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Everything posted by Cassel

  1. You can check the open source code, which was published by the manufacturer, but what is the certainty that the compiled application on the device was created from this code? Equipment is another problem. Each chip on the motherboard can add its instructions and change the option chosen by the voter before the data is saved on the device's storage.
  2. There are no people who have no views and are independent. Everyone works somewhere, wants his views to win voting or can be bribed or intimidated. You were worried about being able to intimidate millions of voting citizens, but you do not care about the fact that you can intimidate a handful of people watching over the correctness of voting? Who created it Central (Federal) authority? Who makes updates on these machines? Does it happen in one central place? Who will read the results of the votes? I'm asking again. How do you know that what you get on the printed paper has been saved in the database? The fact whether data is sent to the server through the network, or whether it is copied manually from each machine does not change the fact that the machine has to collect data from the voting somewhere. And you have no control over whether your voice has been saved or not. In the paper system, if you threw your vote, you can be sure that he is in the ballot box. In my country we have transparent ballot boxes, so you can see how many voices there are in the ballot box and there are also cameras that you can monitor over the Internet during the voting and counting votes by the committee. So it is enough to intimidate people who work in copying and counting votes in the headquarters to which ballot boxes are transported. The fewer people take part in the electoral process, the easier it is to cheat and the electronic systems limit the number of people. What if the employee operating the copying procces wants his candidate to win and falsify voices when copying to the server? What if the owner of company had one employee mount a chip that changes the vote on the voting device?
  3. How does the fact that you print a piece of paper verify the entry to the database in the central server? The device on which you cast your voice can print an option that you have selected, but another voice may be added to the database. Maybe, but in paper system to cheat 100 votes you need one man, you would need a lot of people to cheat for a million votes, so it's easy to detect such a fraud. In the case of an electronic system, a scam for 10 million votes requires only one man. To do something like that on a national scale, you need thousands of people.
  4. You know that by voting on paper you leave fingerprints on which you can be tracked down? How can we be sure that our voice has been saved in the database?
  5. It's proponents of vaccination that support the Thanos. After several generations of vaccinations, all you need is for one year to stop the sale of vaccines and half of the population will die. [snip]
  6. Vaccines can be harmful, they can be of low quality or not tested enough, right? An example of a flu vaccine for the current season, how long has it been tested if it is to work on the mutation of the virus discovered this season? As a biologist, do you think that natural selection is harmful to the species or is it beneficial? If survives more weak individuals who find weak partners and have weak children, is it better or worse? I can judge it from the point of view of economics. The costs of public health in a society in which even the weakest survive childhood and suffering for the rest of their lives, generate enormous costs for society and if we continue to do so economically we will not be able to bear this burden. It will not be possible to build a sufficient number of hospitals and to train doctors to heal every patient. I thought that the reaction to vaccination is milder than the normal virus. Can you write something more about this topic? I am also happy to learn something about virus mutations. In which communities are the viruses mutating faster? In those where there are many people with similar genes, or where the community is more genetically diverse? You misunderstand the herd's resistance. If everyone is vaccinated, they lose their immunity with each generation, because their immunity comes from vaccines and not the effectiveness of their immune system. Everyone makes the decision for themselves and their children. Schools can be divided into those to which only vaccinated children can go, both are allowed or only for unvaccinated children. Let everyone decide about their family, stop distributing this oppressive propaganda that only scares people that every unvaccinated child will die or is sick. The fact that you did not get vaccinated does not mean that you are ill and infectious. The opponents of vaccination are not responsible for how viruses spread, so they should not bear the cost of your fear of illness. If you are scared to get sick, then you have to figure out how to protect yourself without interfering with other people's lives.
  7. Medicine is a science that has more than 200 years old, only those who have been doing it for the last 200 years reject the discoveries that have been made before, because they believe that they already know everything and can fix everything. It is strange that the number of patients is increasing and there are no free beds in hospitals. Just because the vaccines do not cause autism (that is, they have not yet been found to cause) does not mean that they are safe and do not cause other diseases. Science should be based on arguments, not authority? Do you think that there are too many of us? Ok, who do you want to kill first? I can argue with this, if we vaccinate everyone, we have no comparison as in advanced society, vaccines are effective, and to what extent diseases have been limited by our lifestyle. In principle, with the growing standard of living, the effectiveness of vaccines may go down, but we do not see this because we only study one statistic. I agree with the fact that too many vaccines for children can be harmful. After birth, your immune system is just learning how this new world works and if you give it something like this you can change this learning process, stop it or cause it to not develop as it should. Again, if we vaccinate all children, there is no research that would say anything like that.
