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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. THERE'S A DIFFERENCE. Mainly the two groups distinctions on the differences on 'geek' and 'nerd'.
  2. Sorry sir, we need to clean out the Minecraft ripoff filter in our soup machine. Waiter? There's a DunDun in my soup! @dundun93 would dominate this thread.
  3. Your generic forum avatar becomes a meme, and people end up defacing and drawing stuff like anime on the kerbal silhouette. I wish my hamster would sing AC/DC.
  4. They don't, but then the hippies catch hold of it. I wish they would give me my hamster back.
  5. You read the email, but then a guy in a black Guy- Fawkes style hat came in and fired a crossbow at your computer, making it all meaningless. I wish that I had a 450 pound hamster.
  6. Banned for banning some who banned someone for going postal, who banned someone for having 39 posts.
  7. All of the ducks 'spawned' in the same space, therefore the 14 million pounds of duck within roughly 1000? Cubic centimeters causes it to collapse into a black hole, devouring you and the rest of the planet, and as it grows, ever so slightly affecting the orbit of the other planets, in which the black hole ends up affecting the other planets so much, it eats Mars, and it's increased weight but same speed causes it's orbit to decay, eventually reaching, and eating, the sun. I wish I could make a wish with such hardcore XKCD/ What If style corruptive possibilities. Edit: someone awnsered the duck post while I was typing my awnsers... I like my awnsers better though.
  8. When you severely tick people off while watching Star Wars movies by pointing out Inaccuracies Wait wrong thread... I'm a geek, not a nerd.
  9. -17 It isn't even close to being numerically reasonable. 4,097,549 this is dumb.
  10. You avoided it, but after you used too much brainpower on this problem you grew tired and accidentally ate the infinite -jello filled Twinkie. You have Diabetes now. I wish I had all human knowledge and could skip all schooling, or training.
  11. Granted, but they go on strike for not being paid anything but dog food. It also looks purty dang creepy, and weirds you out. -2 CON. I wish my dog could talk.
  12. Purty much. I'm planning to make a Point Scoring system, for amount of weapons delivered, ect...
  13. Granted, but you decided to find out on your own through trial and error, and end up with several viruses, a hacked Imgur server, and a lengthy file manipulation process involving the word firmware, which takes like 4 hours to upload a photo on to the forums. I wish I had infinite jello- filled Twinkies. No, I did not just say something smart and then say something dumb.
  14. I got it right AGAIN. I have repeated my confirmation of guessing whether someone will post nex- ok I'll stop.
  15. Heck yeah, baby! Finally did something right! Pseudo- Swear affirmative notion, youthful and possible newborn human! Slightly less offensive form of words I do not enjoy using, Infant and most likely under four years of age Homo Sapiens Sapiens! In the event I might offend someone, this post is using the less offensive form of the word and and a very exaggerated affirmative move, possible accompanied by a fist pump, to accompany the word 'Baby', which is the English form of the word used to describe very young infants or newborns fresh from the womb of a mother female Homo Sapiens Sapiens, which is a result of when a mommy and daddy live each other exceedingly, so I can use this phrase to assert that I am excited at correctly guessing wether @dundun93 will reply within the time period of wether not someone else replies. I got it right, yo.
  16. Ok! So I've been inactive for a few months, and wanted to come back with something cool, like a challenge. I was at first going to reboot a challenge, but I thought:'Screw that! I'mma make people do stupid stuff of my OWN design! The result is this: The BTCOTKSCII Challenge. The Challenge: Build a rover. Or a plane. Or anything that goes in the atmosphere and can blow something up. By something, I meant KSC II. To complete this challenge, you must build a thing that travels IN ATMOSPHERE that can deliver a payload and shoot it, launch it, ram it, or drop it onto the KSC II from the KSC. RULES: -Only mod allowed is BDAc, for Payload purposes.. I'll make exceptions if I deem it fair and it isn't OP(Judged by me, like no hyperedit to get to KSCII) -Craft must stay IN ATMOSPHERE. No sub-orbital dive bombers. The payload must stay in atmosphere too. -You are allowed to set up a Target on the KSCII so you have something to destroy -This challenge is based on skill, so just try to factor that in when designing weapon systems. Four Hundred Part carpet bombers with something like 300 Mk. 82's aren't banned, but it doesn't seem to take a lot of skill to hit something with that many bombs. Unless it is so monsterously huge and rediculous (Like Danny, or Xacktar style) that it makes me burst out laughing, because Michael Bay. Point Scoring: Each Mk82 Bomb is one point. 6-10 bombs: light vehicle 11-30: medium vehicle 31-50- Heavy 50+: Hyper Heavy Vehicle. Each 1000 Lb. Bomb is 2 points. 3-6 bombs: light vehicle 7- 14: medium vehicle 15-20: Heavy 21+: Hyper Heavy Vehicle Bonus POINTS! Maintenance Costs: -0.1 points per each point Nuclear Maintenance:-5 points per each nuclear engine. High Tech Maintenance: -0.5 points per panther, -1 point per whiplash So You Think You Can Stealth?: +10 points if it can generally be argued to have a stealthy design Inspired/ if it ain't broke, don't fix it: +10 if it used a b-52 like swept wing configuration You need to get outside more:+500 points if your machine can deliver 200+ 1000lb bombs to the target. Gotta Go FASTA: +0.2 Points for every M/Sec above 160 at 3000 Meters Light Leaderboard: 1 2 3 4 5 Medium Leaderboard: 1 2 3 4 5 Heavy Leaderboard: 1 2 3 4 5 HH Leaderboard: 1 2 3 4 5 NOTE: Subscriptions are preferred in video form, but in the event that cannot be managed, several screenshots at take off, Midway to KSCII, and releasing the payload will work. BTCOTKSCII stands for Blow the Crap outta the KSCII.
  17. Ok! So I've been inactive for a few months, and wanted to come back with something cool, like a challenge. I was at first going to reboot a challenge, but I thought:'Screw that! I'mma make people do stupid stuff of my OWN design! The result is this: The Kraken Challenge. The Challenge: Build a rover. Or a plane. Or anything that goes in the atmosphere and can blow something up. By something, I meant KSC II. To complete this challenge, you must build a thing that travels IN ATMOSPHERE that can deliver a payload and shoot it, launch it, ram it, or drop it onto the KSC II from the KSC. RULES: -Only mod allowed is BDAc, for Payload purposes.. I'll make exceptions if I deem it fair and it isn't OP(Judged by me, like no hyperedit to get to KSCII) -Craft must stay IN ATMOSPHERE. No sub-orbital dive bombers. The payload must stay in atmosphere too. -You are allowed to set up a Target on the KSCII so you have something to destroy -This challenge is based on skill, so just try to factor that in when designing weapon systems. Four Hundred Part carpet bombers with something like 300 Mk. 82's aren't banned, but it doesn't seem to take a lot of skill to hit something with that many bombs. Unless it is so monsterously huge and rediculous (Like Danny, or Xacktar style). Then it is fine, because Michael Bay. I will have little extra challenges, just need to get the challenge up. I'll set up a scoring system too. Leaderboard: 1 2 3 4 5
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