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Everything posted by Nyarlathotep-

  1. I have an idea for an expansion: 1 yellow Sol like star with a binary planet system were both planets look like Earth, but one has Eve's color pallet the other is photo-negative of the real Earth, the star system would be about 125Tm out from Kerbol. What do you think TheProtagonists?
  2. Considering some of the glitches I have seen that were caused by using outdated mods I think I will wait.
  3. If that was the problem why would the plane explode like I flew it into the ground?
  4. I cant use the carriers because if I try to land on one the plane I use WILL explode, no exceptions, my solution is to just separate the bridges from the rest of the ship.
  5. I installed the mod only to find that the K52 cockpit was completely black.
  6. I liked the idea of a new B-17 cockpit since currently the closest thing available(that works any way) is a B-29 cockpit.
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