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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. After just over 250 hours of my life wasted, I finally got a Min landing. I didn't get enough fuel to bring home. I tried aerobraking with Valentina, but she exploded.
  2. The booze lake is so alcoholic that it instantly makes anyone who touches it drunk. You are too hammered to defend it, so I take it. Ninja'd..
  3. I use your convex to make a gelatin. My jelly hill.
  4. In my honours algebra class, we had to take locations on the Fortnite map and find equations, slopes, and coordinates. Yeah. I have a picture, I'll upload it later- it was something like: if I travel from dusty Depot to moisty mire, what is the slope of the line? https://imgur.com/a/r2z8x9V I can't figure out how to imbed it, so I'll just leave the link. <blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/r2z8x9V"><a href="//imgur.com/r2z8x9V">Fortnite algebra homework...</a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script> So the embed code dosent work, I'll figure it out later.
  5. See ya, mate! Have fun with whatever you're planning- it either sounds really important or really interesting. I hope it isn't a super negative goal, either. Hasta la bye bye!
  6. Here's a lump of beef, chicken, cheese, tomatoes, salt, water, milk, and mold. Have at it. I want a peanut butter and potato chip sandwich.
  7. Foot long Subway sandwich on white bread with pepperoni, salami, and provolone with a Dr. Pepper.
  8. The first thing I did was fail the basic construction tutorial. 190 hours later, I got my first orbit. Just two days ago, I finally impacted the Mun and survived (although I ran out of fuel on the return trip). Yeah, I suck.
  9. 8/10, you are now 8 tenths of the way finished with sorting.
  10. Forget at sea level, hypersonic speeds without melting anywhere is hard.
  11. How much the bombs weigh times how many bombs=mass of the payload. For each ton, you get 14 points. If its not whole, you can round it or keep the decimal. I couldn't find the origional speed challenge so I made a new one, I'll get rid of the old one.
  12. Holy crap fine. I can't make fast things anyways, so it's doubly as impressive!
  13. My problem? Shouldn't I have wheels and wings/ plane parts well before I have rocket parts? What on Earth. Some early contracts are kind of stupid too. I cannot gather enough science at the start to get around Kerbin to gather the science it self- not to mention the funds required to upgrade stuff. Or mabye I just suck as sciencing.
  14. I like the twin booms! I was thinking about making my next SSTO like that.
  15. That would be a volcano. It cools into a normal hill. Your normal hill.
  16. Banned for having a cliche 'Kerbol', 'Kerbin' or 'Kerbal' in your name.
  17. I'm guessing this is for the mod leaderboard...? What mod are those props from? I can't get any props to keep something more than half a ton in the air.
  18. Granted- it's good by a mentally defeciet person's standards I wish for a the Dumb and Dumber Lamborghini.
  19. It's: Wapow! I'm on Mars! I would dig up an old Robert, throw it, and tell YEET!
  20. Hmm... I'll just set up something like a points per ton thing, and with that system people can make their own payloads. I'll round it- 6points per ton carried externally, 14 per ton carried internally. Y'all can keep your current scores, unless you want to make a new submission or anything.
  21. I changed it to 6pts per internal bomb and 3 per external- seems a bit more balanced and I think finding the weight of only the bombs would be a tad tedious. On custom payloads- do tall think I should judge by mass of the individual bombs or part count of the individual bombs?
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