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Everything posted by PrvDancer85

  1. Welcome to the forums. L1+dpad Left or right when under 2 km
  2. If u aim the camera to e.g a commandpod and then change the cameramode (free, orbit, locked...) the camera will get to the default Position. IT would be nice if you could Set the camera to something at it will stay there. This is in ksp ee, dont know if that is the Same as for pc
  3. About 200 kerbin days with hohman Transfer and 6h is one Day, so if u really waited without timewarp that would be 1200h
  4. @Chic_Planet how did you get the yt links in the Post? Just copy/Paste? Seems not to work for me Edit I found it
  5. Ps4 Careermode Yesterday i lauchned a satnetwork and a ship to duna. While the transferburn the manvuevermarker in the navball changed his postion, i was in mapview of duna. Looked what happend and the maneuver was put on the line for next orbit. vid That happend again with the ship i send after, i was in mapview again but focused on the ship but zoomed out so i would see the progress. If u dont go into mapview that doesnt happen Haven't Seen that issue in the bugtracker or here yet and i dont know how to link in the bugtracker
  6. Level 1 pilots cant Do more than pro or retrograte and the commandpod doesnt matter (the pod only provides torc). If u want more sas Modes u have to Level up ur pilots or install a probecore with the sas modes u want, not every probecore provides all sas modes (the sputnikthing has no sas at all) u can See wich sas modes the probecore provides if u Hit the more info buttom (square at ps4) when hovering with the cursor above the probecore, in the List at the left when u building
  7. Switching Planets with l1 or r1 seems to work only if u r in the trackingstation, haven't found a way to Do that in mapview. And as far as I know there isnt an option for finetuning nodes, I have the Same issues with that
  8. Nope, u send the Report and dont get any info's about what's happening with that. IT say's Thank you if u submit
  9. Arent the ps4 savefiles related to the psn Account? AT least at minecraft u couldnt open savefiles without the Account they Came from
  10. So far no corruption, the can Not save or load Vessel thingy is the Most mayor one I've encountered
  11. The ps4 Version also has bugs, ran into some, I had it a few times that u couldnt save or leave your Vessel.
  12. Pretty sure that Squad will give a statement about the current condition of console edition in the next weekly
  13. I love the Titel, nice "the expanse" reference
  14. Would some one with experience in the bugtracker please read throu my reports and could tell me if i can keep on doing so? Yes i read the guidline but im Not a nativ speaker and the last thing i want to Do is puting stones in the way of the bugfixingcrew. It's the Same Name as here
  15. Played just a few hours by now so far it's really good, the radial sheme confuses me sometimes but thats just a matter of time. The hole game looks nicer imo, dont know about resolution but the Texturquality seems much better. I love the way u can adjust the hud elements, I play on an pc-monitor and in the old Version the navball was just to big. I really enjoy paying so far i would say u nailed it @SQUAD
  16. @SinisterSonar i thought trim doesnt work on consoles, at least i wasnt able to trim anything. I saw no Word about the trimfunction in the contolsheme threat
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