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Everything posted by PrvDancer85

  1. I get u there. I'm just saying that there are some precautions u can do if u want to play ksp on console right now. Dont transmit sience from goo's or sience jr, to prevent the eva thing, i've never got that because i never transmit sience from them, scientist ftw. Allways quicksave before every burn, if u leave the soi and got more than 2 soi changes stay focused on the ship and burn the node, correct after the burn to prevent manuevernode shananigans. Works 95% of the time for me. If u got the microlag thing or all your stages are locked just quicksave/reload if that doesnt help restart the game. Thats my top 3 i would say to stay happy on console, there is nothing u can do against corrupt saves as far as i know, i got that once and the game has restored that by it self, so i would suggest activate autosave upload.
  2. It was just the console try to this challenge, it has no controll at all so it's probably more on the crashingside as a personal parachute
  3. I've stolen the ejectionseat idea. It was a pretty hard landing, about 15m/s, the decoupler exploded but jeb is fine.
  4. Dont know about this u need about 40 ec for transmiting and even in hibernation the 110 ec wont last long, u could spare some fuel, my entry has something over 2000 dv
  5. I would just start a new save and dont transmit sience from the goo's or the materialslab as that seems to be the cause of that eva thing. You can play around most of the big bugs i've heard about here, it's just a little sad that u have to.
  6. I'm guessing your just a bit to fast for the small landinggear at touchdown. But here the task you ask for. And welcome to the forums
  7. If your new station also has a siencelab it will work. U can unlock the hole techtree from just one biom if u wish so. A siencelab can process siencedata once but if u send a new one it will process the same sience for the same siencepoints as the 1st one did.
  8. Guess you are not the only one. Still the best titel to play if your aaa game of the month has run out of content or u dont feel like giving headshoots today.
  9. It's just how new can the news in an newsletter be if nothing happens 2 weeks after the newsletter has been announced? I know updates are more expensive on console due to certification and u have an other company porting the stuff for u. But just keep us informed. And please, please test the stuff before u release it. Its nice that u can turn off trim if u dont need it but how can the changelog say that finecontroll now works but it acts like trim? Btw if anyone on console needs to trim stuff use finecontroll its the better system for trim than trim...
  10. I've a little Mk1 lfo only SSTO wich i really like. Nothing fancy but my favorite so far, it has the creative name LfoOnly3. It can carry 3 kerbals and has a little siencekit in the servicebay. I took it to Ike for this challenge Dont know if that matters but i was a little to fast on final touchdown and havent set the brakesetting right so i came from the runway and pulled up again for another try.
  11. I shoot 2 of these in orbit Rendezvous and docking were done with rcs and the monoprop from the pod. I used both crafts for rendezvous. Orbit on SRB's
  12. Yeah sure try the tutorial and confirm that the first reply in this thread works on xbox
  13. I can get a cursor with radial and cursor by pressing L3 on my ps, unless there are some major differnces between the ps and xbox controllshemes it should do same on an xbox
  14. I've just tested the tutorial, seems like a bug to me because u cant drag or drop the part. How ever if u pick up the parachute with the cursor it works, press the left stick to get the cursor. And welcome to the forums
  15. Probecore and trim? Edit Seems to work for me, isnt that how they do the fancy stockprobs?
  16. This is just a droppod It can carry 4 kerbals back down to the ground, at least at kerbin, dont try that at the mun. Lithobreaking Droppod
  17. I've just thrown this together but yours and the one from panzerknoef are looking awesome. Asimorph
  18. I remember that i've gone straight to the orbit tutorial and launched the rocket without knowing wich buttons does what. After i figured that out i started my first career and it took me a hole evening to reach orbit and it took 2 reallife days to build something that would bring me to the mun and back
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