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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. I take shelter in my bunker hill.
  2. There's that too. I've always wondered... Is the stereotype true that people whose jobs focus on customer service type things are totally incompetent? (Ie... Cashier, Forum Moderator....) Nah, joking. I can't stand people who say stuff that trashes people who work in customer service, generally people who like to say go get the manager. Hey little old lady who thought her Subway sandwich was wrong, YOU try taking some impatient obese American old lady's Subway order Rant over. That does seem true though. I can see why companies are willing to skip on training costs. That's for that bit of wisdom
  3. We can travel across the Atlantic ocean in two hours, we can get rid of entire cities in the blink of an eye, and I can talk to someone in the opposite time zone instantaneously. Can someone please explain to me why we can't get a WalMart Cashier to scan a gift card?
  4. I drop a small packet of chloroform into the cage. It bursts all over the food. Happy 'surviving'
  5. Heh heh... @Vanamonde minus the 'Vana' equals @Monde. Welcome to the forums, fine sir! It sounds like your still better at KSP than I am...
  6. Does anyone know the page number the Kerbus K-350 is on? I would like to know this because my company would like to completely rip off the design buy one for.. uh.... 'scientific experiments' involving optimal flight pattern and wing placement. (I'm not gonna rip it off, I just wanna see how it's built. I have a hunch.)
  7. The new old post was meant to be the main submission, if you were wondering.
  8. I am re-posting this, as @neistridlar has notified me that my old post did not contain any sort of download link. I quoted it. It's back! Sadly I have had to reset my PC and my KSP was lost, so I'll be slower trying to get more planes for this.
  9. Uh... What's that mod? The user below me has posted in this thread.
  10. Reset, eh? Ok. I import my previous wasteland hill with tanks and super hornets into the new world file. @Gojira has his hill but I still have mine. I buy a few hundred Heckler and Koch G3 Rifles to arm my mini militia. I have a TAC-50- Armed sniper shoot the reset button. No more resets.
  11. Wood paneling still looks good, even if it's mock wood paneling! Back in my day ye darn kids stayed inside all day instead of playing outside!
  12. I recently did a project on world war two, and the day I typed it up (which was the day before the due date) I lost the rough draft... I ended staying up until like 12:30 re-doing and ended up with a 9 page report on the Manhattan Project with words like 'Uranium Hexaflouride'. Somehow I got a 110 (out of 100) on it. Last minute success for the wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin! Wait... This is a complaining thread. Ok... Um... The teacher took some points off the group project portion because she thought we plagerized some of it. I like sounding smart, okay? If that means explaining communist philosophy in fancy wording then I'll take it!
  13. Using my Orbital Kinetic Bombardment Space Station(no kerbalization needed, kinetic is with a K!) I completely decimate the area around my own hill, to make passing through the 1000~ kilometre circle around my Hill excruciatingly hard. No one's been able to get my Hill yet, since I built it! I also buy a fleet of T-14 Armata tanks to defend my base alongside the F/A-18/E's. Tee hee! Edit: I realized that @Xorth Tanovar has cut my internet lines. I sent out an APC based on the T-14 chassis and have a group of cable guys restore my internet. Hehehehehe.
  14. 67, because the list numbers are in sequence. Ahem, moderateeeeers?
  15. Blast doors, I keep my fortified bunker hill.
  16. Is it too late to launch Hawking's ashes in the general direction of Sagittarius A*?
  17. Banned for using a non- standard version if Windoge 7.
  18. This is the best chart explaining whatever this is explaining (I can't tell yet) I've ever seen Why, thanks you fine sir! God save the queen! All that stuff... I can't quote the TF2 sniper yet. But I will... Someday.
  19. They say python is the best beginner coding language, but I keep doing this: for I in range(2000) print(my email spambot) No wonder my email spammer dosen't work.... And now I need to buy a new hard drive because my one right now was damaged somehow and I'll never get my web spider/spambot done before April 1st... Well, crap. This jarates me off big time.
  20. Hold my Red Bull.. wait no... If red bull gives you wings than... KRAKEN: REMOVES YOUR WINGS! I wish I came up with that.
  21. I use Re- Format hard drive! (My HDD has some kind of damage and every 2-3 days I have to reformat it... I need to just buy a new drive)
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