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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. Would think so. - - - Updated - - - Would think so. EDIT- And forgot to take off the ModuleAlternator as you can see it was set way high and it was just for testing.
  2. Here is two ways, You would have to play with the #. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/EC_Jet.zip There two jets and 1 intake.
  3. How are planning to get this 222Ec per sec at to run the engine ?
  4. Thats why, I would make a new RESOURCE to do it.
  5. Ec don't have any density and so by playing around with it if you change the density and then look at the per sec used.
  6. Forum rules we are to stay on topic how is your comment on the topic ? As this is starting to get way off topic now. EDIT- And don't get me wrong but RSS yes may scale the planets and move them where they should but my problem is it's still not scaling the kerbal now we are off topic.
  7. Not to be mean but the problem is, It's not your game it's there's to play how ever they want don't get me wrong, I would love for a full realism space game but KSP isn't there yet and don't care what mods you add it's still noway there and he or she can play in there own little kerbal world has they see fit but yes your right and OXIDIZER would be a better choice but not are game to tell someone how to play or how it should look.
  8. I think you would have to change ElectricCharge to something new make a new charge and give it a density. EDIT- You might try and make a RESOURCE DEFINITION file
  9. You might try something like this it will copy the parts and add a converter to the intakes +PART[airScoop] { @name = AirScoop_HighTech @title = HT-G50 Radial Air Intake HighTech Converter MODULE { name = ModuleGenerator isAlwaysActive = false activateGUIName = activate Converter shutdownGUIName = Deactivate Converter requiresAllInputs = true INPUT_RESOURCE { name = LiquidFuel rate = 0.05 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = IntakeAir rate = 0.7 } RESOURCE { name = IntakeAir amount = 20 maxAmount = 20 } } +PART[CircularIntake] { @name = HT_CircularIntake @title = HighTech Circular Intake MODULE { name = ModuleGenerator isAlwaysActive = false activateGUIName = activate Converter shutdownGUIName = Deactivate Converter requiresAllInputs = true INPUT_RESOURCE { name = LiquidFuel rate = 0.05 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = IntakeAir rate = 0.7 } } RESOURCE { name = IntakeAir amount = 20 maxAmount = 20 } }
  10. And when you first install TAC you have some choices as to how hard it is, I think so if you do run out for some that just want to fall asleep lets say well maybe thats choice is for them but it's there.
  11. They should die if, they run out that's the point of using a LS system IMO to make it more real if we send some one to mars there not just going to fall asleep if they run out of LS. EDIT- was replying to this http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/108160-Life-Support-Discussion-and-Comparison?p=1812543&viewfull=1#post1812543
  12. What is the point of having a life support mod if you do have a punishment it is all a choice in what mod you want to use but IMO if, I'm going to use LS, I want a punishment and fall asleep get real thats like snacks IMO snacks is for kids and TAC is for Hardcore we have all kinds of choices to use.
  13. You can edit the cfg and if you have the AmericanPack install also open the cfg you see PART { // --- general parameters --- name = XOrionPodX module = CommandPod author = BobCat // --- asset parameters --- mesh = model.mu MODEL { model = CMES/Pod/Orion_pod/model scale = 1.1872, 1.1, 1.1872 } scale = 1 rescaleFactor = 1 // --- node definitions --- // definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.157, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.885, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1 // --- editor parameters --- TechRequired = spaceExploration entryCost = 10400 cost = 10000 category = Pods subcategory = 0 title = CHAKA / Orion Command Pod manufacturer = BobCat ind. / Modified by Chaka Monkey Exploration Systems, GmbH description = Contains Monkey Snaxx // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 // --- standard part parameters --- mass = 9 dragModelType = default dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.15 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 20 maxTemp = 3400 breakingForce = 66200 breakingTorque = 66200 vesselType = Ship // --- internal setup --- CrewCapacity = [COLOR="#FF0000"]3[/COLOR] // <-------- EDIT change this to 6 if you want 6 kerbals, I keep it at 3 because of life support. MODULE { name = ModuleScienceContainer reviewActionName = Review Data storeActionName = Store Experiments collectActionName = Take Data evaOnlyStorage = True storageRange = 2 allowRepeatedSubjects = True } MODULE { name = ModuleScienceLab containerModuleIndex = 0 dataTransmissionBoost = 1.5 crewsRequired = 1 canResetConnectedModules = True canResetNearbyModules = True interactionRange = 5 RESOURCE_PROCESS { name = ElectricCharge amount = 10 } } MODULE { name = ModuleScienceExperiment experimentID = crewReport experimentActionName = Crew Report resetActionName = Discard Crew Report reviewActionName = Review Report useStaging = False useActionGroups = True hideUIwhenUnavailable = True rerunnable = True xmitDataScalar = 1.0 } MODULE { name = ModuleDataTransmitter packetInterval = 0.3 packetSize = 2 packetResourceCost = 15.0 requiredResource = ElectricCharge DeployFxModules = 0 } INTERNAL { name = [COLOR="#FF0000"]OrionPod[/COLOR] // <----------- EDIT this line has you can see it's what, I use } MODULE { name = ModuleCommand minimumCrew = 1 } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 600 maxAmount = 600 } RESOURCE { name = MonoPropellant amount = 400 maxAmount = 400 } MODULE { name = ModuleGenerator isAlwaysActive = true OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 2 } } MODULE { name = ModuleReactionWheel PitchTorque = 5 YawTorque = 5 RollTorque = 2 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.1 } } MODULE { name = ModuleJettison jettisonName = Orion_shroud bottomNodeName = bottom isFairing = True jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1 jettisonForce = 2 jettisonDirection = 0 1 0 } MODULE { name = ModuleSAS } MODULE { name = ModuleHeatShield direction = 0, -1, 0 // bottom of pod reflective = 0.05 // 5% of heat is ignored at correct angle ablative = AblativeShielding loss { // loss is based on the shockwave temperature (also based on density) key = 650 0 0 0 // start ablating at 650 degrees C key = 1000 1280 0 0 // peak ablation at 1000 degrees C key = 3000 1600 0 0 // max ablation at 3000 degrees C } dissipation { // dissipation is based on the part's current temperature key = 300 0 0 0 // begin ablating at 300 degrees C key = 500 23 0 0 // maximum dissipation at 500 degrees C } } RESOURCE { name = AblativeShielding amount = 4000 maxAmount = 4000 } } // ----- DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS POINT ------ } And back in the post somewhere someone set all the RPMS to the stock one you might look at there some screenshot of it somewhere in the thread.
