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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. What size docking ports? Might have peice in by saturday, just have to download 1.2.2. Why 1.2? Oh, and whwn I get the save file, where do I put it up for download?
  2. Or just give us the vehicle to be lifted's craft file instead of a whole save.
  3. (Not being critical here) Why two pilots? Dosent that make it redundant, and you have to pay another person?
  4. How do you even aim that?! I couldnt hit the broad side of the VAB!
  5. Hold my Dr. Kepper... Dr. Kraken? What is it? Oh! Kraken Energy Drink: Removes your wings! Hold my Kraken!
  6. OK! So I am trying to upload a craft to KerbalX, but I am having trouble. It is saying that I have to include a photo, but there is no prompt to add a picture file (steam screenshots- able to get them in files). I have 3 screenshots showing up in the upload craft prompt, but none are the correct one, out of 100+ screenshots, only 3 show up. Any help?
  7. OH MAH GARSH This I have to try... lemme see if I have anything to use... AHA! Now to refit my orbital bombardment station for C-O Struts! And not de-orbit it!
  8. This is the coolest thing I have ever seen! The truth is revealed! We are not alone!
  9. Nevermind, turns out i can't tune a wheel if my life depended oun it. Or build a car. Or stuff.
  10. YES! Score! Now to make my Monstrosity jumbo jet go from a 150 KM range to 4000 Kilometer. I will hopefully have a submission in by Saturday.
  11. Awwww.... this looked cool! So,sad it died 5 years ago...... (troll)
  12. Well, it isn't really all that difficult, as This Monstrosity that I built for this challenge took me only like 3 hours to build (Cause its huge, not very hard, I did use tweakscale for control surfaces) and flies nice.
  13. I was thinking mabye like +1 point per passenger. Although a flying brick of Mk3 passenger compartments could take advantage of this, the rules say 'Realistic'
  14. @Mjp1050. Could you consider making a Jumbo Jet category? Something like 95 M/s takeoff, 150 + passengers? The one from a few posts up holds 456...
  15. OOH! Yes! This looks fun! Considering my upload to make a challenge like this failed, I'm gonna have to try this!
  16. Not to be a Snob, but it seems more like the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northrop_Grumman_B-21_Raider It is missing the 2 extra 'wedges' by the side of the main triangle that the K-2 has. Still a cool plane! https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjjkffLh7LWAhVM2GMKHe4IDdMQjRwIBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fbeyondthecusp.wordpress.com%2F2016%2F02%2F29%2Fnorthrop-grumman-long-range-b-21-bomber-plans-unveiled%2F&psig=AFQjCNFitvit2161MXxHwMjiq1qyzZhMiA&ust=1505938326723401 (Sorry, I'm an (in the words of Trump) a YUGE nerd about this kind of thing and I hate seeing Mis-Info about plane design )
  17. Aww man, This I have to try! I have an amazing idea for the mallard! Is it ok for us to flip cargo bays upside down?
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