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Everything posted by GRS

  1. 14/15 Schrödinger's Cat is a Paradox, where all conditions have an equal chance of occuring before you reveal it...There are 2 or 4 Possible Scenarios, The Cat Live and the bottle didn't broke, The Cat Live but the bottle broke (If God want this, it's possible), The Cat died but the bottle didn't broke, and The Cat died and the bottle broke Derivative Functions (Indonesia : Fungsi Turunan) is EZ...
  2. Recieves a "Kopiah" Inserts a Turban
  3. Wow !!! Ultra Rare Reply !!!(?) 9/10 Either you're a Merman or you have some water house...
  4. Banned for having a "-" in your name and because i liked your post.
  5. That was Simon's order. Waiter, i got a Weeby thing in my soup !!!
  6. I thought you said "Magikarp"... Waiter ! I got Ultra Instinct in my soup !!!
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