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Everything posted by PrvDancer85

  1. Physical Time Warp Works only in atmospheres at this Moment for the Enhanced Edition
  2. No, there's No Way i know to fix this. Saw some threats with the same issue. Dont know if Squad can optimize the code or the consoles just cant handle the physics. My ps4 pro handles 260 parts in with some framedrop others reported that the game crashed with partcounts at 230.
  3. Do u have a Partcount that high or do u have framerate issues with low Partcounts?
  4. Yes but on Consoles framerates goes down at about 230-260 parts depending on which console u r using.
  5. If u place multiple parts in Single symmetry u can Move them with the movetool to the same height because it uses some kind of Raster if snap is on. This was in the fte Port and in the pc edition, but Not in the Enhanced edition, is this intended? The Raster is very Handy and i would like to See it back.
  6. Do u know the partcount? I'm testing a Rocket with 255 parts and loading or reverting could Take about 20-30 Seconds and the Time in the Upper Left Corner is constand yellow. It Never crashed but that is in Sandbox without any other Flights
  7. Sometimes the game thinks that the kerbal on a ladder of an Ship Save on the ground is in Atmospheric Flight. If that was the Case, he could be despawned After u switched vessels and gone to Tracking Station. That is just an Assumption
  8. Found by accident: When kerbnet is Open Press r1+Trianglebutton then circlebutton, this closes kerbnet Works for radial and cursor
  9. Kerbnet show you bioms with the right probcore and Let u put waypoints, pretty Handy for Setting routes for rovers or just to Keep Track of witch bioms u already visited. It also show u Locations of eastereggs with a questionmark. And u can close it like every other paw by Pressing Squarebuttom when Not aiming at a Part and u r Not in mapview, at least for the radial sheme on ps (havent tried since patch) Now i have tried, unable to Close since 1.1
  10. If u havent changed crossfeed, it should be Off(that's what u want for staging). If all tanks are full and have No connection to each other as by the decouplers i Really have No Clue. Or are u using yetengines? Maybe u can make a screenshot?
  11. Have u enabled crossfeed? Normaly decouplers have crossfeed Off in default. Or are u using dockingports? Are the fueltanks full before u Launch?
  12. The Way to reduce the accidental trimming is to Play with the Cursor preset, full/fine throttle is Reverse in thus preset. Please dont put anything on the Touchpad it's the worst thing ever. I discontected the Cable from the Touchpad because i always Touch it somehow and you cant disable the Dam thing
  13. L3 or R3 (one of these, not sure witch one) when in mapview for ps
  14. Put a Second maneuvernode on the oppositside of first to get a better "closest approach" indication
  15. @Zhetaan yeah thats the kind of stuff i was looking for. Thanks for the effort, if u Really want to make a complete sheet would u be that nice and link me? Also to the others @Streetwind @Starman4308 @Spricigo thanks for helping
  16. Hi, I searched for a sheet or something that tell u the ISP and thrust of engines for planets with atmosphere that are Not kerbin, but i didnt found One. Does anyone One if something like this do exist? I'm on Console, so sadly i cant use mods
  17. There is No Way to finetune the maneuver, get as Close as u can and perform a midcursecorrection Halfway trough duna, will cost u just a few dv
  18. Yup i belive so, there are the most controlls but Not all. I still dont know how to activate fine controll when flying. I just looked it up, it's there in the first chapter: general controlls
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