  14. You like the old one better ? If so just copy part or take that line out of the ven's cfg.
  15. The blue windows only show on around 2 of the textures is there away to get it to show on all if JSI is not there. EDIT- OK so how do you post a video ?
  16. IMO I would just move the FusTek TextureSwitch patch to the parts folder that way ever new texture pack that comes along don't have to run the :FINAL command. and them windows are alittle scary looking with out JSI installed hehe just joking.
  17. When writing a MM patch for a part that has a space in the name use $ for the space like BoxSat$alpha and really what does it matter if people can't read the main thread on how to install there are some mods that :NEED and :FOR have been added for a MM patch for a mod and that makes problems and really people just need to READ HOW TO INSTALL instead of theres the download button download and then post, I got a problem ( REALLY ).
  18. Yep that works and you can also use on the main cfg :FOR[FusTek] and the two packs :AFTER[FusTek] also work. EDIT- looking at it now if MM running in alphabet order the AltTexturePacks was running before the MM_configs which they needed one more quick test. EDIT- With out editing any files you can pull the FusTek_MMPatch_TextureSwitch.cfg out and put it in the parts folder and it all works also.
  19. Why would they work outside the main folder but not inside ? EDIT- You can see the path and it work { @MODULE[FStextureSwitch2],0 { @textureNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/MLI_Blankets/mli_IACBM_1.25_texture @mapNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/MLI_Blankets/mli_IACBM_1.25_bump_NRM @textureDisplayNames ^= :$:;MLI Blankets } } @PART[IACBM25m] { @MODULE[FStextureSwitch2],0 { @textureNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/MLI_Blankets/mli_IACBM_2.5_texture @mapNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/MLI_Blankets/mli_IACBM_2.5_bump_NRM @textureDisplayNames ^= :$:;MLI Blankets } } @PART[IACBM*] { @MODULE[FStextureSwitch2],1 { @textureNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/MLI_Blankets/mli_common_texture @mapNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/MLI_Blankets/mli_common_bump_NRM @textureDisplayNames ^= :$:;MLI Blankets } } @PART[FusTek*] { @MODULE[FStextureSwitch2],0 { @textureNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/MLI_Blankets/mli_common_texture @mapNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/MLI_Blankets/mli_common_bump_NRM @textureDisplayNames ^= :$:;MLI Blankets } } @PART[FusTekResupplyModule*] { @MODULE[FStextureSwitch2],1 { @textureNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/MLI_Blankets/mli_icon_resupply_texture @mapNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/MLI_Blankets/mli_icon2_bump_NRM @textureDisplayNames ^= :$:;MLI Blankets } } @PART[FusTekKarmonyHabModule*] { @MODULE[FStextureSwitch2],1 { @textureNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/MLI_Blankets/mli_icon_hab_texture @mapNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/MLI_Blankets/mli_icon_bump_NRM @textureDisplayNames ^= :$:;MLI Blankets } } @PART[FusTekKarmonySciModule*] { @MODULE[FStextureSwitch2],1 { @textureNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/MLI_Blankets/mli_icon_sci_texture @mapNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/MLI_Blankets/mli_icon_bump_NRM @textureDisplayNames ^= :$:;MLI Blankets } } @PART[FusTekKarmonyStorModule*] { @MODULE[FStextureSwitch2],1 { @textureNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/MLI_Blankets/mli_icon_stor_texture @mapNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/MLI_Blankets/mli_icon_bump_NRM @textureDisplayNames ^= :$:;MLI Blankets } } @PART[FusTekKarmonyUtilModule*] { @MODULE[FStextureSwitch2],1 { @textureNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/MLI_Blankets/mli_icon_util_texture @mapNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/MLI_Blankets/mli_icon_bump_NRM @textureDisplayNames ^= :$:;MLI Blankets } } @PART[FusTekKarmonyWarehouseModule*] { @MODULE[FStextureSwitch2],1 { @textureNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/MLI_Blankets/mli_icon_warehouse_texture @mapNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/MLI_Blankets/mli_icon3_bump_NRM @textureDisplayNames ^= :$:;MLI Blankets } } @PART[FusTekKarmonyPayloadBayModule*] { @MODULE[FStextureSwitch2],1 { @textureNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/MLI_Blankets/mli_icon_payload_texture @mapNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/MLI_Blankets/mli_icon4_bump_NRM @textureDisplayNames ^= :$:;MLI Blankets } }@PART[IACBM125m] { @MODULE[FStextureSwitch2],0 { @textureNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/KSO/kso_IACBM_1.25_texture @mapNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/KSO/kso_IACBM_1.25_bump_NRM @textureDisplayNames ^= :$:;KSP Phase II } } @PART[IACBM25m] { @MODULE[FStextureSwitch2],0 { @textureNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/KSO/kso_IACBM_2.5_texture @mapNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/KSO/kso_IACBM_2.5_bump_NRM @textureDisplayNames ^= :$:;KSP Phase II } } @PART[IACBM*] { @MODULE[FStextureSwitch2],1 { @textureNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/KSO/kso_common_texture;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/KSO/kso_nobrown_common_texture @mapNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/KSO/kso_common_bump_NRM @textureDisplayNames ^= :$:;KSP Phase II;KSP Phase II NoBrown } } @PART[FusTek*] { @MODULE[FStextureSwitch2],0 { @textureNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/KSO/kso_common_texture;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/KSO/kso_nobrown_common_texture @mapNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/KSO/kso_common_bump_NRM @textureDisplayNames ^= :$:;KSP Phase II;KSP Phase II NoBrown } } @PART[FusTekResupplyModule*] { @MODULE[FStextureSwitch2],1 { @textureNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/KSO/kso_icon_resupply_texture @mapNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/KSO/kso_icon2_bump_NRM @textureDisplayNames ^= :$:;KSP Phase II } } @PART[FusTekKarmonyHabModule*] { @MODULE[FStextureSwitch2],1 { @textureNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/KSO/kso_icon_hab_texture @mapNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/KSO/kso_icon_bump_NRM @textureDisplayNames ^= :$:;KSP Phase II } } @PART[FusTekKarmonySciModule*] { @MODULE[FStextureSwitch2],1 { @textureNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/KSO/kso_icon_sci_texture @mapNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/KSO/kso_icon_bump_NRM @textureDisplayNames ^= :$:;KSP Phase II } } @PART[FusTekKarmonyStorModule*] { @MODULE[FStextureSwitch2],1 { @textureNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/KSO/kso_icon_stor_texture @mapNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/KSO/kso_icon_bump_NRM @textureDisplayNames ^= :$:;KSP Phase II } } @PART[FusTekKarmonyUtilModule*] { @MODULE[FStextureSwitch2],1 { @textureNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/KSO/kso_icon_util_texture @mapNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/KSO/kso_icon_bump_NRM @textureDisplayNames ^= :$:;KSP Phase II } } @PART[FusTekKarmonyWarehouseModule*] { @MODULE[FStextureSwitch2],1 { @textureNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/KSO/kso_icon_warehouse_texture @mapNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/KSO/kso_icon3_bump_NRM @textureDisplayNames ^= :$:;KSP Phase II } } @PART[FusTekKarmonyPayloadBayModule*] { @MODULE[FStextureSwitch2],1 { @textureNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/KSO/kso_icon_payload_texture @mapNames ^= :$:;FusTek_AltTexturePacks/KSO/kso_icon4_bump_NRM @textureDisplayNames ^= :$:;KSP Phase II } }@PART[IACBM125m] EDIT- But when you move it in the main folder and change the paths it breaks.
  20. The top one, I didn't have but do now. EDIT- Still Broke can't change to any. - - - Updated - - - EDIT- Think , I see the problem maybe, You are adding the TextureSwitch by a cfg so it then matter what one runs first ? EDIT- Funny but his pack back in and can change to his textures EDIT- The only thing it has really changed is the rename of the textures, I renamed them back the way they was and testing it you have a kso that was named the same as fustek textures ? EDIT- NO maybe stock don't want them in the same folder LOL. EDIT- Got it to work the way you want but you might not like how ? I have the Main FusTek folder and made a main FusTek_AltTexturePacks folder and it works just like you want don't know why the can't be in the same folder.
  21. LOL it was there that what, I'm trying to tell you lol, I just deleted out what, I think you wanted in it and loading now to check it but that is the file the was in the download just as it was.
  22. All, I did was if, I seen the kso texture name in your cfg was add the new path you didn't have one with just your textures that, I have and then you have a kso patch patching what you already had. EDIT- This is what was in the download [spoiler=HERE EDIT- And looking at it now, I see where, I could have just delete what it sounds like what you are trying to do. And there was some more but in short.
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