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Everything posted by invision

  1. http://store.steampowered.com/app/203160/
  2. go for it i already de-orbit it while you was on your way
  3. time to empty the wallet and throw your money at valve JUST SHUT UP AND TAKE IT
  4. i tend to place ports on the sides of ships so RCS is a must but the included RCS on command pods is usually enough
  5. a story mode would be cool, maybe against another space agency or a story about the monoliths (why not both?) make use of the ore to build better parts and engines tools to fix broken parts, switch parts, ect that doesnt require mods a way to control multiple crafts at once, maybe split screen them so you can do something like landing a mainstage while stage 2 is taking the payload into space. have other EVA kerbils controlled by the CPU so it seems like a exploratory mission and not "you go and we will stay here and root for ya" parts that spin so you can make helicopter rotors boats of any kind instruments for AP readouts, docking port indicators (im aware these are mods) a base that allows you its own launch pad and VAB (this is where that ore could come in handy)
  6. only use it for docking otherwise reaction wheels do everything thats needed.
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