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Everything posted by GRS

  1. No movements other than your 28 Earlier, so that's why i made my move after you said about Editing to an equation. 28 (+)
  2. You can still edit that, no moves done after yours so far.
  3. You also have more Potential than me in Science, Tech Level Shouldn't be too much of a Problem for you, but you REALLY need to grab some Efficient Space Engines to Reduce Your Craft Size, my Dunpollo was still below 2000 Tons despite quite Low Tech Level, You should be able to make a Smaller one with your Tech
  4. Valid Invalid Double Post (?) @JPGSP, look at your List and see if anything's wrong...
  5. Eve is always a trouble, But you can find Inspirations on YouTube, if you want to drop a Lander, drop it to 75 Km or something, Jool 5 would be Extremely Troublesome if you want to Dig Max Science. @5thHorseman, Mind if i get more Details...? I think you forgot to write "No Landing Legs", and try Removing "After Kerpollo" in the 5 Kerbal info to avoid confusion
  6. Use EVE if you can handle that, i used SVE because My Pentium Hate Many Mods, and practically Self Supporting since you don't require Extra Mods, SVE was said to be a Humble Version of EVE for Weak PC.
  7. Sweet...You can probably use this as an Inspiration, if you don't really care about Science Gains...
  8. @jost Nice plannings dude...here's a Tip for Moho... 1. Get to One of the 2 Inclination Intersects (All Planets have 2, I recommend Getting the Lower one for Oberth Efficiency, then try diving deeper with Eve Assist if you want more Science from Space Near Kerbol). 2. Get your Moho Periapsis as close as you can, 30 Km should be safe, yet you're fine to reduce it, this gives more Oberth Efficiency too. 3. Time your Burn, again...Oberth Efficiency, better Split into 2 Burns, 1 To Capture and 1 To Get Stable Orbit (Except if The Lander Can get from an Elliptical SOI Edge Orbit and Back to High Parked Mothership in it's own Power) At Least you're not insane enough to send Someone who can't set Maneuvers alone in Your Landers
  9. Wow @jost, you did well...Now that I'm back after a long time doing "Nothing", I'm finally prepared to Continue, just Finished a Jool 5 Non-ISRU Full Science Module, though i might forget that Gravioli Thing, just the matter of Execution and Sticking those things together while keeping them cool.
  10. Taqoballahu Minna Wa Minkum semuanya
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