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Everything posted by SwissSpace93

  1. I use this mod to find my transferwindows for interplanetary flights, but it calculates wrong to bring back Jeb, Bill and Bob from their Dres-Adventure. The mod give me a return Travel thats 153days to early, to get back on Kerbin. But the dV calculation was not very high, i dont get back home with this dV because the rocket was to early at Kerbins Orbit. with slingshotter and maneuver i found the encounter 153days later. The UT is in year 51, is it possible that tolerances get wrong results, or is the problem just sitting at the computer?
  2. Today i Landed Jeb, Bill and Bob on Dres Now they are waiting for the Return Transferwindow, before they can get home i change the KSS-Crew and refill the Life support. This time it looks good to return to Kerbin with 2100m/s dV (with Lander docked, but it left it in Dres Orbit) The Rockets at the KSC Jeb, Bill and Bob on Dres
  3. Ok good to know, i got the 1.4.3 and Mission Builder Expansion Pack. It looks nice when i finished my Dres Mission in 1.3.0 i‘m going to do some Missions in 1.4.3
  4. Explorer-1 continued his journey to Plock (not optimal transfer) it tooks 133 years from now until it arrives at Plock. The Dres-1L (Lander) Rocket looks finished now, i need to check it with dV and RCS (i like to forget RCS and realise it in Orbit )
  5. I have a question: I play on 1.3.0 with many mods inclusive Outer Planets Mod, what do you think about starting second KSP with Version 1.4.x and is the Making Hystory Expansion Pack worth (i need to buy it). And whats about all these negative comments on Steam that KSP 1.4 is spyware?
  6. I planned to build my Dres Rocket but i find the way to Scratch.mit.edu and now i did a little KSP "Game", check it out. Jeb doing EVA in Orbit arround Kerbin
  7. Today i got a exclusive view at the new KSP-Updates that are coming this July, i have 3 screenshoots of it.
  8. This mod don't works with 1.3.0 Chatterer 0.9.93 i can add the dircetorys but there shows ( 0 clips) and it dont work I fixed it works now i have my 1.3.0 in another folder and i put it into the steam folder
  9. I Bring the new KSS Crew with my new rocket, and then i tried to land on Jool im my TestWorld. but this takes very long (10 mins Timewarp x4) because the parachutes slowed down to 2.5m/s. I set a new Physics warp, and warped 1000x into Jools surface and then this happened I travel with Ludicrous Speed to the nothing Kerbin gets dark and Pixelated Orbits This is the Space Center now Edit: What the island is now there too Binary Orbits (what happens here?) All planets are now inside the Sun
  10. I Build the 2. generation KSS-Shuttle Rocket, and looked at how we defeated Canada at the ice hockey world championship
  11. This sounds good, i need to try it. but first i need a better Rocket for the KSS flights
  12. When i fly Life Support and Crew Changes to the KSS (Kerbal Space Station), i use for the reentry the trajectories mod it shows me the position where i land. but when i set this up the maneuver node is i.e. in 40mins, kerbin rotates arround and then the position of Trajectories is at the same place but the surface has „traveled“. the Real chutes deploys are set to 9000m drogue and 3000m for the Main chute. when i land in the sea (1. trajectory from planned maneuver) i now land on the ground, when there is a high mountain the Parachutes will deploy to late and the Rocket crashes into the mountain. is there any mod or how do you calculate the rotation of Kerbin to the trajectory?
  13. Try it with SAS OFF My KSS got this problem too long ago, since i switch SAS off the Station dont explode. The problem was that SAS tried to stabilize the Space Station but the stabilization goes to a resonance swinging SAS tried to stopp it and give full power to the reaction wheels, it swinged more and more until it blows up. Hint: When a Spaceship begings to make weird stuff (wobble...) then press the timewarp button to stop it(not physics warp).
  14. Explorer-1 finally reached Sarnus At Apoapsis the Nuclear Stage was removed, the Ion Engines broke while Staging. But The Explorer-1 is still usable The Nuclear Stage crashed on Sarnus
  15. Yesterday i have fly the last KSS Life Support and Crew change, before Explorer-1 reaches Sarnus after 20 years from Jool. when it reaches Sarnus Explorer-1 will perform a Capture burn and wait there until KSC has sended the new Maneuvers for the Voyage to Urlum. (Signal delay is now at arround 10-12mins)
  16. Today i installed the deadly reentry mod, and tried to get back to Kerbin. The stock heat shield has only 15 Ablator left when i landed. And i learned that a periapsis at 55km is very bad with deadly reentry, it used 70% of the ablator before coming down to the thick air. i used for the sucessful reentry a periapsis of 25km from LKO (286km), what are your periapsis ( when using the Deadly Reentry Mod)?
  17. It works now when i set StabilizationTicks to 1000 in the config, thats nice now i can use my Base without Kraken-Surprises. In a few Time warpings it happens that the Base is falling underground, but it comes back up with no damage. did you suggest me to change some other configs?
  18. When using the mod the Base gots lifted for a time, but after it goes crazy again i think the mod works. How i can upload the KSP.log in the Forum? How to use the insert existing attachement button? Link to KSP.log
  19. Dont work the AVC says thats not compatible, and the Base still goes crazy when loading it.
  20. Isthis mod available for 1.3.0? i have a problem with my PlanetaryBase thats going crazy when i load it, and i'm still at 1.3.0?
  21. I want to put some lamps outside of my MinmusBase but then it happens (check out Linked Post) The Crew returned to Kerbin, i have saved it before the base blow up but everytime when i load it it goes crazy
  22. The MinmusBase has some problems with the physics when it get loaded and the Physics are calculated Why this happens? (is it Kerbal Attachement Systems?)
  23. I have a question about docking with Space Stations, is there a formula that calculate the angle between the Station and the rocket? Many Videos in Youtube the rocket fly directly to the station from the KSC, how to get the needed Phase Angle for this?
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