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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. This works @PART[Buran?Manipulator] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = surface } } @PART[ISS?CanadArm2] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = surface } }
  2. Yes alot would like it more real but it's a game and this modders do this for free and looks like there has been a big drop in the modders and forums, Would have to say if, I was a modder and had to see your post all the time, I might think it's not worth it and just because it's real doesn't make it look good.
  3. Guessing you have a plugin for the ModuleHDphoto ? If not shouldn't it be EDIT- LOL dam slow refresh
  4. You could try and run a cfg to add it to the fairing base like @PART[KW1mExpandedFairingBase] { MODULE { name = ModuleRTAntenna IsRTActive = true OmniRange = 500000 EnergyCost = 0.01 TRANSMITTER { PacketInterval = 0.3 PacketSize = 2 PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } MODULE { name = ModuleSPUPassive } } @PART[KW2mExpandedFairingBase] { MODULE { name = ModuleRTAntenna IsRTActive = true OmniRange = 500000 EnergyCost = 0.01 TRANSMITTER { PacketInterval = 0.3 PacketSize = 2 PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } MODULE { name = ModuleSPUPassive } } @PART[KW3mExpandedFairingBase] { MODULE { name = ModuleRTAntenna IsRTActive = true OmniRange = 500000 EnergyCost = 0.01 TRANSMITTER { PacketInterval = 0.3 PacketSize = 2 PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } MODULE { name = ModuleSPUPassive } } @PART[KW1mFairingBase] { MODULE { name = ModuleRTAntenna IsRTActive = true OmniRange = 500000 EnergyCost = 0.01 TRANSMITTER { PacketInterval = 0.3 PacketSize = 2 PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } MODULE { name = ModuleSPUPassive } } @PART[KW2mFairingBase] { MODULE { name = ModuleRTAntenna IsRTActive = true OmniRange = 500000 EnergyCost = 0.01 TRANSMITTER { PacketInterval = 0.3 PacketSize = 2 PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } MODULE { name = ModuleSPUPassive } } @PART[KW3mFairingBase] { MODULE { name = ModuleRTAntenna IsRTActive = true OmniRange = 500000 EnergyCost = 0.01 TRANSMITTER { PacketInterval = 0.3 PacketSize = 2 PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } MODULE { name = ModuleSPUPassive } } @PART[KW5mExpandedFairingBase] { MODULE { name = ModuleRTAntenna IsRTActive = true OmniRange = 500000 EnergyCost = 0.01 TRANSMITTER { PacketInterval = 0.3 PacketSize = 2 PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } MODULE { name = ModuleSPUPassive } } @PART[KW5mFairingBase] { MODULE { name = ModuleRTAntenna IsRTActive = true OmniRange = 500000 EnergyCost = 0.01 TRANSMITTER { PacketInterval = 0.3 PacketSize = 2 PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } MODULE { name = ModuleSPUPassive } } EDIT - Whoops looks like, I missed the 5m fairings EDIT- There fixed
  5. Looking good can't wait for the update. Edit- I like the solarpanels just like they are and the kerbals have more solar panel comany's to pick from then in real life you do know this are little green men ?
  6. No way and that fixed it lol will try, was fixing to ask if you was getting this error when grabbing the bumper funny it's just the bumper. EDIT- lol I copyed the patch wrong at first and spent hours fighting it all good works like a charm. EDIT- Both patches tested and work if you want to use the rover with the Stock ModuleAnimateGeneric https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/ASET_PRC_STOCKPATCH.cfg.zip And If you want to use Firespitter TheShadow1138 has made you a nice patch https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/ASET_PRC_FS_PATCH.cfg.zip
  7. Hope someone can help and see what, I'm doing wrong wanting to change the ModuleAnimator to the Firespitter plugin and this is what, I used @PART[ASET_PRC_Bumper] { !MODULE[ModuleAnimator] {} MODULE { name = FSanimateGeneric startEventGUIName = Deploy Bumper endEventGUIName = Retract Bumper actionGUIName = Toggle Bumper animationName = Deploy_RoverBumperAnim availableInEVA = True } } all works but the solarpanels, I can see the power there getting but there not charging the batterys if, I edit the part cfg it works why won't my patch work ? EDIT- here is the part cfg PART { name = ASET_PRC_Bumper module = Part author = Alexustas scale = 1 rescaleFactor = 1 MODEL { model = ASET/PRC/KRoverBumper } node_stack_ToPlatform = 0.0, -0.02101165, -0.230, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0 //node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.1287344, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0 //node_attach = 0.0, -0.1287344, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0 TechRequired = composites entryCost = 5800 cost = 520 category = Structural subcategory = 0 title = ASET PRC Bumper manufacturer = ASET description = attachRules = 1,0,0,0,0 // --- standard part parameters --- mass = 0.025 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 7 maxTemp = 400 MODULE { name = ModuleAnimator animationName = Deploy_RoverBumperAnim //Name of the animation from the model guiEnableName = Deploy Bumper //Part tooltip name to display for deployment guiDisableName = Retract Bumper //Part tooltip name to display for retraction animationSpeed = 0.25 //Normalized speed of the animation (1 is usually good) oneShot = false //If the animation can only be played once activeEditor = true //If the part toolitp is visible in the editor activeFlight = true //If the part tooltip is visible in flight activeUnfocused = true //If the part tooltip is visible from EVA unfocusedRange = 5 //The range from which the part tooltip is visible from in EVA } MODULE { name = KASModuleGrab evaPartPos = (-0.2, 0.10, -0.25) evaPartDir = (0,1,0) attachNodeName = ToPlatform customGroundPos = true dropPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, 1.00) dropPartRot = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0) bayType = BumperNode bayNode = ToPlatform bayRot = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) storable = true storedSize = 8 } MODULE { name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel sunTracking = false raycastTransformName = suncatcher pivotName = solarPivot isBreakable = false resourceName = ElectricCharge chargeRate = 0.5 powerCurve { key = 206000000000 0 0 0 key = 13599840256 1 0 0 key = 68773560320 0.5 0 0 key = 0 10 0 0 } } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 0 maxAmount = 45 } } EDIT- Fixed This works @PART[ASET_PRC_Bumper] { %MODULE[ModuleAnimator] { %name = FSanimateGeneric %startEventGUIName = Deploy Bumper %endEventGUIName = Retract Bumper %actionGUIName = Toggle Bumper %animationName = Deploy_RoverBumperAnim %availableInEVA = True } }
  8. Trying that now and put it in two installs and no power EDIT- Whoops forgot to take out patch showed 2 buttons lol but it works that way I must be doing something wrong or MM is. EDIT- Can you try the patch I made for ModuleAnimateGeneric and see if it works for u ?
  9. Try'ed it and still the solar panels don't work maybe, I'm doing something wrong. EDIT- Can see the power the panels are getting but still not charging the battery.
  10. Will have to play around with the ModuleAnimateGeneric to see if, I can get it to work and, I see somethings you have in FS that, I didn't use and you could have made a CFG like // Patch by TheShadow1138 @PART[ASET_PRC_Bumper] { %MODULE[ModuleAnimator] { %name = FSanimateGeneric %animationName = Deploy_RoverBumperAnim %animSpeed = 0.25 %startEventGUIName = Deploy Bumper %endEventGUIName = Retract Bumper %startDeployed = False %startDeployedString = Start Deployed? %availableInEVA = True %availableInVessel = True %EVArange = 5 %layer = 1 %useActionEditorPopup = True %playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False } } @PART[ASET_PRC_Platform] { !MODULE[ModuleAnimator] {} MODULE { name = FSanimateGeneric animationName = DeployRoverPlatformAinm animSpeed = 0.25 startEventGUIName = Deploy Platform endEventGUIName = Retract Platform startDeployed = False startDeployedString = Start Deployed? availableInEVA = True availableInVessel = True EVArange = 5 layer = 1 useActionEditorPopup = True playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False } } @PART[ASET_PRC_Seat] { !MODULE[ModuleAnimator] {} MODULE { name = FSanimateGeneric animationName = KRoverCommSeatDeploy animSpeed = 0.1 startEventGUIName = Deploy Seat endEventGUIName = Retract Seat startDeployed = False startDeployedString = Start Deployed? availableInEVA = True availableInVessel = True EVArange = 5 layer = 1 useActionEditorPopup = True playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False } } @PART[ASET_PRC_Wheel] { !MODULE[ModuleAnimator] {} MODULE { name = FSanimateGeneric animationName = KRoverWheelRetractionAnim animSpeed = 0.25 startEventGUIName = Expand Wheel endEventGUIName = Retract Wheel startDeployed = False startDeployedString = Start Deployed? availableInEVA = True availableInVessel = True EVArange = 5 layer = 1 useActionEditorPopup = True playAnimationOnEditorSpawn = False } } That way they can hightlight it all and save as a cfg and put it anywhere in KSP/GameData and there using ModuleManager. * if there using KAS.
