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Everything posted by coolguy8445

  1. Ok, that's slightly less annoying, and makes sense. At least that means that saving provides a workaround.
  2. https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/JanitorsCloset/issues/22 <-- Looks like @Jacke already created an issue for it. I linked my original comment to that issue.
  3. I hope to be able to get back to this soon. Been busy with another pair of mods Should I add an issue on the Git for this to help with tracking it? Also FYI this is on 1.2.2. Probably should have mentioned that before
  4. I have a long-standing bug with KRASH in 1.2.2, but I don't see it mentioned earlier in the history: after I run the sim, when I return to the VAB, my vessel is not in the last state I saved it. It seems to always be a few steps earlier, not at a user-save point but perhaps an autosave in the VAB. It may be conflicting with another mod, so I'll have to make a testbed clone of the game with just KRASH (and possibly KCT). I'll let you know my results/post a log this evening.
  5. Not sure whether this has been asked before, as I'm not sure what search terms to use, but: Is it intentional that the engines' stack nodes don't seem to make sense? Especially on the bottom of, say, an LFO, the node is inside the bell of the engine, which can cause issues like decouplers getting lost inside the bell, or cause some inconsistencies with other mods that cause things to need to be manually dragged into the right positions. I've noticed similar problems with the decouplers' top nodes, but I can see that those mount points *are* intentional (presumably) to align the part being decoupled with the rail inside the texture? Also, the bells of certain engines, like the Rhino, seem to stick out beyond the end of their shrouds. I'm assuming that the purpose of that is, again, for alignment with decouplers, but it can cause some strangeness. Personally, I would just as soon not try to be heroic about alignment, and have all engines' bottom nodes and shrouds at the end of the bell, and decouplers' top nodes at the top edge instead of nested inside (especially since one won't *necessarily* have an engine mounted above the stack decoupler). But then again, I'm not the developer. I could make the tweaks well enough myself, but wanted to get some input on the rationale behind this before breaking things. EDIT: After looking at the config files for VSR, it looks like barely any stack nodes are changed...least of all engine and decoupler nodes. And the shroud endpoints are based on the bottom node, so that makes sense now...
  6. By "short and clean" I meant one from a playthrough without all the other mod cruft, dear. Which is exactly what I gave him in my last post. An unadulterated logfile, from a playthrough with only the directly-related mods. Which, I believe, is what I said I would do. I made no comment about manually cleaning up the file (Ain't nobody got time for that!). And I believe I also mentioned that I'm a software engineer, and have thorough experience in trawling through logs and not having enough information to go on. Again, this really just came down to this only being like my second bug report, and my not remembering to post a logfile. As with Sarbian: No need to be a jerk about it.
  7. @sarbian Your requested reproduction: KSP version: Mods: MM, Blizzy's Toolbar, CustomBarnKit, SETI Custom Barn Kit Config Log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1o-ANenOxXoS1UtOFRaUzR6d1k (only 300kB!) Time to reproduce: 10-15 seconds Steps to reproduce: Start a new game (I set it to max starting funds and min funds penalty for ease) Go to the VAB; see that the Engineer's Report shows a limit of 9T, which is correct for Yemo's L1 pad. Exit the VAB. Upgrade the Launch Pad Enter the VAB; see that the Engineer's report still shows 9T, even though we just upgraded the pad to 18T. Exit the VAB. See that the Launch Pad has been reset to L1 (I actually did not see this behavior on my main playthrough, but did continue to see the VAB report the wrong tonnage limit) Repeat steps 3-5 until convinced. Thank you for your assistance, and have a nice day!
  8. Ah, yes. I knew there was a reason I didn't get into all that myself Thanks for the reply, and the reminder.
  9. You can put the screenshot inside a "spoiler" tag (the eyeball on the toolbar), if I had to guess. That said, your issue looks like an offshoot of mine - basically, JC not doing its job because of errors behind the scenes, which cause it to not hide things. The fact that yours shows icons both within and outside of JC's button is interesting, though. Anyway, the cause will be hard to know without at least log file, and a screenshot of your "GameData" folder's contents is also useful. Last time I uploaded, I just put them on GDrive and grabbed the sharable link.
  10. Hmm, yeah, that makes sense. As I said, though, I'd like to see it as a standalone, though I know how many person-hours it would take to cherry-pick all the configs out (hence why I don't want to do it myself in a codebase I'm unfamiliar with ). That said, any thoughts on KPBS support (or on why you won't support it, as the case may be)?
  11. Hmm, I was worried about that. My guess, then, would be that the VAB (and possibly other buildings) is basing what it *thinks* the level is on what stock does with the levels. In Stock, and in CBK's default, there are only 3 building levels, with the corresponding float values of 0, 0.5, and 1 for the level. Yemo's, on the other hand, has 7 levels, with the corresponding float values of 0, 0.16777...(floating point precision problems), 0.3333...., and so on (this is in the save file). I'm wondering if the VAB is trying to read the level based on Stock, and thus ends up rounding down to the nearest level it can comprehend (so 0, in the case of Yemo's first upgrade). The better question is: why in the name of Kraken did Squad use a float in the range 0..1 for that in the first place, instead of using an int like any sane developer?
