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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. O boy full update test hehe thanks will try it out. EDIT- Next update can we get all the plugin's in a plugin folder ?
  2. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55905-0-23-5-7-3-EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-NEW!-VolumetricClouds! ? And for RSS this is a great WIP http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83215-KSP-0-24-2-WIP-RSS-Visual-Enhancements-DEV-RELEASE-0-2-2-RSS-7-3 There is also http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76972-0-23-5-KSPRC-Renaissance-Compilation-artworks-remake-V-0-1-515-UPDATED-29-4-14 and it's very nice.
  3. No with other mods but the last one run good something like .25.8 or .25.9 dam # hehe. EDIT- It was a clean CMES folder deleted the old one.
  4. Alot of this, I can't launch Only seen 1 docking port you have not throw a input null.
  5. Whoops Lot of error's in this rover try's to crash game on launch [Log]: [Warning] KRSVesselShotNo replacement for Diffuse (UnityEngine.Shader) in XstrutConnectorMediumX_4294052104 (StrutConnector)/*/anchor-Pivot (UnityEngine.MeshRenderer) and Keep getting this error too [Error]: [TransmitterModule]: Part Module 0 doesn't implement IScalarModule and did you change something about the Docking ports on the rover ? EDIT- The Docking ports on the rover and lander are the input is null error's
  6. Yep just update all working like a charm and no errors. EDIT- LOL got to love Magic hehe. EDIT- But last update, Have a problem with rover will try on this 1 when get there but it's stand on end or on it's side when you are using w,s,a,d to steer are there other buttons we should use and thats on Mun.
  7. No but yes that good but you still have a file that comes with JSI thats not in your install that goto's a pod to add RPM but the file path was wrong in the JSI folder and, I don't see how you are getting around that file with your install ? EDIT- JSI/RPMPodPatches/PatchesMod/orbital-orb-remade-internal.cfg Remember we had to rename INTERNAL { name = orbitalOrbInternalsRPM MODEL { model = CMES/Hab/HabitatPack/Spaces/orbitalOrbInternals/model } MODULE { name = InternalCameraTargetHelper } MODULE I cut alot out here to save space. EDIT- Yes because, I keep that file around. EDIT- I see what you did but by that way how are adding RPM to it ? Or you just taking them out that way, And sorry just downloaded the update but have not installed it.
  8. Thats what, I was thinking of multiple omnidirectional antennas.
  9. @YANFRET how did you fix the file in JSI that needed renamed as some of us would have it and some not and the last 2 updates you haven't touch that part and as JSI seen it and worked with the wrong path but was bugging things out like the strut as, I don't use ATM. EDIT- So really what, I'm getting at is it still bugging things even if you moved in somewhere in CMES or rename, JSI will still try to work.
  10. Here is a file for AIES https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/RemoteTech_AIES_3.zip.
  11. Thought sarbian said % did work there ? and ~ just checks if it's missing ? and I have ran them pretty much just as, I posted #6. EDIT- Sorry Capt. Hunt try'ed to make that harder then it was post #6 as been tested and works. EDIT- Thanks NathanKell your right as always
  12. He is wanting to change so % ? EDIT- If #6 post don't work which it should This works and have tested
  13. Whoops Hope you added the @ EDiT- Did not catch it when, I posted. EDIT- So @PART[FASAApollo_CM] { %cost = 3800 //default cost = 3800 } @PART[FASAApollo_CM_Decoupler] { %cost = 700 //default cost = 1000 } @PART[FASAApollo_CM_HeatShield ] { %cost = 1000 //default cost = 1000 } @PART[FASAApollo_CM_parachutes] { %cost = 2500 //default cost = 5000 } @PART[FASAApollo_CM_RCS] { %cost = 500 //default cost = 500 } @PART[FASAApollo_CM_Top] { %cost = 300 //default cost = 300 } @PART[FASAApollo_DockingDevice] { %cost = 500 //default cost = 1500 } @PART[FASAApollo_LES] { %cost = 900 //default cost = 900 } @PART[FASAApollo_SM] { %cost = 3000 //default cost = 30000 } @PART[FASAApollo_SM_Dish] { %cost = 1100 //default cost = 1100 } @PART[FASAApollo_SM_Engine] { %cost = 1200 //default cost = 12000 } @PART[FASAApollo_SM_Light] { %cost = 100 //default cost = 100 } @PART[FASAApollo_SM_RCS] { %cost = 550 //default cost = 750 } @PART[FASALEM-CSM_deployment] { %cost = 1000 //default cost = 3000 } Tested and works
  14. Did you try with paul's file maybe something in it. EDIT- LOL
  15. I got 4 button ECLSS now 2 are settings and 2 are GUI.
  16. LOL there some, I have already post sometime back. EDIT- There are more mods that add to the IVA. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96148-AeroKerbin-Industries-Modified-IVAs And http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67450-WIP-IVA-PLUGIN-ProbeControlRoom-1-0-beta8a-IVA-All-the-things!-new-3D-RPM-17 And http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54925-WIP-ALCOR-Advanced-Landing-Capsule-for-Orbital-Rendezvous-by-ASET-%28UPD-30-06-2014%29 For getting them planets mapped and showing are RPMs http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96859-0-25-SCANsat-v9-0rc2-Dev-version-UI-Updates-Oct-26 And http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94947-Exploration-Rover-System-by-A-S-E-T-%2810-10-14%29 And http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68429-0-25-Kerbin-Shuttle-Orbiter-System-v4-09 And http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84054 EDIT- IF you have a picture you want RPM's to show as default let me know what picture.
  17. This is a good addon for RPM to VesselView. EDIT- Cut pic's down to 256 x 256 and then go edit the RPM files Whoops sorry, I changed the files.
  18. But that also the resize bug, I have, I pretty sure, I fixed it now.
  19. @ Shasol dtoxic ask if, I was using Paul's Rebalance and thats a yes so looking at his CFG there is a @rescaleFactor = 0.625 and the CO2 tanks stay's it size because he's using @PART[ECLSS_tankCarbonDioxideS] where you still call it co2. EDIT- SO his CFG needs alittle work.
  20. Think, I see the error in my MM it won't run if there is more then 1 will change and see.
  21. Running this MM @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],#CrewCapacity[1]]:Final { MODULE { name = LifeSupportRegeneratorModule INPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 2.0 } INPUT_RESOURCE { name = CarbonDioxide rate = 0.03 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = Oxygen rate = 0.027 } } MODULE { name = TankPriorityModule Priority = 20 } RESOURCE { name = Oxygen amount = 2280 maxAmount = 2280 } RESOURCE { name = CarbonDioxide amount = 0 maxAmount = 1193 } } Didn't get any toggle on but on the part
  22. That way, I don't have to add the part but when, I add it to all pods there is no on or off. EDIT- Plus it's alittle big for rovers and got this ramdom size bug Sometime the tanks are the same size as the co2 and this same for the Regenerator part this time it's smaller. EDIT- It was doing that in the last release so it's not anything you done in this 1
  23. Sorry so if, I get this right we can't add LifeSupportRegeneratorModule to all pods.
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