. I just made this - it's a Mostlyversal lander. Has 3804 m/s dV and can almost get into Kerbin Orbit. What's more it has a small ore processor, 2 small ore tanks, 2 medium TVCS and 2 small drills ( I know they're wasteful but weight was an issie ). In theory this should be able to make a powered landing on Laythe and take off again. Four Aerospikes gives it the TWR For everything except EVE ( and it' doesn't have the dV for that anyway ) The idea is that it will be attached to an interplanetary craft.
  11. Yep that worked. Pretty sure I can land this too.. it has 2600 dV left. Though it's likely just an obelisk. Unless I overdo the time warp and pile into the surface.. DOH! Now to build a tall ship and find a star to sail her by.
  12. Maybe I've misunderstood what Bewing has said - If you put the rovemate on a SHIP you get 100% detection rate, as in orbital. The HECS2 and every other probe core has a detetection rate not tied to range. But I know that Detection is on a Per Core basis. I'm going to hack a probe with a Rovemate and a Mk2 Probe Core on it into Minmus orbit and see how it works. After a bath and an episode of agents of shield though. I wonder how hard it would be to mod a science lab so that each scientist aboard ups the detection change by 1% per Star Per Scientist ( with a 6 crew mod too ) so you could get a maximum of +30% detection from a Science Lab fully crewed with 5 Star Scientists.
  13. I have to say I'm either not impressed at all with the anomaly detection system or I just plain can't work out how to use it. Built a rover. Put a Hecs 2 on it. Put a Rovemate on it. Orientation of the Rovemate makes no difference to the scan. The field of view seems to point stright down so a 160 degree field of view gives you short range 360 degrees around the rover, 180 gives you a longer range. Not sure it's 10km like people say. seems more like 2 or 3. Started at the runway. I know there's an anomaly at the KSC - the statue of the old pod. The Hecs 2 shows nothing regardless of orientation or field of view so it's no use at all on a rover to boost range it seems. The Rovemate does show an anomaly but it's at an empty space half way along the crawler way. I've no idea if it's detecting the statue or not. The only thing I can think of it that you'd use the hex to get close on descent to the anomaly. Then use the rovemate at max FOV. I was kind of expecting the Rovemate to have a FORWARD FOV with a 10km range that you could narrow down as you got closer to whatever was detected. would kind of be more useful that way I think.
  14. I had no idea you could combine a Hecs2 and a Rovemate on the same rover to increase range. I just had the idea that a scientist onboard could increase detection rate of an orbital vessel from a lab of course. So you could add scientists with diminishing returns. And then for the rovemate an engineer present could increase the range as that's an engineering issue not a scientific analysis issue. I was just going to spot anomalies from orbit and mark a waypoint and then drop a rovemate in the vicinity. Of course I'll still do that as more range is more range. Oh why do you specify a Hecs2 and not a mk 2 probe core? I do see that "scans enhanced while above the ground on the mk 2. Does the H2 give a better can when on the floor?
  15. Haha, that's ok well Minums provides all your refuelling needs pretty much forever even on the scans from an M700. Been hunting on the net for how to find anomalies. And it's keep on checking Kerbnet with the highest level probe core you can use, so that would be the Mk2 Drone Core with anomaly detection at 48% Time to build another satellite! AND a lander / rover with a rover core in it. Maybe actually a whole Exploration Vessel! I'll start with Minmus and work at putting a Flag down at every anomaly in the game. I wish there was a use for scientists and science points once you've completed the tech tree
  16. I have both, the narrow band won't actually work until a survey has been done with an M700 - I tried it in Kerbin Orbit - Said no Kerbnet Access and that a survey was needed. I just want to know what to do with the Narrow Band. I'm thinking it may be useful to spot anomalies on the surface of moons / planets. You can drop waypoints to precise locations with it.
  17. Just because I could, I dropped a Narrow Band Satellite in a Polar orbit of Minmus. I guessed it needed to be polar as the descriptions says it only looks at the area directly underneath so a polar orbit is going to eventually cover most if not all of the surface. It's considerably more than what's actually needed, I know, but I was trying to make it look less boring than going for minimalist and functional. My question is - now that I have it in place, what can I actually do with it?
