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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. Fasa has that part you can found it here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24867-0-90-FASA-Feb-20th-90-Release-v5-22?p=304563#post304563
  2. This mod is violating a license has it is now, cxg2827 parts ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92523-WIP-CxAerospace-Aeroshells-and-Lander-Chassis-%28Source-Files-Released%29 )
  3. The folder path should be KSP/GameData/RemoteTech more then likely you have the wrong path.
  4. They will if you edit the file or patch it, I worded that wrong at top my bad.
  5. Angel-125 have you seen this thread by BahamutoD http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76841-%28RSS-RO%29-Constellation-Essentials-v1-3-1-Trusses-Engines-Adapters-%28Apr21%29 maybe some parts you can use.
  6. Your 3nd pic pretty sure you have your heat shield to far up think you can connect on the wrong side of the node pull it down just a hair. EDIT- What Version you have ?
  7. You mean like NearFuture does ? EDIT- And there should be one in the mod. EDIT- Pick a part and write a MM and if you use NearFuture alittle edit and done deal.
  8. Sorry making the racks on the outside like you are doing on the inside. EDIT- Then a kerbal could change out a panel if needed We could have life support panels and what not. O happy Kerbal can't Wait hehe
  9. How you are doing the inside have you thought about doing it to the outside so we could grab parts and change them out guessing it's going to be along time before we can do anything in IVA ?
  10. Sorry so long and many PIC's but great mod many many thanks for it
  11. What all you want a pic of ? EDIT- And for the umbilical port you see the button ?
  12. I use it with Ven's Revamp and with Klockheed Martian Special Parts.
  13. nli2work patched the Mk2 and you can easily edit the Mk3 to have the same http://www./download/12ud82caadrehws/SPPMk2_RPMIVA.zip
  14. They look like they unfold, Are they solar panels ?
  15. Your texture skills are right up there with the best of them
  16. ARHHH forgot about that one but it's funny putting one of them together first try didn't work like, I wanted in all think the ones, I linked is easer IMO.
  17. If you was going to ask someone you might try ZodiusInfuser his stuff is here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65365-WIP-MSI-s-Infernal-Robotics-Model-Rework or sirkut his here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/37707-0-90-Magic-Smoke-Industries-Infernal-Robotics-0-19-3 has, I think nothke has dropped out for abit.
  18. For the arm be nice if you could use DROMOMAN modular arm parts for Damned Infernal Robotics http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/37680-DROMOMAN-modular-arm-parts-for-Damned-Infernal-Robotics but don't is what his license is.
  19. Reinstall hehe hell, I got 24 installed need to cut some down forgetting what one is what and running out of names for the games.
  20. Is it EVA Parachute, Does that mean we won't need the Vanguard plugin for it or yes still need it ?
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