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Everything posted by GoodGuy

  1. Yeah, no use whatsoever. pretty much everyone agrees it's a cosmetic item.
  2. Well, there IS a manual, except there is only 2 words. 'MOAR BOOSTERS' (variations may exist)
  3. was the first one, but my answer would be Kerbollo 13 favorite plant?
  4. Did you forget to add ailerons?
  5. Looks like I\'ll add another page in the legend of Jebidiah. I imagine some pre-.14 people would agree with me. He\'ll jump off and kick the landing struts, which in turn explodes, to 'test the reliability of the new .16 landing strut'.
  6. Well, there is a working hypothesis/theory that kerbals use photosynthesis. Remember, even though we have plants and animals, they may not be set in concrete.
  7. Well, if you watched his videos, he explains that mechjeb is NOT another capsule. It has severely limited capabilities.
  8. Well, for some reason, lots of minecraft players somehow know about KSP. I\'m wondering if some people spammed TOO much.
  9. There already is a mod for this, just that I\'m too lazy to go to the add-on forums. However, it (may be) buggy, according to WhiteOwl.
  10. hmmm..... so if they aren\'t working with the KW pack, and you\'re going to use to old C7 flight pack ones, Maybe it\'ll be better because then your nose would be pointing up (silly little landing gear).
  11. According to my observations, you have a few options: 1) Remake the GRUNT Provisional: it obviously needs more boosters 2) Remake GRUNT 45. It\'s got enough power (remember, wasn\'t the mass of the lander like 44.9?) 3) Abandon the GRUNT series and use a mothership (don\'t do) BUT, there is one thing you MUST do. - Call up all the Kerbals who knows what GRUNT is about, even the ones that just LOOKED at the GRUNT 45 and get working. Next, call up the boys at the VAB who actually BUILT the two GRUNTs and squeeze every FINTOGRAM of data they have. Then, work with the modder who actually Modded the thing (which you already are) and exterminate the bugs. Finally, build the ultimate GRUNT once and for all.
  12. I don\'t know...... maybe life-essential things? (e.g food, shelter, water)
  13. If you discovered this game and DON\'T want to buy it, you\'re somewhat.... mentally retarded. There is almost no way the devs would give up since they\'re planning another update. Even IF they give up, it\'s money well spent.
  14. Sounds like you\'re hatching an evil plan to remake the GRUNT series, no?
  15. and where, do you propose, the extra 20 plus pages of single items should go?
  16. If you didn\'t know, M is for map view.
  17. Well, landing without RCS is pretty easy. At least to the experienced pilot. I kind of despise RCS in ships that don\'t need them. I mean, if there is a ship that requires RCS to go straight, then there\'s a problem.
  18. I seriously think we need to invent Kerbalian or something. I\'ve piratically given up on the international forums. Well, it seems like Nova\'s invention Tonokonian or something thats supposed to be the Latin of Kerbals... lets hope its easy.
  19. Uhhhhhhhhh........... well, if you didn\'t get the memo, in human terms hes Evel Knieval, Elvis Presley, and Neil Armstrong perfected and rolled into one. Plus if you ever got the earlier versions, there were only Bill, Jeb, and Bob. Bill was the 'smartypants' Jeb the 'thrillmaster' and Bobs always ******* his pants.
  20. keep in mind that according to my experience, putting altitude in feet is frowned upon seeing that the game uses the IS system and we\'ll have to connvert it to meters. but still a nice plane
  21. however, wont the bullet go supersonic if it can go supersonic, therefure cancelling out the suppressor?
  22. off topic: looks like they ripped off he F-14? on topic: well, how are we supposed to make it transform into a robot without making it into a lagfest?
  23. Maybe it\'s a leftover of the old days where people called Kerbin Kearth
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