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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. Oh, thanks. I still can't do it normally and my ability to find a launch window is pitiful. This should certainly help.
  2. Valentine took the kids and the house while still demanding my entire 'Dangerous Workplace' bonus : (
  3. Yes. I bet it would be great as a kick- starter on orbital physics and aerodynamics. Just remember it's not 100% accurate due to the unity engine.
  4. What kind of school project is it? And most importantly, when is it due? It took me about 275 hours of gameplay to finally make it to the Mün. Also, you kept using the pronoun 'We'. Just an FYI, there is a forum rule about each account is only allowed to be used by one person, but I've never seen it enforced. Oh, and welcome to the forums!
  5. This is the best thing I've read on this forum in the 2 years I've been here. Mind if I quote that in my sig?
  6. He's a genetically engineered BadS super- Kerbal.
  7. How on God's green earth am I supposed to get to the Mün and back without having to de- orbit Jebediah without his capsule and hope he survives long enough to bounce back on his head? I usually stick to medium- sized subsonic aircraft, I have no clue how to rocket.
  8. Granted, but it's only available on the actual Sun. I wish for a real life, full- sized functioning Gibson ES-335 with a checkerboard paintjob.
  9. Granted, but the power requirements drive your electrical bill through the roof and the PC won't fit in your house. The universe runs at a few trillion frames per second, trying to reach that is a bit much. I wish everyone would stop blindly following companies and buying everything the companies shove down their throats. People should actually research purchases.
  10. Please put this in a spoil. No one likes massive posts that add nearly nothing to the topic/ discussion, and keeping it small is a great way to (check over shoulder) avoid the mods.
  11. Oh I thought you were talking about my life, got a bit worried. Terrorist kills millions due to his extremist ideology and magic powers.
  12. Banned for not having any tentacles in the first place.
  13. Florida man decides, against all logic and reason, to continue living in Florida.
  14. I fill the crater with concrete and put a solitary howitzer. My poorly defended concrete plain.
  15. I wonder if the mods have beef with eachother over who can be the most active moderator. Mod 1: 'I removed 7 posts containing pedant content! Haha! Mod 2: ' deleted a thread just 5 minutes ago for a flame war!' Mod 1: 'I ReMoVED LiKeS-!!1!'
  16. Pics or it didn't happen mate. I would love to help, but I can't see what the problem is. Did you press left shift after you started your flight? I also doubt it has anywhere near the thrust of the panther, I've used it in nearly all my planes and they can all go past the sound barrier when I want em'. You said you removed the nukes, maybe they were giving you the extra thrust you needed? If you need to leave a pic (which you prolly should) just upload it to steam and copy- paste the URL here.
  17. Granted. It doesn't deterr you from posting here, however. I wish for a drumset.
  18. Granted, but the Genie gets confused and grants you a genuine United States dollar at current exchange rates, in my possession, that I can keep for as long or as short as I want without adversely affecting the universe, and that no harm will come to me as a consequence of having it in my possession or not, regardless of any other accumulated wealth I might have. Instead.
  19. Lots of weird, overlapping i-beams placed like a building frame.
  20. I detonate a nuke inside of your irradiated crater, incenerating you and everything in it. My irradiates irradiates crater.
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