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Everything posted by Jhorriga

  1. Magical space drive, they do have. Battleships would move slower because it seems more fitting. (Keep in mind not everything in this universe is based off scientific fact. chunks of it are just there because it seems cooler or it would allow more action.) Artificial gravity generators are present within most ships, but seatbelts are still used on shuttles and fast moving craft like fighters.
  2. What's a sci fi universe without space fighters?!?!?!? Star trek has none, but it kinda makes it boring.
  3. The space battles in this universe are going to look like ww2 air battles with fighters flying everywhere and explosions. This ship is going to have various computer controlled elements (such as some point defence stations, etc).
  4. Docking ports and parasite fighters would be very vunerable to enemy attacks. Star wars is sci fi fantasy, so it's not exactly aiming to be realistic.
  5. The spacecraft are not supposed to land on the runways (unless the vessel is in atmosphere). They are simply there to guide ships to the hangar. I'm thinking they would be sealed with those blue barriers like in halo and star wars. Keep in mind this is more starwars esc sci fi military.
  6. Ok. I'm thinking of a landing hangar in the rear with 4 "runways" (like the ones on the ship in COD infinite warfare) That have electromagnetic elements that pull in the craft when they land if necessary.
  7. I've been worldbuilding a sci fi universe. I've come up with a hangar configuration for a supercarrier(more like a carrier battleship hybrid) but I'm not sure on it. Basically there is a maintinence hangar, a launch bay, and a landing bay. I don't really know if it's themost sensible though. One big hangar like on the invisible hand? Or various hangars? Any ideas/suggestions?
  8. schematics or breakdowns of the ships so we know how to build them please?
  9. Hi all. Could you guys link me some rovers inspired by sojourner and the like? I'd perfer for them to have an aeroshell and launcher.
  10. Hey randy, could you message me a download link to the latest wip version? I'd love to check it out, even if it's just bare bones.
  11. I'm looking for a mod that adds in parts to make an unmanned rover similar to MER and MSL. Any suggestions?
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