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    ..somewhere in orbit? I dunno where I am...

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  1. ...I could be persuaded to update from my own ancient as all get out ksp 1.12.2 build if that happened. ...only real reason I dont update is build and mod stability are REAL good with 1.12.2
  2. good to see this old workhorse mod being revitalized. nice work.
  3. will intercolor version 5.4 work on game version 1.12.2?
  4. so..is it possible to use the existing partset, and things like BDB to build an EUS for the SLS?
  5. looking pretty snazzy. ------- brief off topic..is it wrong and should I be ashamed of myself..that the second @Angel-125 mentioned the word 'goat' that my brain went 'wait..why the heck is he trying to put a goat in kerbal? last I checked this aint goat simulator'
  6. I look forwards to seeing this mod pack mature. looks promising.
  7. I may have to search out 'Rocket Motor Menagerie' as I've had occasion of late to not be very happy with the motors I have available to me.
  8. yeah...it just wont let me build the rover....or use any of its parts. I'm yanking it. cant place parts, cant delete parts, VAB outright unusable with this installed. I reverted to the old habtech props after removing this mod. heres hoping my vab starts working again.
  9. welcome and thank you, and now I'm having issues mounting the rover wheel mount arms..it wont latch when I click to place.
  10. installation question: should I replace the habtech props that came with habtech2, with the habtech props that came with this?
  11. and I had it installed wrong! I'm SO smart... -facepalms-
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