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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. This looks cool.. Like save file civ rev! I like the EPL base, but mabye with different planets? To make it seem larger scale or something.
  2. (Couldn't find a Moana gif so just pretend it's here)
  3. Huh. Accidental references? Who woulda' thunk it! By Tron I meant Tron: Legacy, where there is an exclusive dance club called the End of the Line club.
  4. Im not sure but this may be a sneaky Tron reference
  5. How about a page of a paper that analized the recovered bits and peices, or a way that the creatures could be named or identified, like the KSP emblem on their suits...?
  6. The panther. The ability to switch between efficent and insane makes it so useful in all of my atmospheric builds (read: all of my builds) EDIT: 100th Post!
  7. Ok, so I had an idea to use the heli chopper rotors from airplane plus to make a VTOL, As that mod is allowed. Would that be a turboprob?
  8. Yeah, I would if i knew how to set up the BDAc AI.... Ill just build a boat.
  9. I had an idea about some 10 part drones that would launch from a carrier using 4 helicopter rotors....(airplane plus) How about 40 of those against a corvette? @earthlinger
  10. It's definitely a goal now! It came from a failed attempt to copy Boogie2988. I was going for 2989, but accidentally typed 2297. Its been that way on all of my usernames for something like 4 years now
  11. I'VE BEEN 2 UPPED!! wait... 10 meters? what the what? That's just shocking! The way you did the cockpit is hilarious.... Its like a pair of eyes sticking out of a wall.
  12. Hmm.... Mabye. I remember seeing a project from a while back which was working on a Mobile SPH in space kinda thing... lemme see if i can find it..
  13. GUYS! I got some new pictures of my Krakentech(tm)(c)(R) Monstrosity(tm) MX-9001X (tm(c)(r) The shock cone is, indeed, hilarious. I can't even load it up with a strait face. Some might even say it's... shocking! Bu-dum Crash!
  14. What, you haven't ever seen a 5 meter shock cone attached to 5 meter fuel tanks? I needed it for the rear mounted tweakscaled 2.5m Whiplash Its totally safe! I think... Well, we went through a rigorous inspection progress, with our top scientists inspecting every aspect of it! IDK, it probably dosen't take off.... Jeb's Fun Rating: 100,000 out of 10. See his smile in the spoiler? he's so happy his eyes have gone apart and he's now insane! Oh! and I have a new version that crashed the game on my brand spanking new gaming PC: (Picture not available) probs 'cuz of the 20 3.5 meter tweak scaled Goliaths....
  15. Just installed those too. I'm gonna have fun- also downloaded Airplane Plus for the challenge
  16. Ok it's finished, just need to add a few tweaks. @qzgy, consider yourself one-upped.
  17. I try my hardest to stay true to my username! I definitely have made the Kraken mad before.... *shudders*
  18. My current PC is an i5-6600k and a GTX 1060 3gb, along with 16gb of ddr4
  19. Purty much! Working on it right now BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-
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