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Everything posted by invision

  1. found this amusing considering where i landed
  2. lets show take two interactive we wont stand for this non sense and kill jeb
  3. that shuttle was made months ago i quickly opened it and used it, at a quick glance thats the mods that stuck out to me.its not being dishonest just over looked. next time OP will post the full rules to avoid these posts
  4. dude that shuttle was made before all these rules the OP decided to use, i dont know what your getting at here. its not like landing on minmus is some special thing.
  5. but the craft you used is massive i could leave the universe with that thing lol pretty much going to duna is about the same fuel as going to the moon when you account for orbital burn and landing burns vs only needing parachutes for duna and a shot of fuel for touch down. you can also just smash right into duna atmosphere with heat shield and land using less than 20 units of fuel.
  6. i got this stuck in my head i think because im learning it on guitar, learned 45 seconds of it so far.......RIP fingers
  7. what that is trying to tell you is if you do not try and slow down and just let the craft travel thats where the crafts escapes the muns influence and the orange line will be your new orbit if you did nothing. but since you want to land you can ignore it also if you hover your mouse over the red PE symbol next to the mun it shows you how far from the surface you will be upon arriving, so what you can do is once you get an encounter, mouse over the PE symbol and gently thrust and see if the numbers goes up or down. if it goes up just turn the other direction and test it again. lets say neither retrograde or pro grade work that means your orbit is crooked and youll need to use the symbols that look like triangles. heres an example of mousing over a moon checking PE
  8. im finally getting the hang of how landing works
  9. if you fly through an arch at 88mph you can go back to the future
  10. thats just a generic rocket, the other poster was clearly flying a dragon away with your shenanigans
  11. did the Cassini mission in the mission challenge threads
  12. D-magic orbital science mod tweak scale munar industries for orange tank used for Huygen
  13. finally finished this took hours, much longer than expected. it was fun tho using laythe as my way to slow down and drop huygens in Huygens decoupled
  14. D-magic orbital science, its pretty neat and gives you more science equipment that more todays standard.
  15. built a dune buggy with roll cage and tested it out. its was built using just tweak scale mod. i used alt f12 to bring it to duna and see how it performs being dropped in decouple the crane right before the wheels touch the ground and it flies away lights on....we look totally badass it does all the basic science plus drill rocks, and shoot lasers, so nows lets try to destroy it, because we all know any rovers life expectancy is about 30 seconds after it lands. valentina was killed the moment it flipped but the rover has only small damage. i spent the next 10min trying my hardest to destroy it no matter what i did the roll cage protected it and i could not destroy the main structure, i think we found a keeper.
  16. thats too clever for me to figure out lol
  17. you could cheat and alt f12 to every asteroid and place probe core on it, then place it in the suns orbit between whatever planets you want. i placed an asteroid belt right at kerblin with about 25 of them. my pc begged for mercy every time i went to space and it started loading and calculating them all LOL
  18. well im dumb i looked in misson control and saw a plant flag on duna, so i went to see where it was in orbit, wasnt in best spot but doable. so i made a rocket and pile drive through dunas atmosphere using it as my only source of slowing down, heat shield did a great job and i slowed down enough to come down and land. feeling victorious i get out the ship, plant the flag and then.......i noticed i never accepted the mission FML
  19. your game lags a lot, you should look into how much junk you have in orbit and remove anything you dont need. this happened to myself when i had 25 asteroids and endless space junk. once i cleaned this up the lagging completely stopped.
  20. just to show you the thruster have no advantage over strock i just prefer the burn visual
  21. i showed in a pic the shuttle is 20 tons on its own, never said no mods, only mod anyways is the thrusters and nose cone.
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