  11. Just add a 0 to the end of the range should work. EDIT- Whoops you said 6.4 but that will just give them alittlee more range then hehe EDIT- And not to sound rude but that should have been asked in 6.4x RSS OP more then likey someone is using boxsat & RT and has scaled it for that. EDIT- @komodo to funny
  12. If anyone want to use this mod with out AdvancedAnimator plugin here is a patch for it to use Stock ModuleAnimateGeneric @PART[ASET_PRC_Bumper] { %MODULE[ModuleAnimator] { %name = ModuleAnimateGeneric %animationName = Deploy_RoverBumperAnim %startEventGUIName = Deploy Bumper %endEventGUIName = Retract Bumper %actionGUIName = Toggle Bumper } @PART[ASET_PRC_Platform] { !MODULE[ModuleAnimator] {} MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = DeployRoverPlatformAinm startEventGUIName = Deploy Platform endEventGUIName = Retract Platform actionGUIName = Toggle Platform } } @PART[ASET_PRC_Seat] { !MODULE[ModuleAnimator] {} MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = KRoverCommSeatDeploy startEventGUIName = Deploy Seat endEventGUIName = Retract Seat actionGUIName = Toggle Seat } } @PART[ASET_PRC_Wheel] { !MODULE[ModuleAnimator] {} MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = KRoverWheelRetractionAnim startEventGUIName = Expand Wheel endEventGUIName = Retract Wheel actionGUIName = Toggle Wheel } } Or you can download this and put it in KSP/GameDate anywhere in there you want. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/ASET_PRC_STOCKPATCH.cfg.zip EDIT- But the solar panels don't charge the battery what did, I miss ?
  13. You just need 1 modulemanager.dll at all it will work them all just keep the new 1 which think it's ModuleManager.2.5.1 and delete all the rest running more then one can make things buggy if you have a older one.
  14. Most do did you write a patch cfg or re-write the part cfg ? But yes post it or post a download for the patch. And do you have a problem with the solar panels ?
  15. You can try and edit the part cfg and take out the MAXQ = * line.
  16. "PRC" by Alexustas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Looks like you can if you don't, I will hehe.
  17. Some of this bug's might be TWEAKSCALE seen it do funny things when scaling parts and didn't have any Infernal Robotics parts on the craft.
  18. It was updated by a user for at the time JSI .17 which stuff works with .18 here is the post. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66198-0-23-5-Kerbal-Space-Industries-26APR14-MFD-1-2?p=1258586&viewfull=1#post1258586
  19. Guessing you have RT2 installed did you pick one of the RT_boxsat cfg from the folder Optional ModuleManager ?
  20. This worked for me @PART[USI_WarpDrive]:FOR[TweakScale]:Final { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack defaultScale = 1, 1, 1 } } @PART[USI_WarpDrive_625]:FOR[TweakScale]:Final { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack defaultScale = 1, 1, 1 } }
  21. This one still works https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3r9rAJzZRqbTXBZWU5jakpxdlU/edit?usp=sharing and is your file path KSP/GameData/Hyomoto ?
  22. And if you don't want tweakscale but want more sizes and have ModuleManager.2.5.1 install here is a cfg +PART[BD_Adj_LG_Medium] { @name = BD_Adj_LG_Medium 2 (Smaller) @title = Adjustable Landing Gear @description = An adjustable landing gear with two wheels and slightly stronger brakes, motor, and default suspension settings. %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.625 @mass = 0.05 } +PART[BD_Adj_LG_Medium] { @name = BD_Adj_LG_Medium 3 (Smallest) @title = Adjustable Landing Gear @description = An adjustable landing gear with two wheels and slightly stronger brakes, motor, and default suspension settings. %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.5 @mass = 0.025 } +PART[BD_Adj_LG_Side] { @name = BD_Adj_LG_Side 2 (Smaller) @title = Adjustable Landing Gear @description = An adjustable landing gear with two wheels and slightly stronger brakes, motor, and default suspension settings. %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.625 @mass = 0.035 } +PART[BD_Adj_LG_Side] { @name = BD_Adj_LG_Side 3 (Smallest) @title = Adjustable Landing Gear @description = An adjustable landing gear with two wheels and slightly stronger brakes, motor, and default suspension settings. %scale = 1 %rescaleFactor = 0.5 @mass = 0.025 }
  23. Right under the download ( This mod INCLUDES Firespiter plugin by Snjo (only the plugin is included)! His forum thread is here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24551-Firespitter-propeller-plane-and-helicopter-parts-v6-3-5-%28Sep-1st%29-for-KSP-0-24-2 EDIT- And make sure that the mods folder path is KSP/Gamedata/NEBULA
  24. toadicus you could add some more sizes on the stock Antenna and dishes, I use a small Communotron 88-88 make for a nice small probe +PART[commDish] { @name = commDish.5 @title = Communotron 88-88.5 @description = The Communotron High-Gain Antenna, model 88-88 allows for long-range, high-speed communication now in .5 size. %rescaleFactor = 0.5 @mass = 0.0125 } +PART[longAntenna] { @name = longAntenna2 @title = Communotron 32c @description = The Communotron 32c is a versatile and lightweight antenna, suitable for moderate-range communication, long-range backup communication, eavesdropping on secret government operations. %rescaleFactor = 2 @mass = 0.01 }
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