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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. This is driving me insane. If that thing is pure stock, what makes the tail fin do that?
  2. To get to orbit: Go up and sideways. To come back down: Go sideways the other way, but just a little bit. To go to a different planet: Go sideways a lot more. Z goes. X stops going. B stops going faster. Space bar turns things on. Make sure you turn on the right things. Pointy end up. Hot end down.
  3. It can turn the SAS action group off and on, but it can't set prograde, retrograde, normal.. etc.
  4. Yeah, I could go that route. Would prefer not to, though. I just managed to build a shuttle that brings ~40 tons to an 87k x 31k orbit pretty repeatably just by pushing the spacebar, but you also need to set SAS to prograde at 100m/s. Having SmartParts trigger that would be more more precise than me doing it.
  5. Is it possible to select the SAS mode with action groups? I believe RPM can set the mode in IVA, so I'm thinking it's possible. I'd like to use SmartParts to switch SAS mode, but it can't do it directly, as it just affects the action groups. Assigning an SAS mode to an action group would be perfect.
  6. Since the info is already available in-game, I imagine it would be very doable, if it hasn't been done already!
  7. This has been driving me crazy. Using both the infamously terrible forum search as well as Google, I cannot find out which mod it is that adds the shuttle tail fin with the built-in drag chute. I see pictures of it all the time, but which one is it?
  8. Hell no. TUBM has a job they like.
  9. If you're looking for a mod, this is what you want.
  10. I know there's a mod out there that does it, but I can't think of what it is. I'm with you on better craft switching options. I really think [ ] should switch between active vessels, ignoring all debris. Mod + [ ] should include debris. A customizable "switch between" distance would be cool.
  11. Tron Legacy IS a sequel. I'm breaking up with today. We're done. It's not me, it's you. Go away.
  12. Apparently my request posts for "no crew" aren't in that thread. They must have been in the Star Mods thread for it... which I can't find. This is for KSP 1.3.1, but I can't image @Snark changed how the config file works. My config in the spoiler:
  13. Check this out. I actually use it to prevent anyone from jumping in a pod, forcing me to pick crew every time.
  14. The very first time I de-orbited a shuttle without it flipping on me. It was incredible. I felt like I finally knew what I was doing. (Although I'm still not sure how to get one into orbit without it wobbling all over the place.) Pic isn't that time, but it's gotten addictive. I never thought I'd build shuttles, but now it seems to be all I focus on.
  15. ^^^ KJR is magic. I don't play without it. Also, if you're having issues at docking ports that are permanent, get Konstruction! and weld those parts together.
  16. If you don't run in full screen, you should be able to size the window to whatever size you want. Also I've never heard of the Telemachus mod... holy cow. I need that too!
  17. The mk1-3 pod isn't MH. It's just new to 1.4.x I imagine it has something to do with having to keep something. The game might freak out if there's literally no parts to load, so something has to be left. I saw in older releases of this mod it was the cubical strut, and it's easier to tell people that they have to keep a specific item vs. "Keep something"
  18. My guess would be that much. I doubt you could remove anything that wasn't a part. Might also be a good idea to turn all the graphics down as low as they can go (on the client side), if you're not on a powerful computer. I just tested in an otherwise stock + KER environment. I still mainly play in 1.3.1, so I haven't tested this out in my main modded install.
  19. That might work. I don't know anything about the orange pis, I just have Raspberries. Most of them are running 3D printers, and I have one in a PiGrrl2, so I haven't done anything strenuous with them. Definitely test it out on your Orange Pi. Looks like you can remove all parts except one on the client side, so that would help with RAM quite a bit too. I just think the 1GB on the Raspi is too little.
  20. I doubt a raspberry Pi could handle even vanilla KSP. But you make me want to try. I have a Pi3 sitting around doing nothing right now.
  21. I want a shot-for-shot remake of Sim City 2000, the only update being infinite map space.
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