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Ivan Cheung

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Posts posted by Ivan Cheung

  1. On 6/24/2019 at 2:03 AM, Cavscout74 said:

    It can be done, although if it's a major structural component, it is not going to be easy or pretty.  But if its something simple, it's not hard to do.  Just <Control-F>, find the part you are looking for and delete it out, as well as the lines on other parts where it shows the part you are deleting is attached to other parts.  They will look something like this:

        link = telescopicLadderBay_4289293210

    The part section will look like this:

      Hide contents

        part = telescopicLadderBay_4289293210
        partName = Part
        persistentId = 1441084643
        pos = -0.884961128,3.75085855,-0.240345597
        attPos = 0,0,0
        attPos0 = -1.18718433,-0.223206431,0.0830595791
        rot = 8.94069672E-08,0.0914892256,1.78813934E-07,0.995806217
        attRot = -0.707106709,0,0,0.707106709
        attRot0 = 0.7041412,-0.0646927729,0.0646925196,-0.704141319
        mir = 1,1,1
        symMethod = Mirror
        autostrutMode = Off
        rigidAttachment = False
        istg = -1
        resPri = 0
        dstg = 0
        sidx = -1
        sqor = -1
        sepI = -1
        attm = 1
        modCost = 0
        modMass = 0
        modSize = 0,0,0
        srfN = srfAttach,M2X.BladeCockpit_4290548974
            name = RetractableLadder
            isEnabled = True
            StateName = Retracted
            stagingEnabled = True
                    actionGroup = None
                    wasActiveBeforePartWasAdjusted = False
                    actionGroup = None
                    wasActiveBeforePartWasAdjusted = False
                    actionGroup = None
                    wasActiveBeforePartWasAdjusted = False
            name = AYPart
            isEnabled = True
            stagingEnabled = True

    So you need to delete out the entire part from the first { to the last }, then delete out the "link =" lines from any parts the deleted part is attached to.  I used the retractable ladder as an example because it happened to be the first linked part of the root part of the craft file I opened to use as an example.  You'll have to find the actual part name either by educated guess or find the part.cfg & looking for the "name =" line

    Ooh sweet! Thanks for your help!

  2. On 6/18/2019 at 2:48 AM, Cavscout74 said:

    So long as the parts are still the same, you can go in and edit the craft file & change the version.   Results may vary - the parts Squad has updated since 1.4.1 are "new" parts - so for example, the Mk 2 lander can in pre-1.6 still exists, but post 1.6, the game uses the new Mk 2 lander can. 

    AFAIK, the only thing that will happen is you will get a message saying the parts are invalid & the craft won't load, so it's worth a try.

    The craft files should look something like this (from one of mine on KerbalX).  Just change the version to 1.4.1.   And maybe delete the "steamPublishedFileID" line - that was added after 1.4

      Hide contents

    ship = Jet-3
    version = 1.7.0
    description =
    type = SPH
    size = 13.0740223,5.09718418,14.1610661
    steamPublishedFileId = 0
    persistentId = 1757850739
    rot = 0,0,0,0
    missionFlag = Squad/Flags/REBEL2
    vesselType = Debris



    Thanks A lot for that and by the way can I delete parts with this method?

  3. I saw a few crafts on KerbalX but sadly I am currently on 1.4.1 (As Steam Auto updates game and usually ends up ruining the game, and I prefer a stable version) while the craft are built in version beyond 1.4.1


    is there anyway to modify a craft so it it is compatible with 1.4.1? I installed too many mods that updating the game would take ages to do so.

  4. On 4/2/2018 at 9:23 AM, blackheart612 said:

    @Ivan Cheung I haven't replicated not being able to put passengers aside from the cab, I remember being able to, I'll test that soon, pretty sure ksp will allow you as long as it is capable of having passengers.

    Edit: To change part color, right click a part in SPH/VAB, then you can either click on the boxes which indicate the color or use the arrows on the sides of it.

    @UnanimousCoward On the Kerbal portraits, there's a tiny circle on the left side, click it and it shall give you transparency, at least until you IVA again.

    I had the mod installed on KSP 1.3.1 and I solved the  Crew Trouble by restarting with a fresh copy :D

    So currently I will probably install Grounded again when the problem is solved :)



  5. Alright.


    This space outpost is for Kerbin Orbit and designed to be released by Hyperedit.

    Built in KSP 1.3 SPH with Love.
    Thanks for downloading this craft! Here are some things that you need to know about using and installing the craft.
    1. Mods Required (NOT Included due to CurseForge rejected the .zip file)
       Prakasa Aerospace (Main Cockpit, Rear Cockpit, Bridge, Lab) Forum: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/134976-113-prakasa-aeroworks-pods-and-more/#comment-2474392
       Planetary Base System ( Most Corridors and Airlock) Forum:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/133606-130-kerbal-planetary-base-systems-v145-19-june-2017/

    2. Ship name
       The Vessel is Named KSO Manchester.
       KSO means Kerbal Space Outpost and "Manchester" for  commemorating the Manchester attack(and also I'm running out of potential names)
       Feel free to rename it!

    3. Contact.
       Twitter: @KSPAstroIvanC
       Facebook: Life of an KSP Astronaut
       Instagram: kspastro_ivanc

    Have fun messing with the craft!



  6. Currently Steam Auto-Updated my game to 1.3 and I reinstalled all the mods.

    But it frequently crashed with mods,but runs smoothly without mods.

    I had tried throwing out some but it keeps on crashing!

    I don't know why that happened. Please help! ;.;

    (P.S. Unfortunately this happened too at 1.2.2)


    Mods Installed: JSI,ASET,KAS,KIS,Mark IV Spaceplane,Prakasa Aerospace, Malemute Rover,Feline Rover,Texture Replacer,Plantary Base, Cryo Engine/Tanks and Hyperedit


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