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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. 'let it go' Also a little 'never gonna give you up' Make it stahp!
  2. Each page is a floor? Does that mean I can hide in another thread? Hm.. I hide on the 534'th page of the Make A Wish and have it Horribly Corrupted thread. Or I just use a Tron laser and hide on the grid to get there. Yup, I hide on the grid. I am digitized.
  3. Is what I wish for. Granted. You get a basket make of fruit.
  4. Without puns, life would be flat. Puns aren't my forte, you need a sharp with to get them. Why do the brass and wind think percussion is the easiest instrument? Not a single one of them can hold a flippin' stick. What's so easy now? If the pessimist sees the glass as half empty, and the optimist sees it as half full, The physicist ducks. Yo momma's so fat, when she went to the airport the tower cleared her for take off. *OOOOOOOOOOOOHHH OOOOOOOOOOOOHHH BOOOOOM ROASTED*
  5. Granted. PYTHON! Boom. Just go into a python window and type import knowledge Instant programming knowledge! (Mabye python isn't that simple, but it's close) I wish I was better at python. ninja'd...
  6. 3/10 creepy realistic Kerbal rendering with human proportions.
  7. I built a rocket. (Badum- tss!)
  8. Granted. The developers are rushed and it's horribly buggy. I wish the dang DLC would come out.
  9. (I'll make it) Early to bed, Early to rise makes a Man healthy, wealthy and wise. (how did we go to Newspaper dilevery men to PARACHUTE PSYCHE!?)
  10. "Excuse me?" "Yeah?" "Uh... Gene Kerman, FakeNewz.com. if we are trying to stop asteroids, then why did you slam the spacecraft into the asteroid? Why not just land a space shuttle on it and blow it up like in the movies?" "Security?"
  11. Granted. Since it's a meme, I don't need to corrupt it. The internet will do that for me. It will probably eventually become a hate symbol.
  12. A person who's main course in a University is the study of ghosts.
  13. Granted. You scan a zebra, then use a 3D printer to print it.
  14. Full of crap you're in every thread I'm in! (10/10)
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