  8. How this works? Can I use it with stirling engine and build power generator? https://phys.org/news/2019-04-thermodynamic-magic-enables-cooling-energy.html
  9. This is an interesting phenomenon, it has been discovered that something like this occurs, and you think that you already know how to solve this problem and what it is related to. Can you show me where under the conditions 0g tested the impact of "centrifugal forces" on human? How do you know that it is not related to food that astronauts take? Or maybe with gravity, after all the fact that the Earth is rotating does not generate gravity force, the mass of the planet generates it.
  10. Terraforming sounds interesting. That would be something that would give a reason to create bases on different planets. Different biomes could have different density/usability of the substrate. A 3D printer would be useful, as in the NASA proposals, which could print a structure, eg a simple dome with a door and a docking port so that the player could dock the vehicle. Exploration of the planet would be motivated to find the right biome (a place to build structures).
  11. If this is true and the fact that telomeres are shorter after returning to Earth, then we can forget about traveling into space. https://www.sciencenews.org/article/nasa-twins-study-reveals-effects-space-scott-kelly-health
  12. jet engine and air intakes that fits into mk2 node Mk2 Clamp-O-Tron like vtol engine with air intake on top Modular Girder Segment like structural part that fits mk2 node (and structural adapter mk2 to other sizes) cargo bay with doors on bottom and top small 1 crew cabin for mk2 node (can be with air intakes on sides) mk2 node battery (1000 energy)
  13. [snip] The next issue is economy. Today, economists are announcing a crisis greater than that of 2008, so I doubt that NASA will have enough budget for such a mission in 5 years. Further issues, labor costs in NASA are so high that other agencies from other countries will easily perform several times cheaper each mission that NASA will come up with. Another problem is technology. There is not even a prototype of the lander or did I miss something? [snip]
  14. Best description :-) "Artist's impressions are often created to represent concepts and objects that cannot be seen by the naked eye" citation needed
  15. I do not expect anything, that's what it's all about to do the observation first and then try to explain it with an open mind. When you assume what you want to see in advance, then you succumb to your own beliefs and see what you want and not what is there.
  16. I did not write that it is useless, only that I am skeptical about conclusions others made in 5 minutes. Because there are so many things where one small mistake could change the meaning of the whole experiment. What data? After all, from this "photo" it does not appear that this is a black hole, the expectations of physicists were different than what they observed. Real - actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact; not imagined or supposed. The object we have observed is real, but whether this object is a black hole or something else is our guess (supposition), based on our limited knowledge. Gravitational lensing from what I understand is more likely to be the case if there was an obstacle between us and the object.
  17. photograph - ...is based on the Greek φῶς (phos), meaning "light," and γραφή (graphê), meaning "drawing, writing," together meaning "drawing with light." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photograph It all depends on how the algorithm works, what pieces it matches and how it filled the gaps in the observations. This bold statement is closer to definition of rendering than the definition of photo. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artistic_rendering "Artist's impressions are often created to represent concepts and objects that cannot be seen by the naked eye" - So, just like our "photo" of the black hole? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artist's_impression It's ridiculous that scientists do not understand English to such an extent that they confuse a picture with artistic impression ... how should we read their scientific work, if they make such basic mistakes? In other threads I wrote that "junk DNA" has a misleading name. Well now I can add another misleading item to my list.
  18. It is not real because it was generated by a computer based on algorithm. Meanwhile, what you call artistic impression is the expectations that physicists had and graphic artist drew it :-)
  19. The first picture shows the event horizon, the second one does not. The first one shows the ring of equal brightness and the other does not. It's probably the best that captures what I mean. The photons emitted by the ring should orbit the black hole and be visible on both sides equally. In this case, the image of the ring should be equally bright on both sides, and the Doppler effect should not be visible. Ring on both sides of the black hole at the same time should be visible as ring of mixed photons, those from the part of the ring that moves away from us and those from the part of the ring that move towards us?
  20. Then how do you know that it exists? This picture had something to prove, and it turns out that it still did not prove anything. You still are talking about assumptions, because many things are invisible. In this way, physicists believe that a black hole should look like And telescopes were directed at such a celestial body Can you see the difference? I see the difference. Now the question is whether the object is a black hole or something else? Or is this the way the black holes looks in reality, but the hypothesis that say how the black hole is supposed to look are wrong?
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