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Everything posted by Jhorriga

  1. Mk. Are there any other mods for KK that are not listed on the KK posts?
  3. Hey. Could you add DSL Pandora? I really wanna do a curiosity tribute.
  4. ooooooohhh vary noice Does this come with launch pad and tower? I see in them screenshot but not sure if they come with the mod
  5. Yeah. I just hate the fact that there is no launch tower. I don't build HUGE rockets.
  6. Yeah. I only see one base from this in the KK menu. How do I get the other bases like the mercury launch sites?
  7. Ok, so I took out the folder from the folder that has stock in the name, When i boot up the fasa save, I see the atlas launch area at the end of the runway in the space center screen, but when I go into vab and select launch site only 1 L34 shows up. Is this intentional? It crashes when I press launch
  8. Hi. How would you like to work with Bobcat on this mod? He's trying to make a comeback and I have direct communication with him.
  9. He is alive and looking for programmers to help him make a comeback! Reply to his comment on this video! Also, while we wait for him, can someone link me a download to the HOME legacy pack?
  10. does this go into the concept that NovaSilko had when he worked at squad (Add in the secret planet covered in ruins and evaporated oceans)?
  11. Whenever I leave the atmosphere, as I increase speed, the joints on my craft begin to shake and tremble. When I use hyperedit, It increases. This happens in my stock game aswell.
  12. I have 3 fighters on the runway in a diamond formation. How do I make them fly together (Fly as a squadron)?
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