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Everything posted by Dimas152

  1. the Spaceflight Simulator rather simple game with several bodies in the solar system, pretty easy gameplay, for mobile
  2. btw, other than using american names, how about we use stock names with kerbalized world surnames? (Kermanov, Kermady, Kerbolyov, etc etc)
  3. bcs mai F-22N isn't queued more, so i'm entering this https://kerbalx.com/dimas_1502/KF-XIF-X-C-100 basically my previous entry, but with more mods and different name 6 amraam inside
  4. i know it, that's why i said "placed too north" the baikonur pic is for the baikerbanur that's already included as an easteregg
  5. there's one RPM config for some cockpits, like this not for all cockpits, also need firespitter and ASET
  6. wait...the real Baikonur had SPH and runway too, just more far
  7. yeah haven't tried KerbPaint tho, but i think part recoloring gives players more creativity than texture changing (1.4 update, FireSpitterTextureSwitcher)
  8. well, looking on some threads here about the new launchpad(woomerang) placed too north unlike in the real life (even tho i haven't tried 1.4.1), i have a suggestion here how about we move the old model KSC along with the Woomerang to somewhere more south, and add another space center with same buildings as KSC with different layout, different launchpad, longer crawlerway, removing the SPH and runway, placed somewhere in the north of the desert and naming it Baikerbanur (changing the old Baikerbanur too) maybe someone here had more ideas?
  9. how about HullCamVDS? they have orbital telescopes too, but u need ProbeControlRoom+RPMto use it
  10. btw how do u add them before making this mod? (+dat hideri tho)
  11. idk but maybe they're just dish-shaped hot balloons? they're light enough to be propelled by .. wait lmao
  12. no one replied to my topic about this thing in Add-on discussions, but u did this nice work!
  13. how about the quad-pedal? should b easier making a working AT-AT
  14. because Making History don't have Soyuz and TKS gon download then wait firespitter haven't updated yet
  15. i have 2 KSP rn, 1.3.1 for challenges and craft uploading, 1.4.0 for random things well let's see
  16. btw, i want to make a Soyuz-Istrebitel (soyuz fighter) after i got that 1.4.1+DLC but my concept is using BDAc which is still not updated i don't have any idea for stock space fighters yet gimme ideas plz
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