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Everything posted by invision

  1. build relay probes and send them off to other planets. this will be helpful for you so you dont lose contact. cram them with science gear too.
  2. kerbal is like my point and click game to relax too
  3. this is the main reason i stopped building bases, almost every single one eventually got weird and exploded. this doesnt just happen switching to them either, flying over them with another craft can cause the same outcome.
  4. i only use about 4 engines total vector for launch terrier if going local LV nuke for travel twin boar if the craft is huge
  5. OP got rekt RIP KSP lives on another day
  6. maybe at ultra settings at 4k but for 1080p gaming its fine. also the 3g and the 6g use almost the same core clock, the speed difference is super small if any at all. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487267 vs https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487261#close vs https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125905
  7. yes a 1060 is a very capable gaming card that can play all modern games at 1080p on high to max settings
  8. hmmm you may want to buy 2 1080's just to be sure
  9. duna doesnt need a lot fuel to get there and land. if you can make a rocket land on the mun you can fly to duna with it, and because duna has an atmosphere landing is easy peasy and uses little fuel as long as you didnt pile drive through the little atmosphere it has. to get to duna let kerblin be at 6 o'clock and duna 4-5 o'clock, burn AP on the darkside of kerblin until intercept to get back let kerblin be at about 9 o'clock and duna 6 o'clock, burn AP on the sunny side of duna until intercept.
  10. when i launch from the VAB the game slowly runs like crap, so i guess its backwards for me. tho reverting luanches does drop the frame rate. doing recover-launch-recovering from space center does drop it too launching from space center the first time keeps the frame rate more stable it seemed.
  11. wow man you are right ive never had such high frame rate, usually it drops to 30 frames or less by this point. this is max settings not launching from the VAB
  12. ive asked before why the game runs like crap and always got the same excuses about single thread blah blah but yet can run pretty much any other game on ultimate settings. this game is very poorly optimized and runs worse and worse as you play it and find bugs.
  13. the ending sucked Jeb escaped and Valentina died
  14. today i stole everyones best crafts and claimed them as my own
  15. based on playing entirely too much 40k at 1000 m/s assuming we are in kerblin will get you to 75-90k into space on a sub orbit before falling back
  16. in kerbal that engine is just your air in-take AMIRITE?
  17. have your tried flying through them at 88 m/s during lightning storms?
  18. you sir better not EVER play an MMO because THATS ALL YOU DO EVERYDAY just to get that epic piece of armor the rest of the server wants. you feel like a god, until everyone else has it [snip] god dammit........... /kicks dirt
  19. go to kerbal folder, look for backup saves folder and open it, inside should be some old saves.
  20. Eve and Tylo will be the hardest ones the rest is easy
  21. if this game didnt have mods i would have stopped playing a long time ago
  22. my pc's biggest drawback is its CPU and crappy single thread speed as kerbal just destroys it and since the game isnt very multi core friendly this game remains one of the only games i cant run on max settings. i installed high textures and visual mod and that didnt seem to effect my FPS too much. but launch a rocket with 100 parts and watch that FPS drop to 15 until i hit high atmosphere or space to get 60 frames again. im really hoping the new unity engine fixes a lot of performance issues.
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