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  1. I like the Asteroid docking port and habitat. However I feel that proper instructions are necessary: Anchorable Docking Port Activate claw Latch onto asteroid Anchor docking port Decouple node Infaltible(sic) Asteroid Habitat Activate claw Latch onto asteroid Excavate habitat The habitat does NOT have a decoupler, be prepared for that. Activating Anchor docking port or Excavate habitat in the VAB will cause the part to remain deployed permanently even when launching, replace with a new one if this happens. Probably a bug. Do not touch release or deactivate claw once deployed on an asteroid, hilarity or explosions will ensue.
  2. But the contracts generated do not appear to take into account how much excess living space there is, so you will not be asked to send tourists to Duna by the busload.
  3. Does the KonFabricator support recycling parts in inventory?
  4. I placed the science modules onto the ground of the Mun using Construction Mode. Now I cannot interact with them or pick them up again.
  5. No problem with NF Electrical and Spacecraft so far other than that they don't have stock inventories yet.
  6. Some part packs do not play well with KRnD. Do you use KPBS or Stockalike Mining?
  7. I've isolated the issue. The Electric Charge for the US2 battery disappears when KRnD is installed, however this does not affect any other US2 part that acts as a tank.
  8. That link is for the modlist. The log file is too big without a premium account.
  9. Unfortunately I'm not creating a Dropbox account just to post logs.
  10. The battery wedges are not being added to the EC total for the craft.
  11. I am having issues running this mod with either KPBS or Stockalike Mining Extension. Either one of them causes the R&D menu for the 1-kerbal capsule to blank out.
  12. I do, but I cannot PM you the list yet. Not enough content items?
  13. There is an issue with the LittleFrog probe core. The navball direction changes when you quicksave then quickload the same craft. How to reproduce: Launch a single LittleFrog and nothing else. Quicksave(F5) Quickload(Hold F9) Navball has now changed and normal WASD inputs have been altered. KSP version 1.3.1. Problem does not occur with a stock probe core.
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