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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. Thanks Squad for finding a way to waste 200 hours of your life without feeling bad because it was for "Learning"!
  2. Because 98 percent of my stuff is planes.... Kerbin. If you count time warp accidents as going to a planet the the Mun as well.
  3. For me? Probably the time I tried to build an SSTO. The launch went like this: Panthers on a Hundred. Afterburners on. Reach 80 M/s... Pull up. Because of physics my symmetrical plane veered into the SPH for some reason. *Facepalm*
  4. You sir have perverted the spirit of Kerbal jumbo jets. Not to mention this is an oxymoron.
  5. There's nothing stopping it, but after several tailstrikes, nothing gets destroyed, and it's the actual preferred method of taking off. Get to 42 M/s, then pull up until the tail pops you off the ground skateboard style! The MK3 tail adapter must have one heck of an impact resistance. Oh: don't try any menouvres (I can't spell) over about 1.5 g's, the wings will explode. It turns fine (realistically) using the yaw controls.
  6. A lot considering the amount of energy released in a large explosion. Why did the rebellion destroy the death star though it would destroy the galactic economy?
  7. 'cause we ain't copycats. This is a challenge about KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM. Have you ever seen a non rediculous plane? (Sorry, just triggered by that bit of narcissism) EDIT: There's ways a way to improve. If it works, make it work better.
  8. I ca't believe it took me so long, but I finally made a practical plane! The KrakenTech(tm) corperation proudly presents... (drumroll)..... THE KRAKENTECH AKP- 10 JUMBO JET! http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1313717373 (the screenshot should embed, not working for some reason. maybe steam changed it, I don't know.) This little (haha, yeah right) plane is our flagship and pinnacle of design. Specifications: Passenger Capacity: 240 (10 Mk3 passenger Cabins) plus three pilots. Cost: 480,853,000 Takeoff speed: 42 If you can pilot Part Count: 178 Fuel: 19375 Range will be in soon, haven't had time to test it yet. (I fly the aircraft at the farthest it will go to find the range instead of doing the math) Yes, we FINALLY got around to doing it.
  9. The way that CoD is the most unrealistic game ever. CoD WWII's marketing said 'Returning to the roots of CoD'. If that were true then they would have made a game similar to Day Of Infamy. The first CoD game was realistic!
  10. Who much is bad grammar. I'm giving the teacher a rating of D. How much wood could a wood Chuck Chuck in 40 seconds if a wood Chucks could chuck wood at 2 cubic centimeters/ second?
  11. I use my 12.8 CM Pak 44 Cannon, mounted on the body of an M46 Pershing. It looks rediculous but Nothing Survives a 128 millimeter cannon loaded with HEAT shells.
  12. What do you mean by skit? This is just a short video contest. A skit usually refers to a short comedic film, like a segment of asdfmovie or a SNL sketch. But I have ideas for comedy....
  13. Ok thanks... Apparently you don't have to link everything together anymore? I started in something like Alpha 0.6 or something like that, you had to click on Q to start a link from the fire controls to then click on this weird block then configure a setting then I just rage quit after ninety minutes. And now there's prefabs and junk. Seems easier now, but the controls are a pain and it could use a new launcher. Wait, back on topic: BOATS! And EXPLOSIONS!
  14. 105: do the same thing as mentioned above, but using the BDAc 105 Millimeter Howitzers.
  15. This looks like a fun challenge, and I would enter in it, but I cannot make an SSTO, and much less an SSTA. I can probably make an SSTC, (Single stage to crash)
  16. I tried the tutorials... Mabye steam could help me. Thanks anyways, I didn't know about the symmetry!
  17. People obsessed with angles must deal with questions about pressurization on airliners.
  18. Bob is a Baaaahnanana obsessed gunman with an 18- wheeler who is heckbent on stealing your Baaaahnanana. I hire him to get the banana and pay him with a new truck. I have 3.5 pennies. Using the U.S. Mint system, how many pennies can I make with that much money? (Pennies need to DIE.)
  19. Ok, I have finished some concept craft and should have a submission in by Sunday! If I don't procrastinate!
  20. I tried it. The learning curve was too steep and I understood none of it. But I tried GMod recently and I familiarized myself with wiremod and ACF, so it can't be too hard...
  21. MechScott: it's like MechJeb, but it's Scott Manley doing it for you instead of an AI Jeb.
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