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Everything posted by Mecripp

  1. And if you read there post they wanted to use waste water also and it's there game they can play how and set it up how he or she wants we are not bound to play your way.
  2. O yes hehe must have update ready lol ? EDIT- That one looks like he hit some kerbal in space and splat him all over the window. EDIT - here you some screen shots kiwiak
  3. Did alittle work on the file and didn't remember why, I override your tell seen, It's was the cut ranged one is what, I play with will try and brake it all down in parts. https://github.com/Mecripp/Kerbal-/blob/bb4d1527c8b4c6725e30259bd2a9cf207c8567f5/AntennaRange%20Patches EDIT- https://github.com/Mecripp/RT2-AntennaRange-Patch
  4. So when you get done with the Orbital Tug there will be away we can make the glass use something like For the glass ?
  5. Pick a part you want to be your converter and add
  6. I see it lol, I think. EDIT- Could see your for a min and then lost them ? Try this 1 https://github.com/Mecripp/Kerbal-/blob/master/AntennaRange%20Patches <--- think you can pull this 1 make change in all.
  7. Don't they say a picture is worth a thousand words anyway so we don't have to ask all this ? we might just see whats wrong faster.
  8. With the StockDragFix it flight pretty good just alittle faster then stock it will hit around 250ms on the runway where stock was around alittle over 150ms.
  9. Lets see if this worked Removed EDIT- You can see it did you setup a sign in ? EDIT- can you see this 1 Removed
  10. HEHE been there done that lol and some where, I got alittle radio and done it to and alittle screen from something that poeple put MJ on forgot what the post was. EDIT- Been Lazy and don't add all to my main file so some, I have are floating around somewhere in folders. EDIT- I see, I did use a longer range but it was in the file, I have posted but, I like your range better will get around to dropping it.
  11. Range or power there is alot of if's you have a screenshot would help ?
  12. All good man might be on my end somewhere will redownload mods and check again, I might have editted a RPM file somewhere.
  13. Well see that if the matrix error start's spamming can goto the craft with the rpm and it stops goto spacecenter back to probe get the maxtrix error again but will stop again if goto the craft with rpm, If use [ keys ] to change vessals can keep from getting the error.
  14. If I get what your asking it's a smoke black with the navball on it or clear if, I don't turn it on , Loading up again will check. EDIT- EDIT- It stopped when, I goto the craft with the RPM and went back but no error but don't have the EVE out on the probecore which is good but he's picture still there.
  15. Sounds like you might just pick a battery and edit the cfg or make you a cfg patch for it for what you want.
  16. Man how many BoxSat you think will fit in there lol they look so small in that cargo bay.
  17. My bad and you have to put something on the RPM screen then back to runway https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/Player.log.zip EDIT- To get the Matrix error if not when you go back to runway get just a null. EDIT- Hope thats the right one there isn't one in KSP/KSP_Data I'm on Linux.
  18. You are talking about the truss with the solar panels on one truss and the heat panel on the 2nd truss which had it's own docking port connection ?
  19. Thats funny, I install or changed something didn't get same error that time but you can see it shows kerbal on the probecore log was clear then so, I hit the eve and it eve him on the launch pad so checked the log still good went back to runway and then null errors https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72893034/KSP.log.zip
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