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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. Floor 4996 is not only a floor of sight and sound, but of mind.
  2. Then stop putting your cat in your computer, simple solution. Okay actually, how did your cat puke inside of the computer?
  3. Once my lock just disappeared off my locker, just *poof* and it was gone. It was weird.
  4. For autostrut I use Full autostrut, which fully autostrut everything.
  5. I really like the hexagonal asthetic, it's too good to have been made in paint! If I had one of these on a canvas it would be awesome.
  6. Same where I am. A cold front moved in and carried Lake Erie with it, the water levels are just starting to go down. There are lakes where there used to be fields.
  7. I feel the framedrop coming on and I'm not even playing KSP, great job! Definitely much bigger than anything I've ever thought of building.
  8. I believe the radiators were mainly for engine heat, but I may be mistaken. It would be neat if they made engines heat up the entire ship on harder difficulties, though. If you want real orbital heat try orbiting at 50,000 meters up...
  9. There's mods to do this; several overhaul kerbals completely. Sorry if your eyes bleed.
  10. God Mode: Impress Matt Lowne Impossible. Challenges have to be possible to be legitimate, you know. EDIT: here's the guidelines:
  11. Your rescue kerbals forget to switch SCE to AUX. I build a replica of the Falcon Heavy. (If it's four Falcon 9's, shouldn't it be the Falcon 36?)
  12. I have my new country single stuck in my head: Fake southern accent, fake southern accent Fake southern accent, cowboy boots, Fake southern accent. Where's my million dollars and platinum record?
  13. Download the Tweakscale mod to prevent having to clip so many parts together, that might help with the atrocious (very bad) FPS.
  14. Fan Pikachu hat Extra lines for no reason
  15. You land too hard and blow up the other boosters. I build a Jool-5 Mothership bound for an Eve gravity assist.
  16. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ errm I don't know.
  17. Wait, I thought you were a ferret who could type...
  18. The user above me didn't do a TUBM. TUBM wants a Corvette (the car)
  19. Project: Orion (the one where they planned to nuke ourselves into space)(you probably already knew what it was but there's like twenty project Orion's) But it's a good idea.
  20. Use whatever means possible to make sure your current physical mass has a high amount of energy to be released in the form of kinetic energy to reach a safe area.
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