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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. In my Art class, we're about to do self portraits (which usually destroy my self esteem, as either I look really and can draw well or I look really good and draw terribly) and I had to make an eye: Later, we had to make a creature with more than 2 eyes (not finished): Could use some advice. The first eye looks okay but none of eldritch Homer's look good. It's not done yet, but I can't figure out what to change about the eyes.
  2. Check the surface of Bop with some satellites and try to find some anomalies. There's some fun stuff. There's also some Kraken- based accounts floating around here somewhere. Not sure where though. I haven't encountered any wild Krakens, oddly. The only ones i've seen have been domestic- I created them on purpose for content or lolz. Spaghetti Krakens are really easy to find and tame.
  3. 1.3.1. There's lots of mod support and I just haven't bothered to update past it due to the EULA thing that happened last year.
  4. K o u n d s. The KSP Wiki has blessed me with my favourite game term: spesos. I refuse to call them anything else now.
  5. Currently in my school's marching band, I play a glockenspiel in the Pit. It was ~30° (f) this morning. Guess what? They still made us go outside for practice. Keep in mind, we went from comfortable high 70° averages two weeks ago to below freezing. Ow.
  6. I'm a Baptist myself. No one really cares unless they're in one of those 'be perfect or burn in hecc' ultra- far right churches.
  7. Not going to lie, sounds like a fun and easy A. Dancing around like an idiot with majestic, biblical music? Sign me [snip] up.
  8. My worldbuilding is usually an alien species with a society based off of human right, expanded: -everyone has a right to education, food, shelter, water, healthcare, other needs like that - you can work for everything else. Takes care of problems like making jobs for my little goo creatures to 'cause i'm too lazy.
  9. Oh nice, thanks. I saw the same number but I wanted to find a few more sources to make sure and I ran out of time. What year were the ion engines put in the game? Could we make it by using numbers from X year instead of 2019. I remember reading on a thread somewhere in a chemistry forum that one of NASA's ion spacecraft carried 465Kg of fuel and cost something like $16,000,000 USD. This is a mess. Oh, and thanks for my 1,000th rep!
  10. Beef or pork products. They look good, smell good, taste good- but oh my god why does it have to be so chewy. Chicken is the best.
  11. Oh, new idea. The ion engines use Xenon gas as a propellant, so we need to find out how much xenon tanks weigh full, subtract how much it weighs empty, and find out how much Kerbal Xenon costs, and compare it with irl Xenon costs (which I'm guessing are more consistant than human gas prices) I'll math it real quick. The PB-X150 xenon container weighs 1 ton full, .2 tons empty, so It contains 0.8 tons of xenon gas. It it costs 3,680 full, and 800 empty, which means 0.8 Tons of Xenon costs 2,880. I mathed this out, and got 360/ 0.1 ton of Kerbal Xenon, or 3,600 per ton. I'll find out the cost of xenon in the USA when I have time, which is not now.
  12. Someone like this I'm so close to 1k rep aaaaaaaaaa

  13. Thanks, Mr. Skeltal. This is such a cool thread, so many great artists to steal ideas get inspiration from. Edit: Today in art we were tasked with creating an ugly baby. This is my abomination:
  14. Geometry. I know, not that hard, and yes I'm not in any super tough classes, but I've always just been bad at Algebra and as of right now we're doing a unit about using algebra in geometry. What I did (and it wasn't actual diagnosed anxiety, I can't help with that) was just judge other people as harshly as how much I thought they were judging me. Now I'm just judgemental instead of being judgemental and anxious. If you can, see someone who knows more about this than someone who hasn't taken any psychology classes.
  15. Smashing Pumpkins- 1979 https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D4aeETEoNfOg&ved=2ahUKEwif_dqc2LXlAhUOnawKHWykDIAQo7QBMAB6BAgAEAI&usg=AOvVaw1ASb_WAijx09fUFxlI7F3u
  16. Math class was hard today, and for some reason doing hard math activates my fight- or- fight response and now I feel like I'm going to spontaneously combust aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  17. But the problem was with the tapered parts. What if i want a very specific taper? I guess I could just very precisely rotate different sized wings to create it.... Oh wait...
  18. Ender's game with lightsabers. Taking an art class this year. We made paper cranes and sketched them for still life practice. My drawings aren't super great yet but the class is already helping a lot: I have a few more but this is the best drawing i've done as of yet.
  19. I just can't think of how you would make the thick lego wings. A lot of pieces would be needed depending on how you want the slope of your wing, how thick, ect.. Any ideas? I was thinking stock procedural wings.
  20. A useless endeavor with no net gain in which you are to build a propellant filled vessel topped with a green, low- intellegence lifeform capable of traversing our neighboring planets and finally navigate all of the satellite bodies of the large, green gas giant planet called 'Jool'. Russia.
  21. And realistically. I mean, wings have that shape for a reason. If you duck- taped a few whiteboards to a bucket seat and some engines all you would get is a flaming bucket seat and not a spaceplane. Yeah, but you can't make your own wing systems. It's one shape. I think there is a procedural wing mod but I can't find the 1.3.1 version and I can't seem to get the right MM version.
  22. I feel like KSP could use some larger wing options. In real life, large spaceplane wings are usually more than a few centimeters metres thick, and most passenger planes have huge, thick wings nearer to the base. I think adding a way to change wing thickness in different parts of the wings (somewhat like Simple Planes' fuselage parts/ procedural wings) or just giving wings a nice aerofoil shape would make modelling any winged object look nicer and be more realistic.
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