  12. Not having it available in all views would defeat much of its purpose, as it's also designed to hide toolbar buttons. Though, I agree that the option of moving it to Blizzy's Toolbar could be useful.
  13. Yes, this was after the KCT upgrade completed. I've actually launched a couple of rockets from the new pad. Assuming this is referring to my post. I'll check it out after work this evening; thanks! Probably CKAN just doesn't recognize it because I'm running against 1.2.2. Manual install it is! EDIT: hmm, according to CKAN, I have installed.
  14. So I'm using @Yemo's CBK config, and am seeing the following issue: my launch pad is at level 2 (of 7), after two attempts (I think KCT having a vessel in storage screwed it up), but when I go to the VAB and look at the Engineer's Report, it thinks I have the level 1 launch pad. I scrolled back and saw that there were similar issues where the level jumps *higher*, but not lower. In addition, when I exit the VAB, the launch pad momentarily flickers to level 1, then back to level 2. As I'm sure you can imagine, it's annoying to have dropped 75k Kerbucks on the upgrade and have the VAB and the KRASH sim not recognize that fact, and thus not be able to test my Mun launcher In any case, I'm not sure if it's an issue with CBK itself or Yemo's config. Modlist here
  15. X-Post from the discussion thread: I'd love to see RO support for Kerbal Planetary Base Systems. It's my go-to mod for ground bases, for one simple reason: it's flat. I believe it already has its own configs for TACLS, RealFuels, RemoteTech, CLS, etc., so presumably it wouldn't be a huge pain to add support for*, assuming @Nils277 OKs it. * This coming from the perspective of a Software Engineer who's been poking around at the RO files and understands the number of person-hours involved. On another note: I'd love to see the electrical configs (battery capacity/charge/discharge rate and solar panel rebalance/nerf) as a standalone mod. Basically I'm trying to have a realistic stockalike experience (yes, yes, I know), without the rescaling/real-world-ifying of the parts. I want to feel like I'm still playing KSP, not a Historical NASA Rocket Simulator that happens to run on KSP's engine. Also because I want to at least sort of maintain the option of other mods (like KPBS) that are not explicitly supported by RO and would be broken in a standard RO setup. I know about Real Battery, and have toyed with it, but it feels...unfinished, and doesn't support other mods/isn't supported by other mods, to my knowledge.
  16. Apparently this is a common issue, but I also am having trouble with inability to hide buttons now. Seems to be caused by the following: [EXC 19:24:33.018] ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary. System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,JanitorsCloset.ButtonSceneBlock].Add (System.String key, JanitorsCloset.ButtonSceneBlock value) JanitorsCloset.JanitorsCloset.addToHiddenBlockList (KSP.UI.Screens.ApplicationLauncherButton selectedButton, Blocktype btype) JanitorsCloset.ToolbarIconEvents+InstallToolIconEvents.CheckToolbarButtons () JanitorsCloset.ToolbarIconEvents+InstallToolIconEvents.FixedUpdate () Unfortunately, this causes the entirety of Janitor's closet to become unresponsive, except for the alt+click popup. In addition, it sometimes becomes functional again and sometimes doesn't. Seems to be a toss-up. KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1o-ANenOxXoSzliSndTT3FpMXM Modlist: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1o-ANenOxXoUHd3V21PTXdzODg (smcCustom is my own minor tweaks; things like nerfing reaction wheels and RemoteTech range tweaks) (FASA is a partial install, with only the launch clamp parts)
  17. Not sure if this has been brought up before (nor whether to post to this thread or the release thread); I didn't see it in a search on either thread: I'd love to see RO support for Kerbal Planetary Base Systems. It's my go-to mod for ground bases, for one simple reason: it's flat. I believe it already has its own configs for TACLS, RealFuels, RemoteTech, CLS, etc., so presumably it wouldn't be a huge pain to add support for*, assuming @Nils277 OKs it. * This coming from the perspective of a Software Engineer who's been poking around at the RO files and understands the number of person-hours involved. On another note: I'd love to see the electrical configs (battery capacity/charge/discharge rate and solar panel rebalance/nerf) as a standalone mod. Basically I'm trying to have a realistic stockalike experience (yes, yes, I know), without the rescaling/real-world-ifying of the parts. I want to feel like I'm still playing KSP, not a Historical NASA Rocket Simulator that happens to run on KSP's engine. Also because I want to at least sort of maintain the option of other mods (like KPBS) that are not explicitly supported by RO and would be broken in a standard RO setup. I know about Real Battery, and have toyed with it, but it feels...unfinished, and doesn't support other mods/isn't supported by other mods, to my knowledge.
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