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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. DAL59


    White pawn to F5, captures black pawn.
  2. HELLO, it looks like you are trying to go to space today! Do you want some help?
  3. I don't even get to that part I think I need to redo level 3 so I start level 4 with more resources.
  4. I have the original game(which I think is free on GOG), and it is fun. Also, very, very hard. VERY VERY HARD. As in, I can't get past level 4.
  5. always has a countdown timer in the upper right WRONG PASTE http://www.spaceflightinsider.com/ was what i meant to paste. The upper right shows the time to the next launch.
  6. You can do the gyro drive, but I'll put it in the kraken category. I'm still hopeful for a non-glitch SSTO.
  7. Can I have the craft file for the Duna ship? I'm thinking of doing a series where I only use other people's ships and the stock ships in career mode.
  8. http://planetary.org/blogs/casey-dreier/2018/20180322-fy18-omnibus.html
  9. You might want to seize control of a planet, not destroy it.
  10. Spaceships are expensive. You'd probably want to capture ships, not destroy them.
  11. Well, we could make the remote control argument for modern ships too.
  12. You need dust for the portals to stick to!
  13. DAL59


    White pawn to E4.
  14. You can get it for free on VASSAL(virtual board games). Then screenshot all the cards, use imagesplitter.net to split the map into four images, print them out, tape them together, and there you go! That's what I did. Since it is out of print, its not really piracy.
  15. There is also a board game like spore. It would take several days of gameplay to do. First, you play Bios: Genesis(bacteria). Then, Bios: Megafauna(dinosaurs). Then, Bios: Origins(the dawn of civilization) Alternatively, play Neanderthal. Then, Pax Renaissance(expand your civilization). Then, play Kreigbot to expand warfare into the future. Then, play high frontier, and conquer the entire solar system. (This is the best game, BTW). Lastly, leave the solar system to play Interstellar. It will only take a few hundred hours to learn to play! BTW, all these games were made by the same guy.
  16. It should start with this:
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