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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. Yep. We probably are less than 10 years away from Oasis. Especially now we have real time ray tracing
  2. Bows are quieter though. Still, why you would have an archer on an alien and robot fighting team is questionable.
  3. thats the point of the meme
  4. @sevenperforce knows what I mean.
  5. No, but Space Engine could sell their game engine so other space games could improve their graphics. Yes, I know its not going to happen.
  6. You can't just tell us that! What was the question and answer Just a skype livestream or from the space station? 2 weeks of detention please get the pun
  7. They have 6 years to launch humans to Mars. The clock is ticking.
  8. They're probably going to surrender so they don't get blown into space. Just send drones. (Like in the game Duskers) A railgun is a railgun.
  9. If you disable the weapons, you'd probably want to board, not destroy. Spaceships are expensive.
  10. Also, never have a cruise ship that is also a military ship. The Enterprise D is basically the Oasis of the Seas and the Zumwalt at the same time. This is a bad idea. To get around this, you could put fixed cameras, like in Europa Report. Whenever they are boarded in Star Trek, they should just crush the aliens by increasing the plating. They did that in one episode of enterprise.
  11. Really? I thought it was the best movie soundtrack. There is nothing wrong with that. If you make two designs, and the one selected has some problems, and the alternative fixes said problems, yes, there is chance that design will be worse, but the probability of it fixing the existing problems might be higher. Two birds in a bush are sometimes worth more than 1 in a hand.
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