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Everything posted by GRS

  1. Darn...these entries...only make me feel like i should hurry up the Sheep v3. Just a reminder to look at the Sheep v3 Mission report.
  2. Chapter 1-Below Kerbin Simone Launched the Powerful Sheep v3. Sheep v3 is a cutting edge, capable of taking 5 Kerbals everywhere in The Kerbolar system with most of itself to spare. Commencing Orbital Injection. The Chimera Lifter is later being restored for the sake of their budget, It was Simone's Idea. Eventually, the Lifter is now recovered, Simone is now ready to conquer the whole system. Simone starts with Eve, he also brought Bill for Gilly and Moho. They also set up an Eve encounter. Hi Eve ! Nice to meet you ! Capturing around Eve. Simone told Bill to leave as he tries to Aerobrake his way down, he also told Bill to pick him up later, which he agreed. "Thanks for ordering me to leave Simone, I'll be fried till I'm dead if you Aerobrake that thing while I'm still above you", said Bill. Simone replied, "It's also to save Delta V". After the Aerobrakes reduced his Apoapsis, he lit the engines for the last time to lower his Orbit into the Apoapsis of 3200 Km, he also lowered Periapsis into 55 Km Above Sea Level. After some wait and a Small Vector Ignition, Simone is now ready to Plant his Flag and leave Eve. "Tengen Toppa Aerospace was here". Eve Ascent. Ascent was quite uneventful, Simone reached an Orbit with barely any Delta V. "Bill, can you pick me up now ?" "Yes Commander !" "Your Uber is on Da Wae", Sneered Bill... Everyone else who are waiting in The Main Hub burst laughing at it, while Simone only did a slight smirk. As Bill reached him, Simone de-orbited The remains of Grizzly Reaper. Soon, both head to Gilly, Bill also requested if they can just land the Whole Mercury. "Yes, go for it Bill...", replied Simone. They later set an encounter to Gilly. Simone gives Bill the Flag and the authority to plant it. "Bye Gilly...thanks for having a Low Gravity...!", said Bill... Maneuvers plotted, now they're going to the hottest destination. "YAYYY !!! SUNGRAZERS, WE'RE COMIN !!!!!", Said Bill. "No, we're not shielded enough from Heat, and don't have enough Fuel", said Simone. "*sigh*...Simone and his Gravity Assist Complex...", said Bill. "Shut up Bill, your only task now is to land on Moho before we go to the Jool System", replied Simone. Capturing at Moho(le owner). "Now land on Moho so we can return later", said Simone, which Bill replied with a salute before he Undocks and try to Land on Moho. Bill plants the iconic Flag of Tengen Toppa Aerospace. After a not so Eventful Ascent, Bill reunites with Simone to go home. "Bye Moho...", said both as they leave Moho. "An Eve assist and we'll be home", said Simone with Bill trying to hold his Laughter. Flying through Eve. "Hi Vall ! Hi Bob ! Wish you're ready to do a shift change !", said Simone via their Radio. With Simone and Bill docked, now Vall and Bob has to replace them...
  3. A lot happened, i made a narration Thread about the occurrences of that Grand Tour, go read it if you want to.
  4. Also, Eve Lander takes most of the Space available, though it's "just" 44 Tons.
  5. Wait till you see the Sheepollo...it worths 8000 Tons. (Jeb Level)
  6. Werhner later told Simone that there were some Linkage mistakes, which will be disastrous in the future, so Simone and his friends landed the whole thing and relaunched a new, better ones, the mission will begin with Simone and Bill going to Eve, Gilly and possibly Moho.
  7. Which ? The Sheep v3 has around 3200 Tons of Mass and worths around 2.4 Million Roots.
  8. Actually, i made that Thread, also, I'm happy to see that ur still active, would just like that post if i can still give likes.
  9. Update, only Eve Lander entry that needs to be fixed, Laythe Lander's pretty much fine.
  10. So, far, i have found 2 issues in this 1.7 : 1.Eve Lander can't survive re-entry. 2.Laythe Lander can't remain stable during ascent.
  11. Space Shuttles... All my Jool 5 Extras are either Dres Landings or Kerpollo, starting to work on Ultimate Challenge that got Super Delayed like 6 Months.
  12. Tekcate is a released Mod, the Sungrazer and other new worlds are my own, and still unreleased.
  13. Necropost Simone and Bill are now going to Eve in the first Landing, Grizzly Reaper gives a serious amount of Mass, so it has to be removed immediately.
  14. Been so long...so much delay...now I'm bored, I'll see if i can get back to this later... Focusing in this Challenge now, design still the same as the one i used Long ago.
  15. @jost No, just a mission to some worlds, including a frickin Sungrazer that has 1.7 Gees and also comparably hard to that infamous Ernus, yet i still dig as much Science as possible. I made Albums for both extensions. If Moho is too much 4 u guys, don't even think about that Sungrazer.
  16. Arkollo : Fear The Light, Fear The Gravity Sebuah Album misi ke suatu planet yang berkemungkinan Chthonian disebut Arkanus yang teramat sangat dekat ke Kerbol, begitu juga 2 Planet dan 1 Bulan lainnya bernama Tarkus, Orbin dan Nuuma yang kubuat. Arkanus kubuat karena terinspirasi secara langsung dari Erna- eh Erna...Er-NUS !!! Ernus dibuat oleh "KillAshley" dalam New Horizons Planet Pack.
  17. Masih ada Kerbin ? Ya, yang kubuat sih...heheheh...
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