  18. It's Valentina's turn to step up. She will be piloting the rescue mission thrown together by bill. The time is right, Spike won't be far behind if we launch now and we'll be in roughly the right plane so minimal plane change when we hit orbit. To the heavens By putting the rescue rocket in a higher orbit than Spike we've allowed it to catch up and have an encounter with it set up. Valentina is an expert pilot and doesn't need RCS to dock with Spike. Just turn the thrust right down on the poodle engine and take your time. And we have hard dock!. The Spikes Crew have all transferred to the rescue ship except Lawig who takes one last space walk to check for smugglers and to collect the precious data from Spikes data core. Franmon makes the de-orbit burn and once in the atmosphere dumps what's left of poor Spike and the engines from the rescue ship. The last re-entry for this mission Everyone is cheerful and looking forward to snacks back at the KSC. Finally under canopy! I've no idea where we are, somewhere in the mountains north of the KSC but entirely uncertain which continent. I think it's the same one. But it doesn't matter. Look at the View! And this is the end of Spaceship Ike. It really didn't go as planned. Next time I'll have to remember where I parked the orbiter. My kerbals all got home safe though and I've now finished my tech tree. Next on the list is sleep and then some base and station building. I'll be putting up a Kerbin Orbital, Minmus Station and Minmus Mining Facility. People who've followed me in the past know exactly what that means. Bye for now.
  19. An empty glass with a little umbrella in it.
  20. And oh my word that was many many passes. Can't dig too deep into the atmosphere to speed it up for fear of running out of monoprop when you're low enough and want to circularise. I bailed at 116km Ap while keeping the Pe at 60km. Then the last of the monoprop was used up to circularise giving me this orbit. Now it's time to launch a rescue mission. Quick to the BatVAB!
  21. Everyone thought re-entry was an absolute hoot. A couple of consoles blew out and there were some important sounding explosions which made Franmon wonder if they'd lost something. Nothing was going to dampen their spirits however apart from Maudin's cocktails which rearranged themselves into a fine green mist. Once through the other side Franmon declared them captured into an elliptical and kicked Maudun out of the airlock - time for an inspection. The inspection revealed that all four landing legs had gone, not an issue as under the circumstances the ability to land what's left of this thing was irrelevant. More disturbingly however it was noticed that two of the four RCS thruster blocks had taken one for the team. Lawig said not to worry, at least they still had half a ship!. Once back at apoapsis, Franmon nudged the periapsis back up to 60km and set about making many, many breaking passes, only two of which were documented for brevity.
  22. I am now finishing off the mission. There was a long time to wait for the Duna to Kerbin Transfer window so please enjoy this picture of an Ikeclipse onto Duna while you starve. Annoyingly it turns out that the injection burn or whatever you call it is going to take 10% more dV than I actually have. Not to worry, we can get out and push if need be! I do have 70 units of monopropellant in the ship but one can never be too sure how "units" translates to dV for whatever mass you have left. Bit of an unknown quantity really!. I burned out all the fuel and then kept the RCS thrusters running until I got a Kerbin encounter! Then after some mid course finagling I managed to get a nice Kerbin PE to capture with at 45km. It would throw me into a polar orbit but beggars can't be choosers. As a bonus I still had around 20 units of monoprop left. Of course I did all this first go and I most certainly did not shoot out into space a couple of times with too high a PE and burn in fiery doom with too low or crash into the surface at all. Absolutely not. No. Didn't happen and anyway I've deleted those screenshots. Hello Kerbin, Nice to see you again! As home loomed closer and closer the crew cheered! Maudun broke out the reserve alcohol and prepared some aerobraking cocktails. Into the fire!
  23. Thanks - I'll get around to finishing this at some point. I think maybe this evening after work. I believe the orbiter was on too low an orbit and hit a mountain. The three have taken off from the surface of Ike and got into a high orbit over Duna. The plan is to hit a Kerbin intercept and then do multiple aerobrakes into LKO. I've got 599m/s of dV left and the monopropellant tanks are full so this is absolutely doable. I just hope the RCS thrusters don't burn off in aerobreaking. Forgot to post that earlier!
  24. It also depends where it is. Fuel tanks are always a good one for refuelling future missions and saving weight. But you also need to be able to refuel them. Perhaps add fuel tanks and then a mining vessel that can get toMinmus, fill a tank and then transport it to the station.
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