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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. ...Kinetic Bombardment station built by...
  2. I ate a pie once. It was... Pie Flavor.
  3. 10/10 HAD 3d jeb! By 7 points... Wait... 8 now. I liked your post.
  4. Too lazy to change it back to my normal one. On topic: 9/10 Dilbert Reference.
  5. You get 70 percent of your material, you now have a disgusting pile of bacteria! Yay!
  6. Here's you're rock filler! Waiter, I would like a plusgood Amount/ soup (Newspeek, suckaaaas!)
  7. Didn't worked the confonpuzzled gobbledygook that ate the panda.
  8. Me talk to feelings get doubleplusungood feelings. (Newspeek, suckaas!) (I AM American. No one is aware of the fact like an American.)
  9. This is awesome. If only I had an Apple IIe to run it on!
  10. Existing in a lazy state makes you American.
  11. Simple: you get lower framerates on KSP because KSP relies on processing power, not GPU. If you had a threadripper but a GT1030, you would run it very very fast. If you want hi res textures and graphics mods, that's gonna require more graphical computing power. Your PC Runs BF1 So well because it's a game based mostly on gameplay and aesthetics, not physics. (Disregarding the fact that games like COD are literally the same game with gimmics and smaller maps as the series progresses). Since Battlefield is more graphics intensive then processor intensive, a high end GPU is more important.
  12. No type of large mineral deposit, such as an asteroid, which may provide a lucrative industry in mining, the time generally between 8:00-9:30 in which there is a very close to black shade in the atmosphere, or a container for cooling edibles, E. G. 'Refridgerator' will be able to stop the bloggers EG; Cory Doctorow, from fulfilling their internetly duties.
  13. We mistake your wish for a million bucks, you're now rich. Oops! I wish for a white pony with rainbow tail and hair, with the apple Mac loading swirl thing, named eternity.
  14. Neither condensed precipitation as an acute absence of energy or the liquid form of said condensation, commonly referred to as 'rain', also not: High amounts of absent energy stored in molecules through movement by adding more energy or the absence of daylight yet still not completely dark, prevents the journalists and delivery boys who deliver the news papers, e.g the New York Times, from their assigned routes of delivery, and at that, even slows them from completing their assigned routes of delivery quickly, for they must or the world will be in the dark. People should just download USA Today news... Much simpler. Get VERBOS'D SON!
  15. It will end the apocalypse tho... And they will require a constant supply of brainbureks. That's gonna start costing a lot of money!
  16. Use the strait line tool...? I don't get why people think paint is limited. You see meh profile pic m8!? Huh!? 1v1 me m8!111!1!1!1!!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!?1!1!2!1!1!1! Lol jk, just don't understand why people think Ms paint is limited for art.
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