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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. Sorry My spellcheck doesn't work on the forums for some reason...
  2. Again, they are being built now. Beurocracy. Also, they need to give Boeing money too.
  3. And starlink is now 0.016771488% done! Hopefully, this will render the whole NN problem moot.
  4. Why should SRP be arbitralily delayed by 20 years? Exactly. Its not feasible to send tiny teams. We need hundreds of people building colonies ASAP.
  5. That is NASA's plan for landing on Mars too. That is currently being built. What do you think all of the precicion landings by F9 were proving?
  6. SpaceX. Exactly. They'll lauch EM-1, EM-2, and Clipper, then there will be no point.
  7. Still, they did something for the first time. Now, only the second stage is expendable.
  8. Its sort of crowded. I'd still want to go though. The lower deck would hold life support, airlock, rover, and science equipment.
  9. https://www.popularmechanics.com/space/moon-mars/news/a20102/we-could-have-a-moon-base-for-10-billion/
  10. As long as they don't figure out how to open doors... Also, why does this cost 100,000 dollars! Its a sphero with two cameras stuck to it! Just buy an oversized sphero, a high grib skin for it, and put some auto-rotating cameras from a drone onto it. Not worth 100,000!
  11. Opportunity cost. We could have build 12 moon bases for the price of the ISS. Exactly. There is no way SLS will send humans to Mars. EM-2 might happen, due to sunk cost, but it is too expensive, especially due to NG. There is no way they are doing a 12 launch mission to assemble a station in lunar orbit, sned an ion drive up to it, preposistion 2 ADVs, that can only be used for 2 weeks, and then send humans to Mars in longer transit times than would be provided by chemical rockets. Remember, the SLS could send 4 people to Mars using the three launch Mars Direct mission.
  12. No hot staging though- parts must be destoyed by terrain, not temperature.
  13. Mr Steven is 100 km south west of Avalon Island. What is the IMO of OCISLY?
  14. Only one rotating city, for pregnancy. Or one rotating station. To allow a colony to exist.
  15. Tilted rotating cities. As shown here:
  16. Breaking parts is not cheating, this thread is not dead, and I will not be the last jedi!
  17. Don't fix the poles! Its a famous part of the game.
  18. Exactly. The magnetic field isn't the initial terraformer's problem. They can ignore it and their distant descendants will deal with air loss 1,000 years in the future. A series of magnetic satelites or land strips.
  19. They have millenia. Yes it is. A thousand tons of robots, 3-d printers, and smelters could do it. Nobody is trying to make antartica self suffiecinet. Also, you could get more metals from phobos.
  20. You''ve been playing outer wilds...
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