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Kernel Kraken

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Everything posted by Kernel Kraken

  1. "You there, in the front! "No, we did not anticipate the possibility of an accidental Jupiter descent" "Yes, the rest of the mission was a success. It was all planned". "No, we at NASA are not trying to break up spaceX, On account of the unfair competition corporate Monopoly rules. There is no other space company doing as well as SpaceX" _____________________________________ "Excuse me... Uh.. NPR" *Exasperated sigh* what. "We ARE trying to send a probe into Pluto's gravity, no?" "That would be accurate." "So why did you sent it to Jupiter?" *PR guy shoots reporter in head*
  2. Bring it on, catbert (yes, I noticed your avatar pic). No evil Dilbert HR Rep will stop me! That was a clone from my army I made on my KSC hill! BWAHAHAHAHA! While you were busy launching a missile I sent a clone to get into your base through the port from which the nuclear missile launched from, navigating it's way to the cookie vault and teleporting the cookie to my safe! Which has no outside openings, and I have DOZENS of decoys! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!... Wrong thread.
  3. "We are not sure how the astronauts came back with aliens in the capsule, or how they found any life on the moon, but..."
  4. Frame 8 Megan: why did you use Import Soul?! Rob: it worked with my electric skateboard and the orb computer! (thing from off screen makes more growling sounds) (Cueball/Rob is furiously typing on a laptop, presumably in a python window) (Off screen screaming and stomping)
  5. Boatmeek's duck old net and MOAR Soupers.
  6. The KSP forum has shut down due to lack of fans. You should've asked Al Gore first. I wish the world was back in one piece and the billions who were slaughtered in the previous questions revived as non zombie human.
  7. Well, you drilled a hole in the fort and don't happen do mention to have patched it. I walk through the hole and grab the cookie.
  8. Sorry, we thought you ordered the red velvet cake bowl. Waiter, there's a football game in my commercial soup.
  9. #Aww crap! I was wondering why My #email spambot wasn't working... for I in range(9001): print(JEBEDIAH) #WOOOOOP! 100 rep! print(I'mma start talking in python functions now)
  10. ...That uses computer computed microcomputers to...
  11. Due to realistic physics, your fighters, being cylindrical nuke-armed, wingless rockets, try to attack my Hill, but instead go into orbit. I take the hill without resistance, and station large fast firing howitzers and bofors 40mm AA cannons around the space center hill, then proceed to buy a bunch of F/A- 18/E's to protect it. My Hill.
  12. "Aye, Aye, Captain',.... (OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! Who lives...)
  13. 3 of those bar things means HL3 CONFIRMED!
  14. Uh... Do we really need to list that? I mean... Everyone knows it... Lol.
  15. Made out of tiny SPH's... Made out of....
  16. No. I send Bill in an X- Wing, using hyper- unrealistic physics to drop a small missile into a two meter across port, destroying the death star. My Machine Gun Bill Hill. ERMAGHERSH AUTOCORRECT...
  17. Well, you ordered mouse soup... Waiter, there's soup in my soup in my soup in my soup in my soup.
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