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Everything posted by Dimas152

  1. the entire mod doesn't seem to appear in my ksp, idk why but there's nothing wrong when i checked it's files i installed it via CKAN
  2. oh boi they looks so realistic i almost thought they're big lmao wait, craft sauce plox?
  3. what if you joint force with AirplanePlus and merge this?
  4. so off-duty kerbals got bored recently some of them decided to make down-scaled aircrafts maybe you can build them some? RULES : 1. no tweakscale >:) 2. EDIT : no cockpits comseats, cockpits allowed for aesthetics on huge planes 3. give craft sauce 4. have fun (i decided to make a racing challenge SOON)
  5. let's see if i can win tis [insert soviet anthem earrape here]
  6. NUUUUUUU PIZDEC btw i tested my NutBuster against @Earthlinger's Lancer in 1v1 fight everything goes well build more maybe?
  7. nup, just i didn't see any battles for few days with any fighters
  8. the Hive is kinda OP kek i just done a 1v1 fight with my NutBuster and it just get rekt instantly before even firing a missile i even disabled the mothership's guard mode
  9. welp i forget the name it also provides docking camera
  10. yep, well it wont btw other mod that allows FPEVA works in external seat (but it self-orients when i release the right click and can't zoom)
  11. can't perform FPEVA on external seats any tweaks?
  12. dat spin maneuver tho btw i'd suggest using ejection seat mod just in case ur plane screwed up in the air when the cockpit suvives
  13. after running through boredoms and no ideas i came out with this kinda maneuverable tho The NutBuster
  14. how to win: steal get take acquire the best planes in the roster learn the plane be one with the plane build your plane based on what you learned from it (e.g light, TWR, maneuverability) git gud profit
  15. no one noticed? also pls delete the Mk1 fuselage
  16. btw can we use the 105mm howitzer? it has very limited sway
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