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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. I've never played Eve, but I feel like the main problem is looks. It looks like a spaceship. This may seem ideal, but if you make it look reduculous or blend into the enviroment, it will be much harder to kill. Also what is eve online and how do i play
  2. Or just how to get over the crippling anxiety of asking someone out? (Asking for a friend)
  3. Does anyone know the cure for procrastination? I've been meaning to replace my HDD for a week and still haven't ordered a new one.

    1. The_Arcitect


      Just stop podcasting.


      In reality:

      I GOT NO CLUE!!








  4. The meaning of life isn't 42, it's to not give a crap about the meaning of life. Go outside, this warrants no time wasted.
  5. Remind me what the E partition does? I might not even have an SSD, given my load speeds. Experiments (see: Opening Up Case to Put A Fan beside it to Increase Cooling and Find Out What Parts are in it)(I hate my capitalization) are needed.
  6. Decided to buy a Firecude 2TB, as they're 100$(?) On Amazon currently. Wish me luck, haven't opened up this case yet.
  7. So it's my main 2tb drive e windows is on, so I get to buy a new one. I've been looking at a Firecuda drive but I'm not sure. Any suggestions?
  8. I think I remembered the box saying it came with a 256 gb ssd and a 3tb HDD, and I'm not sure which one windows is booting off of. Any ideas on how I could find out?
  9. Yo, my prebuilt Omen PC has a faulty drive (as I learned from a question last year) and it has had to be reset twice within 3 days, so I figured it is time to upgrade. Does anyone have any advice as to which hard drive I should buy? (Going for a gaming + audio/video editing focus if that helps) I'm also planning to dual boot Linux mint and windows 10.
  10. Shoot for the moon, if you miss, you will die among the exsitential void of space, with no one to disturb you. You may be the first to visit another star system, or crash into a planet. If you miss those you're still in space. Win win.
  11. No, I'm just lazy. 314: dissing other people's text editor Edit: ninjad
  12. I'll take obscure references that sound like less obscure references for 300, Alex!
  13. 5097: your find hundreds of record players playing Sweet Child of Mine on repeat.
  14. Weirdly: I'm lactose intolerant. Whenever I eat cheese, I get stomach cramps and have terrible diahrrea (spelling is for nerds) for a couple of days. Except, it's only cheese. Milk, yogurt, anything else is fine. Just cheese.
  15. Following content may be jarring or unsuitable to those with PTSD or other anxieties: Sweet, I'm just barely outside the UK! Just where I want to be in relation to it. Not in it, not too far. Oops time to quit. They chose a Krispy Kreme box! The vegetables would have been preferrable! Forgot I need a complaint after my likely 2- post unsnippdd flustercuck of a post... I have been drifting away from this excellent community
  16. No one knows about your made up operation (at least I don't) 3/10 for the name.
  17. Thanks for my new favourite opinion. I have never used emacs, what specifically is it for? I just use Microsoft Word and python. 311?: Using a compiler when there is no need. 312: not mentioning when a power of 8/ computer compatible number shows up, especially when I am within 4096 miles of a computer.
  18. 310: maintaining the opinion that the N1 moon rocket was a bad idea. Oh how wrong you were.
  19. 'The concrete was on fire' -eyewitness of a Chlorine Triflouride spill. Please more. These are all great, especially the ordinance techician one.
  20. Getting dental fillings today. Being the anasthetic resistant freak that I am, I had them pump a little extra in. I can't feel most of my face and it's so numb it hurts. I hate having a low pain tolerance. There isn't even laughing gas so I can't post a stupid video of me
  21. Ah, a fellow man of culture.
  22. Mine was in late 2014...(?) It was one of the Macy's Dream videos, I don't remember anything about it except the title. It might've been one of @Xacktar's, the Kerbal Catapult. I'm not sure.
  23. @Kerballing (Got Dunked On), no. Tron (the origional)
  24. Zootopia. It the road runner cartoons. Or Tom and Jerry. My awnser is Skyscraper. You know, that terrible Dwayne Johnson movie everyone forgot. A dude gets sucked into a computer, meets several people, and kills an evil chess program.
  25. Maybe if they bundeled it with Making History, or as a stand alone expansion, but of course with high-res textures and models instead of the concept art we all know and love. Maybe if it was something like an 'early career' update, with solid fuel, sounding rockets, tiny launch towers, and a physicist picking locks in the laboratory. Edited: phone is autocorrecting of and or to if and it? This or dumb.
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