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Everything posted by GRS

  1. Very likely with Fuel...Yikes...I'm never a fan of Low Masses...
  2. Status Report, we're now on that Green thing, with a Silly Science Def... That Silly "[Biome Name] of a Spade" is gone, now it's "Spade's [Biome Name]" Also, profile of the Green Moon : Name : Spade Radius : 6 Km Gravity : 0.002 Gees Biome Count : 7 Pe/Ap : 362/1362 Km Parent : Dres Made by : Me, with help of Kopernicus.
  3. @SpaceplaneAddict Made a working Dres Moon with Interesting-ish color Scheme using Kopernicus, hope you like it... Look closer to where The Ship is pointing, SciDefs coming soon...
  4. Heheheh...Danny...my Best took 7200 Years to go from Pe to Ap, still "Orbiting" Kerbol...
  5. @doggonemess I hope it's a different way to say "I'm in" Spoiler Alert : Also upgraded to 1.7.1 for reasons... I've made Something Green (With some Blue), Look at where The Mothership is Looking at.
  6. Not gonna Lie...I'm jealous... But thanks...
  7. Try starting a new save in Science Sandbox, Difficulty of at least Normal, feel free to raise Difficulty Level, It'll be super fun...
  8. I can only hope for it...though it has a very high chance to actually qualify...
  9. I think it says 9 Launches, no Transmitters, though you can get as many In Space Science as you can, you can only land once in one Biome, no Roving or Hopping, KSC Science Spamming is fine, Extra Planet Packs are fine (Damn you Spade, for once in your life can you please obey me...)
  10. Currently trying to make a Moon for Dres using Kopernicus and will try landing there...
  11. Oh...cool...That one with Square Issues huh ??? (Thanks for your question, which i overheard accidentally, i know how to fix the same issue)
  12. Oh no...it's quite Outdated... Le Necropost Which one you're working on now...?
  13. @XenonMax, how many Gees the small moons have ?
  14. How many ??? (All bodies if necessary) Spade has 0.002 G
  15. I wish ur making Something with Gees lower than Gee-lly
  16. @jost Cool...Good Luck, and try making your Orbiter Looks Cool...if you can...
  17. Disables Any Electrical Devices...
  18. @XenonMax How to get these "License" Things...?
  19. Repeating (Already Used Earlier)
  20. Just to get my damn Moon of Dres loading in the game...
  21. Yeah LOL, and in The Kopernicus section of The Discord, you'll find me, desperately searching for answers...
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